Jack Howe Memorial Tournament

2017 — Long Beach, CA/US

Judging Information

Chaperone Code of Conduct Form:

ALL visiting adults, including coaches, non-judging parents, judging, or non-judging college students, family members, and observers are required by CSU Long Beach to fill out, sign, and turn in the chaperone code of conduct form. A link to the form can be found on the Right side of this page. -->

Each adult must turn in their own form, and sign in with a member of our staff. In exchange for the form, adults will receive a wristband from one of our staff members that they are requested to wear during the competition. This procedure is for the safety of the students and a mandatory procedure for University events when minors are present. Please download and distribute the form to your parents/judges. We will have copies of the form at registration, but things will proceed much faster if they are filled out ahead of time.


All Judges must have an account with Tabroom.com to participate in the tournament. We will be using only paperless ballots in debate divisions. IE and Congress ballot feedback will be on paper. Please use this powerpoint resource to help get your judges registered: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r12c3ernare5tts/Tabroom-Judges.pptx?dl=0


Judge Responsibilities Regarding Conflicts: It is each judge's affirmative responsibility to note and conflict themselves against any competitor/school/institution that they attended, coached, or otherwise has a financial or familiar relationship with. Conflicts are easy to register in your account, or can be communicated to us via email or during registration. For more detail on what constitutes a conflict, please consult this document: http://www.jimmenick.com/vault/conflicts_judges.pdf


Judging: All schools must provide one judge for every two *Policy Debate entries or fraction thereof (in other words, you must provide 2 full time judges for 3 teams, 3 full time judges for five teams, etc). All schools must provide one judge for every four *Lincoln Douglas Debaters or fraction thereof (in other words, you must provide 2 full time judges for 5 LD entries, etc. In Public forum, one judge covers four teams. Judges cannot cover both multiple debate commitments. All schools must provide one judge for every six individual event slots per conflict pattern or fraction thereof. All schools must provide one judge for every ten Student Congress slots or fraction thereof. Please keep in mind that All judges are committed to judge one round past when the last competitor from that school is eliminated. Fines will be assessed for judges who miss scheduled ballots. 


Judging Conflicts: Judges cannot cover both Debate and Student Congress commitments because these events run simultaneously. Judges also cannot cover multiple debate events because these events run simultaneously.


Judge Check-In: All judges must report to The Nugget and check in with the judge’s table. Please arrive to pick up your ballots 15 minutes before the start of your round. If judges do not check in, your team will be assessed fees for a hired judge who will fulfill your commitment.


Student Safety: The faculty, administration, and staff of the California State University, Long Beach are committed to providing a safe learning environment for all students on our campus—including high school guests. Given the unique nature of bringing high school students to a college campus, we will continue the “judge identification” process that we used last year. Each judge will be given a color wristband (with a different color for Saturday and Sunday). Likewise, all judges will be given a “judge card” they will turn in at the end of each day. These procedures are designed to ensure the safety of our high school students. 


Parent Judge Training: We will offer judge training for parent judges this year. Our staff will provide one training session each day (one on Saturday, one on Sunday) at 7:30 AM. Training will cover Debate/IE judging and will last approximately 30 minutes.


*TOC Qualifying divisions of Policy and LD will count rounds - Policy entries require 3 rounds of judging, or 1 judge per 2 entries. LD entries require 2 rounds of judging each, or 1 judge per 3 entries. 

Special Note: Due to excessive judge no-shows at previous Jack Howe tournaments, we cannot allow schools to enter judges without any names. Any judge entered without a name will not be counted toward the team’s judging commitment. For example, CSULB Judge 1, CSULB Judge 2, etc. will not be counted toward fees because judge’s names are not provided.