Seven Lakes Cy Park TFA IQT Swing
2024 — Katy, TX/US
World Schools - In Person Paradigm List
All Paradigms: Show HideHello!
Please speak clearly, avoid debate jargon and explain everything well.
Have fun debating!
I am a parent judge who prefers traditional structures for debate.
To best win my ballot: avoid spreading, provide contextualization for more specific topics, give a clear roadmap, signpost consistently throughout the speech, and thoroughly extend your key arguments to the end. I will flow the arguments you explain, unless I don’t understand. It’d be best if you could go over the main clash points and really prove why your side won.
Hey all!
I am a parent judge and this is my first time judging world schools debate, however I do understand the basic structure of world schools. All I ask is that you break down the motions to a level where I can understand, and speak at a conversational speed.
Good luck yall!
Daniela Paul (She/Her/Hers)|University of Houston '27|
include me in the email chain :), If i dont address something that youre specifically looking for in my paradigm ask me in round! i tried to include everything i could think of! also email me post round if i didn't cover something in rfd!
Okay, so at the top, regardless of the event you participate in, I expect respect. Idon't think I should have to stress this because it should be a matter of common respect, but please avoid being ableist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, or sexist. I take a strong stance against any form of disrespect towards others' identities, both in and out of the round. Respect also means respect for yourself (be kind to yourself—debate and speech are designed to empower you as an individual and to showcase your talents and uniqueness), respect for the tournament and the people who are hosting/working on, and, most importantly, respect for your fellow competitors (don't be mean to the person you're competing against; it doesn't sit well with anyone). also quick side note about me: I am a very expressive person. PLEASE do not regard my expressions as an indicator of how I am evaluating your arguments/speech/points. Its not indicative of my thought process, its literally just my expressions.
Who is She?
Not that this matters much to the debate, but Hello! I’m Daniela! My pronouns are she/her/hers. I am a former debater for Clear Brook High School in Friendswood, Texas. I debated throughout all four years of high school and participated in various events. Some of my achievements include:
- 2023 Nationals outrounds (Worlds)
- 2023 UIL District 24 6-A CX champion and state qualifier
- 2022 UIL region qualifier (persuasive extemporaneous speaking)
- TFA state qualifier (Worlds)
I am currently studying at UH , majoring in political science, and I love for debate and speech. It's truly amazing to witness so many talented individuals dedicated to this! I respect your time and effort, and I will judge you fairly!
Signposting, Spreading, and All That Jazz: Signpost. Let me know where you are, what you're doing, and what you're extending. I aim to judge this debate as fairly and cleanly as possible, and signposting greatly facilitates that.As for spreading, I don't have a strong preference on level of speed. include me in speech drop or the email chain, whichever works best for you. email on the top of paradigm.
now the rest of the stuff:
Clear Value and Value Criterion: I expect both sides to establish a clear Value and Value Criterion and bring them down the bench.
Warrants: Dont do something stupid, if opponent stakes ev ethics, i will stop round, look through it, if the claim is proven true w30 for challenger
- I love judge instruction
- cx will be flowed, what u say in cx is true for the rest of round, Cx is just another speech to me
- i try to stay out of round as much as possible, I will keep to my flow as much as possible, basically saying im gonna avoid judge intervention(as much as one possible can in a round) and dogmatism.
pref sheet: 1 being most comfortable and 5 being least comfortable
1- K ( not a cp, so explain and illustrate the alt. line by line >overview)
1- Plans/counterplans/disads (lmk if u need me to judge kick) (but also like lowk I also kinda ev this in a worlds way so i dont mind no cards for this stuff)
1- trad (Fairly simple, dont think i need to explain, but just cz ur trad does not mean you should not engage with opponent because of different db8 style)
2- Phil (but like in a political sci major that reads it for class sense not so much a debate sense? so extend this stuff throughly )
3- Theory (lowk this i can understand, I just dont like this, strike me if this ur main strategy)
5- trick (pls dont run this, idk how to even comprehend this stuff, strike me if ur planning on reading tricks)
defense is not sticky
ev analysis>
see pref sheet above!
Worlds:My bread and butter at a tournament :)
I largely agree with what is said in Eb's , Jon-carlo's, and Andy Stubbs's paradigms, so take a look at that as well if you want to!
General Guidelines and some other stuff:Worlds is a relatively new form of debate compared to others, so organization and structure in your speeches are essential for me as a judge to follow and flow the debate clearly. I appreciate knowing where you are in your speech, which arguments you're extending, and which arguments you're refuting or disproving. Remember, Worlds is meant to be a conversational debate, so please avoid spreading. When it comes to Points of Information (POIs), they should be concise,not longer than 15 seconds, and presented respectfully without badgering.
Structure and Fair Play: I believe in maintaining a fair playing ground for both sides. Abusive definitions or interpretations won't incentivize me to vote for a side, assuming we operate under reasonable terms. It's important to identify the stakeholders, the groups affected by the motion, and explain how your stance benefits or affects them. This clarity makes it easier for me to assess and vote on burdens. burdens should be presented, and if the opposing team presents a burden, you should be able to defend your burden as the better criteria for my vote or win on both burdens. I tend to to give more on my ballot to those who address the motions intended debate and do not become conditional with stance (i.e. Embracing the motion in full opp or in full prop). Furthermore I think this debate focus on the verb in the motion itself (i.e. prefers, regrets, believes, would, etc, etc) and so your debate and arguements intentions are heavily dependent on this factor. otherwise put(or like an example if you will), if its a would motion I expect to see policy and etc etc.
Model/Countermodels or Factuals/Counterfactuals: I appreciate well-done model/countermodel or factual/counterfactual arguments when they are presented correctly. If you introduce one, be prepared to extend, explain, and defend it. I need to understand how it benefits the real world, how it mechanizes into the real world, and how it relates to the motion. Characterization is essential - explain why an actor is the way they are, what they will do, and why it's crucial. Simply establishing it is not enough for me.
Arguments: I value principled arguments that are well-explained and topical to the motion. These are great arguments to extend and can win you the debate. BUT they need good analysis, simply establishing its a principle is not assured path to ballot if it ends up becoming principle v practical, They need to exist morally INDEPENDENT of the motions practical, or in other words this moral argument is existing even if the worst practical happens on the opponent case! if its not like that, then its likely you dont have a principle argument. Practical arguments need to be supported by evidence or emperics, or they should be logically sound and explained thoroughly that leaves no room for doubt regarding the implications of the practical argument. No matter what argument you present, it should be extended and explained well, leaving no room for otherwise interpretation. On the rebuttal, it's a solid strategy to acknowledge empirical truths and focus on showing why the benefits or harms on your side outweigh or is preferable to the world where the empirical truth still exists (basically just bite the bullet, but this does NOT mean all bullets should be bitten). Dont waste time to avoid the empirics basically. then I love to see mech weighing or warrant weighing, i feel like under both sides of the motion impacts can be grouped together, so I love it when teams are able to prove why their mech is comparatively better than the opponents. that being said, give me the comparative under literally every argument you make, worlds is a comparitive debate at heart.
Weighing: When it comes to weighing, consider the following
- Clash: Did you properly address the opponent's arguments with line-by-line rebuttal and meta-analysis ? Explain, weigh, and clarify the role of the arguments. Make sure youre not avoiding the big picture arguements either, some clash is better than NONE at all.
- World-by-world comparison: Ensure both worlds are clearly established. Describe what the opponent's world looks like and how it compares to your world. Explain why your world is superior. I should feel confident in voting for your world because I understand it and am comfortable with it. remember this is a comparative debate at its very core, simply taking a defesnsive stance and proving your opponents world is bad, without showing me the comparative and proving to me that your world is better than opponents is not going to win my ballot. This means engaging on this idea with EVERY arguement or point of clash you have.
Info and OO: I appreciate creativity and prefer specific topics. Speeches should be well-memorized. I enjoy engaging speeches that cover intresting topics, and good visuals and movement during the speech.
POI, Prose, Poetry, DI, and DUO: I believe that each piece should have its unique personality, and I judge based on how well that personality is depicted. It's important to address the heart of each piece and the emotions it conveys.
Extemp: I expect organization, sources, and, most importantly, that the topic is thoroughly addressed.
I am an English teacher at Clear Springs HS; this is my second year as Assistant Coach.
I've judged PF, LD, WSD, and various speech events in over 20 tournaments; I have judged Worlds at the State and National levels. WSD and speech are where most of my experience lies.
Personal preferences:
- Please don't spread. I have to be able to understand what your argument is in order to process it.
- If you're not speaking, don't hand anything to the one who is.
- Signpost for me and give me roadmaps. I do my best to flow with accuracy, but it's helpful to know where arguments and contentions have been dropped.
- Truth over tech, but beware the perils of conceding an argument.
- Don't assume I'm following your cards.
I can judge trad debate and prefer it; any other form besides LARP I probably won't understand.
Think of me as a good flay judge.
My paradigm is simple: topicality, inherency and harm. While debating, present good, relevant information and cards that uplift your resolution. As a debater, you should aim to create "good" clash and discourse between you and your opponent, but at the end of the day proving why your affirmative/negative position is ultimately better is what gets the vote. Your delivery, responses, and material is what makes up your speaker points.