Carolina Kickoff
2022 — Greer, SC/US
Dramatic Interpretation
Event Description:
NSDA Description: This is an individual category in which the selections are dramatic in nature. Selections shall be cuttings from published-printed novels, short stories, plays, poetry, or any other printed-published materials. Presentations must not use props or costumes. Actors will utilize stationary blocking to enhance the interpretation. From the National Ballot: The art of interpretation is regarded as recreating characters in the story presented and making them seem living and real to the audience. A selection for interpretation must be a cutting from a single literary work: one novel, or one short story, or one play, or one or more poems (from the same published volume). Monologues are acceptable. The selection should be judged for its appropriateness as contest material and its suitability to the particular contestant(s) using it. The use of good literature should be noted favorably and a selection devoid of literary merit graded lowest. Narrative, if included, should be vivid and animated so as to be an interesting and integral part of the story rather than just "filler" between portions of dialogue. Contestants are evaluated on poise, quality and use of voice, inflections, emphasis, pronunciation, enunciation, physical expression, and especially the ability to interpret characters correctly and consistently. The final test of good interpretation is the ability to use all these factors so successfully and unobtrusively that the hearer forgets that this is a contest and in a created atmosphere is carried away to the time and place of the story being unfolded.
Time Limit: 10 minutes, with a 30 second grace period. (Presentations that exceed the grace period may not receive first place in the round. Any other penalty is at the judge’s discretion.)
While Dramatic Interpretation is ordinarily a memorized event, at this early tournament both varsity and novice competitors may use manuscripts. Do not penalize or reward students based purely on memory.