Jack Howe Memorial Tournament

2017 — Long Beach, CA/US

Entry lists are now available for all events.

A list of all offered events at the Jack Howe:


Open Policy Debate

JV Policy Debate

Novice Policy Debate


Open Lincoln-Douglas - TOC

Open Lincoln-Douglas - CA

Novice Lincoln-Douglas


Open Public Forum

Novice Public Forum




Open Congress

Novice Congress

Open Presiding Officer

Novice Presiding Officer


Open Dramatic Interpretation

Novice Dramatic Interpretation


Open Duo Interpretation

Novice Duo Interpretation


Open Expository

Novice Expository


Open Extemporaneous

Novice Extemporaneous


Open Oratorical Interpretation

Novice Oratorical Interpretation


Open Humorous Interpretation

Novice Humorous Interpretation


Open Impromptu

Novice Impromptu


Open Original Advocacy

Novice Original Advocacy


Open Original Oratory

Novice Original Oratory


Open Original Prose and Poetry

Novice Original Prose and Poetry


Open Thematic Interpretation

Novice Thematic Interpretation