Circuits on Tabroom

Abbr Circuit Name Locale Tournaments Calendar
CARD (CARD) Collegiate Advocacy Research & Debate US 7
Albany Albany Capital Region NY 32
ACYO Allentown CYO PA 1
ADFL Allentown Diocese Forensics League 18
ACFL American Classical Forensics League US 2
ADA American Debate Association US 11
ADL American Debate League US 31
APDA American Parliamentary Debate Association US 8
AZ Arizona AZ 19
AR Arkansas AR 27
AUDL Atlanta Urban Debate League GA 3
BCFL Baltimore Catholic Forensics League MD 7
BAUDL Bay Area Urban Debate League CA 8
BCMSDL Bergen County Middle School Debate League NJ 9
BQ Big Questions US 52
BDL Boston Debate League MA 21
BPSDL Bridgeport Public School Debate League 1
BCFL British Columbia Forensic League BC/CA 66
BrDL Brooklyn Debate League 14
BQCFL Brooklyn-Queens CFL NY 10
CHSSA California High School Speech Association CA 1
CAMT California Mock Trial US 2
CVFL Capitol Valley Forensics League CA 20
CFLS Catholic Forensic League of Scranton PA 16
CDL Chicago Debate League IL 38
CCA Christian Communicators of America US 14
Citron Citron Online District NY 20
CBSR Citrus Belt Speech Region CA 15
CFD Civics First CT 2
CCSD Clark County School District NV 2
CFL Coast Forensic League CA 15
CPFL College Public Forum Debate League US 7
CFA Collegiate Forensic Association US 4
CO Colorado High School Speech & Debate CO 50
CT Debate Connecticut Debate Association CT 13
CTMSDL Connecticut Middle School Debate League CT 5
CDNC Coolidge Debate at the Luddy Schools US 8
CVUSD CVUSD Elementary School Public Debate Program CA 9
DUDA Dallas Urban Debate Alliance TX 25
DCPS DC Citywide Speech and Novice Debate League DC 1
DKC DEBATE-Kansas City MO 10
DSDA Delaware Speech & Debate Assn DE 26
DCFL Detroit Catholic Forensic League MI 14
DUDL Detroit Urban Debate League US 14
DR Dominican Republic DO 13
Erie Erie CFL PA 11
FGCCFL Florida Gulf Coast Catholic Forensics League 10
FDI Frederick Douglass Institute 1
GVFL Genesee Valley Forensic League NY 20
GFCA Georgia Forensics Coaches Association GA 44
GISA Georgia Independent School Association GA 2
GDSDA Golden Desert District NV 11
GGSA Golden Gate Speech Association CA 57
GLDL Great Lakes Debate League 5
Harbinger Academy CN 1
HarCFL Harrisburg CFL PA 7
HSL Hawaii Speech League 13
HMSC Houston Middle School Circuit TX 10
ID Idaho US 81
ICDA Illinois Congressional Debate Association IL 7
IVDL Inland Valley Debate League CA 11
ISDC Inter-School Debate China CN 9
IPDA International Public Debate Association 16
IPDA HS IPDA High School US 18
Kansas Kansas KS 206
KCMS Kansas City Middle School MO 18
KCPDL Kansas City Parliamentary Debate League MO 8
KY Kentucky KY 42
KAIAC Korea American Interscholastic Activities Conference KP 6
LHSL Laurel Highlands Speech League US 7
LIFA Long Island Forensic Association NY 30
LAMDL Los Angeles Metropolitan Debate League CA 14
LA Louisiana LA 20
MFA Maine Forensic Association ME 11
MDL Manhattan Debate League US 14
MMSSL Mass. Middle School Speech MA 27
MSDL Massachusetts Speech & Debate League MA 23
MDCSDL Metropolitan DC Speech and Debate League DC 14
MX Mexican Debate MX 6
MIFA Michigan Interscholastic Forensics Association MI 30
Middle School Middle School US 54
MSPDP Middle School Public Debate Program (CA) CA 15
MWC Midwest Circuit NE 40
MN Minnesota Speech & Debate MN 38
MNUDL Minnesota Urban Debate League MN 40
MO HS Missouri High School MO 58
MMT Missouri Mock Trial MO 1
MNUDLEA MNUDL East African League MN 4
Morocco Morocco MA 1
NashUDL Nashville Urban Debate League 2
NCDL Nation's Capital Debate League DC 7
NAUDL National Association for Urban Debate Leagues IL 1
NCFL National Catholic Forensic League US 1
NatCir National Circuit (US HS) US 1066
NEDA National Educational Debate Association US 10
NFA-LD National Forensics Association Lincoln Douglas Debate US 11
NHSDLC National High School Debate League of China CN 2
NMT National Mock Trial US 7
NPDL National Parliamentary Debate League US 39
NSDA National Speech and Debate Association US 118
NE Nebraska NE 54
NVSSDA Nevada State Speech & Debate Association NV 1
NEADL New England Academy Debate League CA 5
NJFL New Jersey Speech & Debate League NJ 29
NM New Mexico NM 16
NYCFL New York Catholic Forensic League NY 52
NYDL New York Debate League NY 6
NYPDL New York Parliamentary Debate League NY 1
NYSDCA New York State Debate Coaches Association NY 4
NYSFL New York State Forensic League NY 9
Newark Newark CFL NJ 4
NDA Newark Debate Academy NJ 9
NC North Carolina NC 36
North Dakota ND 1
NNFL Northern Nevada Forensics League NV 7
Springboard NSDA Springboard Series 25
NSDA Vanc NSDA Vancouver BC/CA 30
NYCUDL NYC Urban Debate League NY 54
OK Oklahoma OK 66
OPL Online Policy League (OPL) US 15
OCDL Orange County Debate League CA 8
OCSL Orange County Speech League CA 27
OR Oregon OR 83
PatCFL Paterson Catholic Forensic League NJ 2
PHSSL Pennsylvania High School Speech League PA 47
PHSSL D1 Pennsylvania High School Speech League District 1 PA 4
PHSSL D10&15 Pennsylvania HSSL, District 10&15 PA 20
PCFL Philadelphia Catholic Forensic League PA 27
PSDL Philadelphia Scholastic Debate League PA 19
PISD PISD Middle Schools TX 5
PITT Pittsburgh District PA 21
Reagan Ronald Reagan Great Communicator Debates US 8
SDIVSL San Diego Imperial Valley Speech League CA 24
SDMSL San Diego Middle School League CA 11
SVUDL Silicon Valley UDL CA 7
SC South Carolina SC 24
SD South Dakota SD 63
SKS South Kansas 5
SPDL Southeastern Pennsylvania Debate League PA 18
SCDL Southern California Debate League CA 16
SCJFL Southern California Junior Forensics League CA 2
SVFL Southern Valley Forensics League CA 27
SADL Success Academy Debate League (SADL) NY 14
Summer Summer Institutes US 39
CH Switzerland CH 1
TVDL Temecula Valley Debate League CA 3
TN Tennessee TN 32
TAPPS Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools TX 8
TFA Texas Forensic Association TX 123
Richmond The Richmond Forum Speech & Debate Initiative VA 11
TFL Tidewater Forensics League VA 4
TOC Asia CN 22
TOC-UK Tournament of Champions KY 90
TCFL Tri-County Forensics League CA 36
TSDL Tri-State Debate League NY 1
UIL UIL Circuit TX 95
UBDL Ulaanbaatar Debate League MN 4
COLLEGE US College Invitationals US 14
UT Utah UT 118
VT Vermont Speech and Debate 9
VDC Vietnam Debate Circuit VN 7
VHSL Virginia High School League (VHSL) VA 79
WACFL Washington Arlington Catholic Forensic League VA 18
WAS Washington State WA 52
WVSDA West Virginia Speech and Debate Association WV 12
WBFL Western Bay Forensics League CA 22
WWDL Wilson Wyatt Debate League KY 8
WDCA Wisconsin Debate Coaches' Association WI 25
WFCA Wisconsin Forensic Coaches' Association WI 18
WISDAA Wisconsin Interscholastic Speech & Dramatic Arts Association WI 8
WSDC Worlds Schools US 27
WY Wyoming US 46
YFL Yosemite Forensics League CA 18