Jack Howe Memorial Tournament
2017 — Long Beach, CA/US
Individual Events
Events Offered: We will offer all eleven CHSSA Individual Events: extemporaneous, impromptu, expository, original advocacy, original oratory, original prose/poetry, dramatic interp, humorous interp, oratorical interp, thematic interp, and duo interp. Each student may enter up to two (2) Individual Events. It is the student’s responsibility to get to each round on time. We suggest that students sign the chalkboard in their rounds to be certain the judge is aware they are entered in the event.
Due to the early timing of this tournament, memorization is not required; in senior division, memorization is encouraged but not required (i.e., judges can give students who are memorized preference over those who are not).
Divisions: All Individual Events will feature Novice and Senior divisions only.
Elimination Rounds: Any event with less than 7 contestants will not have a final round. Events with more than 7 competitors will feature a final round. Events with more than 24 entries will advance to semifinals. On Sunday, the two IE elimination round slots are for both finals and semi-finals. We reserve the right to hold elimination rounds for events advancing directly to finals concurrent with IE semifinals. It is your responsibility to insure that your students arrive in time to compete in their rounds.
Advancing to Elimination Rounds: No more than half of the field will be advanced to finals. Students will be rank ordered first by highest cumulative rankings, then by the highest speaker points. All attempts will be made to make a clean break (by cumulative rankings). For NIETOC Bid events, see the Elimination Advancement guidelines below.
NIETOC: We are pleased to announce that this year we are a NIETOC bid tournament. The number of bids available depends on the number of competitors in each event. Speech will break to semi-finals with thirty-five or more entries; in some events we may have three semifinal panels. Fewer than thirty-five entries will break directly to finals. The exception is Duo Interpretation, where NIETOC counts the number of competitors rather than entries. If there are 26 or more teams (51+ competitors), Duo will break to semi-finals. For additional information on bid count and what an NIETOC bid can mean for your team, please visit www.nietoc.com.