Glenbrooks Speech and Debate Tournament
2022 — Northbrook and Online, IL/US
Payment/Getting off Waitlist
In order to get off the waitlist and into the tournament you need to do two things:
1. Upload the school permission form as a pdf signed by a school administrator on official letterhead.
2. Pay the tournament the entry fees you owe AND include your tabroom invoice with your payment.
We strongly recommend you pay by credit card. If you pay by check, the payment won't get posted until our business office receives it and posts it for us to see. Remember, just because you are on the waitlist, that does not mean you are guaranteed entry into the tournament. When spots are full, we won't let more team off the waitlist.
If you want to pay by credit card, upload your school permission form (see above) and email Michael for instructions. Please know, there is a non-refundable $2.95 credit card fee for each increment of $100 you owe. So, if you owe $101 - the fee is $2.95 x 2, if you owe $201 - the fee is $2.95 x 3, etc. The system will automatically add the credit card fee - you should not.
Please make sure if you send a check, you send it to the correct address. You must include your tabroom invoice with your check. If you do not send your invoice, it will slow down the processing of your payment and you will remain on the waitlist longer. Please double check with your business office that they will send your entry check to the address and with your tabroom invoice.
Make Checks payable to:
Glenbrooks Speech and Debate Tournament
Attn: Accounts Receivable - Debate
District 225
3801 West Lake Ave
Glenview, IL 60026
Before you will be able to enter any of your students in the tournament, you will be prompted to provide us with a mailing address at which you would like to receive a refund should you require one as well as who to make the check out to. If you have provided us with an incorrect address or an incorrect name of who to make the check out to, we will be glad to send another refund; HOWEVER, you will be responsible for paying for the fee to stop payment on the first refund check. Should a refund address or who the check should be made out to be omitted, we will consider your application for registration to be incomplete. Refund checks will be mailed to schools after the tournament.
Please direct any questions about payment to Michael Greenstein at