Sams Test Tournament
2021 — Online, WA/US
Open Impromptu
Event Description:
Impromptu Speaking
1. A good impromptu speaker will discuss intelligently and with adequate speaking skills his/her chosen topic. Each contestant will have a different choice of topics.
2. The contestant has six (6) minutes to choose one of three topics, organize thoughts and speak on the chosen topic. No notes may be prepared or used. The speaker must identify the chosen topic as part of the introduction.
3. JUDGES MUST GIVE TIME SIGNALS: oral signals at 30-second intervals for preparation time and hand signals for the remaining minutes.
4. Time limit: preparation and speaking time shall be a total of six (6) minutes. Contestants may use the time as they wish. If the speaker goes over a 30 second grace period the contestant may not be awarded first place in the round. No minimum time limit.