Jack Howe Memorial Tournament

2017 — Long Beach, CA/US

Technology Policies

Technology Policies for Events at the Jack Howe:

Please note that Computers is an umbrella term to include Laptops, Tablets, E-Readers, Kindles, and other types of electronic storage/retrieval devices.


All Debate Events:

Phones may be used as timers.


Parliamentary Debate:

Teams may use computers and may use the Internet during the 20 minute preparation time. Teams may not use the electronic devices during the round. All material used during the round should have been written during the 20 minute preparation time for that given round.


Public Forum, Policy, and LD Debate:

Teams/Competitors may use computers during the round. The only network functions permitted are to access cloud storage retrieval (such as Dropbox), and to send evidence / speech documents to opponents and/or judges when requested. Students are not to communicate with anyone other than their partner, their opponent(s) and the judge(s) once the round has started.


Congressional Debate:

Entries may use computers during round. Computers must be offline.


Extemporaneous Speaking:

Computers/E-Readers/Tablets may be used during the 30 minute preparation time. Computers must be offlline. 


Expository Speaking:

Computers/projectors may be used as and in the assistance of visual aids. Computers must be offline.