Seven Lakes Cy Park TFA IQT Swing

2024 — Katy, TX/US
LD and PF - In Person Paradigm List
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Joshua Adegoke Dulles High School 4 rounds
Asad Ahmed Kempner High School 4 rounds
Perry Beard Cy-Fair High School 4 rounds
Mark Anthony Bishop Hire 4 rounds
Jon-Carlo Canezo St John's School 4 rounds
Araceli Casasola Dulles High School 4 rounds
Wilson Chang Cinco Ranch High School 4 rounds
Jason Chen Bellaire 4 rounds None
Courtney Coffman Northland Christian School 4 rounds
Alfredo Cuadros Noyola Ridge Point High School 4 rounds
Malaya Das Seven Lakes High School 2 rounds None
Ishan Dubey Strake Jesuit College Preparatory 4 rounds
Lowell Edkins Ridge Point High School 4 rounds
Idara Etuks Jordan High School 4 rounds
Maria Fai Cy-Fair High School 4 rounds
maria Faraz Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Ana Frausto Seven Lakes High School 6 rounds None
Ivy Gu Bellaire 4 rounds
Sara Hall Kempner High School 4 rounds
Aubrey iraheta Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Ali Jafri Al-Hadi 4 rounds
RADHIKA KADIYALA Carnegie Vanguard High School 2 rounds None
Chandra Kanagala Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Pranav Kasibhatla Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Murtaza Ali Kazmi Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
David Kennedy Strake Jesuit College Preparatory 4 rounds
Mina Kumar L C Anderson High School 4 rounds
Ryan Landreneau Kempner High School 4 rounds
Yi Zhong Lin Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Scheffie Lindquist Kempner High School 4 rounds
Andrew Liu Bellaire 4 rounds
Sunil Mahato Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
tom McDonald St Agnes Academy 4 rounds
Greg McGee Katy Taylor High School 4 rounds
Jacob McKinley Langham Creek 4 rounds
Madeline Morrissette Bellaire 4 rounds
Demi Naylor School Of The Woods High School 4 rounds
Mark Nicholson The Awty International School 4 rounds
Parth Nikumbh Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Nabil Panjwani Hire 4 rounds
Gyan Patra Seven Lakes High School 1 rounds None
Sandra Peek West Hardin
Phoenix Pittman Hire 4 rounds
Ryan Powers Bridgeland High School 4 rounds
Quazi Rahman Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Eduardo Reyes Hire 4 rounds
Jose Rivera Friendswood High School 4 rounds
Batool Rizvi Al-Hadi 4 rounds None
Utkarsh Singh Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Gaurav Srivastva Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Priya Srivatsan William P. Clements High School 2 rounds
Yuhua Sun Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Krishna Thandra Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds None
Kirandeep Thind Seven Lakes High School 1 rounds None
Candace Thorpe William B. Travis High School 3 rounds
Neville Tom Strake Jesuit College Preparatory 4 rounds
Kien Bach Tran Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Samantha Tran Bellaire 4 rounds None
Manish Uppal Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Manish Vyas Seven Lakes High School 6 rounds None
Debbie Waddell Concordia Lutheran High School 4 rounds
Scott Walker Fort Bend Christian Academy 4 rounds
Emily Wallace Concordia Lutheran High School 4 rounds None
Audrey Wang Bellaire 4 rounds
Wei Wang Seven Lakes High School 4 rounds
Cathryn Watkins Clear Brook High School 2 rounds
Jackie White Klein Oak High School 2 rounds None
Kasey Willeby Cypress Woods High School 4 rounds
Darrell Yarbrough St. Thomas HS 4 rounds
Meghan Avis Yen Episcopal HS - Houston/Bellaire 4 rounds
Fatima Zaidi Al-Hadi 4 rounds None
Linan Zhang William P. Clements High School 2 rounds