Seven Lakes Cy Park TFA IQT Swing

2024 — Katy, TX/US
LD and PF - Online Paradigm List
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Cristian Abarca James Bowie High School 4 rounds
Jennifer Adams Big Spring HS 2 rounds
Shirley Adeniji Hire 4 rounds
Rajat Agarwal Seven Lakes High School 1 rounds
Anshika Agrawal Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Sumera Ahmad William P. Clements High School 1 rounds
Nayyir Ahsan Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Jazmine A Alejos Hire 4 rounds
Ameenah Alkaisy Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Preeti Anand Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Sharad Anand Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Matt Anzardo Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Stephanie Anzardo Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Aidan Asante Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
BERNARD ASANTE Seven Lakes High School 3 rounds None
Eliza Avramova L C Anderson High School 4 rounds
Amna Azeem Seven Lakes High School 2 rounds None
Bukola Azeez Seven Lakes High School 2 rounds
Venkata Narayana Murthy Bandreddi Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Rawan Barazi Hire 4 rounds
Nitya Batchu Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Rithik Batchu Seven Lakes High School 2 rounds None
Perry Beard Cy-Fair High School 4 rounds
Mark Anthony Bishop Hire 4 rounds
Michel Boisjoli Seven Lakes High School 3 rounds None
Kristi Braley All Saints Episcopal School 2 rounds
Andrew Burgos Elkins High School 2 rounds
Bill Cafarelli Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Jon-Carlo Canezo St John's School 4 rounds
Miguel Carvajal Seven Lakes High School 3 rounds
Luis Miguel Carvajal Picott Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Elizabeth Casas Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Araceli Casasola Dulles High School
Anita Chacko Seven Lakes High School 3 rounds None
Lakshmi Chandran William P. Clements High School 1 rounds
Guang Chen Seven Lakes High School 3 rounds
Jeremy Chen Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Yuming / Chen Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Tsaoyin Chuang Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Courtney Coffman Northland Christian School 4 rounds
Eric Crivella Seven Lakes High School 2 rounds
Alfredo Cuadros Noyola Ridge Point High School 4 rounds
Atasi Das Seven Lakes High School 2 rounds
Ritisha Das Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Sarita Das Seven Lakes High School 1 rounds None
Sayan Das Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Trisha Das Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Mariana De la Garza Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Montoo Desai William P. Clements High School 1 rounds
Sanket Desai Seven Lakes High School 3 rounds None
Anderson Dolinski Campos Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Ishan Dubey Strake Jesuit College Preparatory 4 rounds
Carlos Dueno Borunda Hire 4 rounds None
Kalina Duong Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Lowell Edkins Ridge Point High School 4 rounds
Kelly Ejirika Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Sarah Ellis Hire 4 rounds None
Tharoon Eswar Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Jian Feng St Agnes Academy 3 rounds None
Juliana Franco Mora Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Ashwika Ganti Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Sara Ghani William P. Clements High School 1 rounds None
Andrew Gibson The Woodlands College Park 2 rounds
Jorge Gomez William B. Travis High School 4 rounds
Nathan Gong Hire 4 rounds
Elianna Grinberg Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Dolly Gulati Seven Lakes High School 2 rounds
Lalit Gupta William P. Clements High School 1 rounds None
Maelat Habib Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Lauren Ho The Kinkaid School 2 rounds
Lily Hoang William P. Clements High School None
Jesse Hu Sugar Land SpiderSmart 1 rounds
Xin Hu Sugar Land SpiderSmart 3 rounds
Bella Jackson Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Tanvi Jain Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Liangston Jamesou Sugar Land SpiderSmart 3 rounds
Candace Jasso Seven Lakes High School 1 rounds None
Judijoy Jeter Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Tamina Jeter Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Connie Jongkind Stephen F Austin High School 2 rounds
Jiny Joseph Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
MIKE JUNG Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Anvita Kamdar Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Sahara Karmaker Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Uttam Karmaker Seven Lakes High School 3 rounds None
Samanvita Lalitha Kasibhatla Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Divesh Kathuria Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Rohan Kathuria Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Anya Kaushik Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Dustin Kay Tomball Memorial High School 4 rounds
Farukh Kazmi Seven Lakes High School 3 rounds
Kisa Fatima Kazmi Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
David Kennedy Strake Jesuit College Preparatory 4 rounds
Altaf Khan Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Ammara Khan Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Maryam Khan Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Elaine Khuu-Pham Seven Lakes High School 2 rounds None
Paul Kim College Station High School 7 rounds
Pavan Kothur Tompkins High School None
Arpitha Kotla Centennial HS 3 rounds
Ramasamy Krishnan Seven Lakes High School 3 rounds None
Vinod Krishnan Seven Lakes High School 2 rounds None
Anita Kumar Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Manish Kumar Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Susan Kwon Seven Lakes High School 2 rounds None
Ryan Landreneau Kempner High School 2 rounds
Khoa Nguyen Le Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Jason Li Memorial High School 4 rounds
Sharon Li Sugar Land SpiderSmart 1 rounds
Dawei Liu Seven Lakes High School 3 rounds None
Julie Liu Seven Lakes High School 3 rounds
Li Liu William P. Clements High School 2 rounds
David Lu Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Rebecca Lun Seven Lakes High School 2 rounds
John Lutterman Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Samuel Mack Hire 4 rounds
Sunil Mahato Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Falak Malik William P. Clements High School 2 rounds
Rhett Malone Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Richie Malone Seven Lakes High School 3 rounds None
Shreya Marimuthu Hire 4 rounds
Sofia Mateen Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Rony Mathews William P. Clements High School 2 rounds None
Jen McDonald St Agnes Academy 3 rounds
Humera Meghani Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Rayaan Rahim Meghani Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Andres Mendoza Casas Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Diego Mendoza Casas Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Sebastian Alexander Migliavacca Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Vania Mirza Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Amogh Misra El Paso Coronado High School 4 rounds
Prateek Mohan Seven Lakes High School 1 rounds None
Jasmine Momin William B. Travis High School 3 rounds
Landon Moore Jordan High School 4 rounds
Srikanth Moparthy Elkins High School 4 rounds
Bala Mothukuri Tompkins High School 4 rounds None
Nilanjan Mukerji Ravenwood High School 4 rounds
Pooja Mutta Stephen F Austin High School 2 rounds None
Advait Nair Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Ramesh Nair Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Mark Nicholson The Awty International School 4 rounds
NILESH NIKUMBH Seven Lakes High School 1 rounds
Kate Njeru Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Kangsa Oentoro Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Ali Oonwala Tompkins High School None
Sukurat Oyedokun Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Karpagam Palaniswamy Seven Lakes High School 2 rounds None
Jaden Panicker Hire 4 rounds
Nabil Panjwani Hire 4 rounds
Anand Pathak Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Ishita Patra Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Susana Perez Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Elaine Pham Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Phoenix Pittman Hire 4 rounds
Shipra Prakash Seven Lakes High School 3 rounds None
Macy Qin Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Ishaan Quazi Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Cesar Quintanilla Seven Lakes High School 3 rounds None
Quazi Rahman Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Femila Raja Centennial HS 3 rounds
Eswaran Rajagopal Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Pranalisree Rajarajan Bellaire None
Raghavi Rajesh Seven Lakes High School 2 rounds None
Bharanidharan Ramaswamy Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Jay Ramineni Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Ethan Ramos Hire 4 rounds
Ashika Ratnala Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Rajesh Ratnala Seven Lakes High School 2 rounds None
Eduardo Reyes Hire 4 rounds
Vanessa Riley Klein Oak High School 2 rounds
Jose Rivera Friendswood High School 4 rounds
Tehmina Rizvi Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Ceirro Robinson Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Sridhar Sana William P. Clements High School 1 rounds None
Edgar Leonardo Sanchez Seven Lakes High School 3 rounds None
Bhavani Sathya Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Naresh Sathya Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Anastasia Shih Bellaire 4 rounds
Jesus Silva Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Charu Singh Tompkins High School 3 rounds None
Utkarsh Singh Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Aarya Sivaraman Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Sonya Smith Hire 4 rounds
Toluwani Sotunde Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Shashikant Srivastava Seven Lakes High School 1 rounds None
Gaurav Srivastva Seven Lakes High School 3 rounds
Priya Srivatsan William P. Clements High School 1 rounds
Johnathen Standifer Vista Ridge High School 4 rounds
Jeffrey Stirl William P. Clements High School 4 rounds
Heather Strawn College Station High School
Anika Sud Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Ameerah Suleman Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Yuhua Sun Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Vishal Surya Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Aarushi Thatola Seven Lakes High School 1 rounds
Harendra Thatola Seven Lakes High School 2 rounds
Cindy Tiet Seven Lakes High School 2 rounds None
Neville Tom Strake Jesuit College Preparatory 4 rounds
Alejandro Torres-Torre Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Kien Bach Tran Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Samantha Tran Bellaire None
Jeremy Tu Memorial High School 3 rounds None
Manish Uppal Seven Lakes High School 3 rounds
Mehak Uppal Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Akshitha Varre Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Davis Veith Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Manish Vyas Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Michelle Walker Fort Bend Christian Academy 4 rounds
Guohui Wang Sugar Land SpiderSmart 4 rounds
Jenny Wang Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Wei Wang Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Joy Xia Bellaire 4 rounds
Chunyu Xu Seven Lakes High School 1 rounds None
Mohammed Nadeem Yaqub Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Darrell Yarbrough St. Thomas HS 4 rounds
Meghan Avis Yen Episcopal HS - Houston/Bellaire 4 rounds
Linan Zhang William P. Clements High School 3 rounds
Yue Zhang Elkins High School 4 rounds
Ping Zhao Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Daniel Zhou Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Gerard Jiarui Zhou Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None