Golden Desert District Tournament
2023 — NV/US
Golden Desert District Qualifier
for the 2023 National Tournament
Single Entry Letters of Intent
All coaches must submit a Single Entry Letter of Intent (SELI) prior to competition for their students.
While a SELI is technically only required for students entering more than one competition event, since it is also the mechanism by which students declare if they would like to be considered for World Schools Debate, and this option is open to all students who compete at Districts, we ask that coaches submit a completed form for all students so that we know that all possibilities have been discussed with them prior to competition.
Letters will be downloaded as "Final" as soon as the first round of Speech competition begins on Friday, March 31st. Any changes made after the first round has begun on March 31st will not be considered without a full hearing by the District Committee.
Paperwork Video Walkthrough Coaches, remember, you should have paper copies or digital copies on Slack.
Partnership Considerations:
Students who are in partnered events must go to Nationals in their partnered event, even if they qualified in a single-competitor event, unless both partners qualify in their single events and have preferred those events OR both students agree to vacate their position in a partnered debate PRIOR to the Speech weekend.
Students who are competing in both Duo and a partnered Debate event must have the same partners for each and rank their preferences of events OR both students must agree to vacate their position in a partnered debate PRIOR to the Speech weekend in order to compete with different partners in Speech.