Palm Classic
NSDA Campus,
Parli - MS, Nov, JV Paradigm List
All Paradigms:
Helen Alvarez
West Ranch High School
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Sat February 12, 2022 at 1:31 AM PST
I am a parent judge. This is my first year judging. Thank you
Daryl Baldwin
Yonsang Cho
Cupertino High School
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Thu February 8, 2024 at 3:47 PM PST
Be respectful of your opponents
Organize your thought before speaking and clearly articulate your arguments in normal speed of speech
Keep your position without deploying your opponents' plan with slight modification
Teams who manage to defend more key contentions will get more points
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Wed March 20, 2024 at 6:34 AM EST
I did debate for 4 years.
I believe in weighing.
Email me your cards:
Kimberly Chun
Gunn Sr High School
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Wed February 2, 2022 at 1:56 PM PST
Parent Judge. First time judging debate. Please don't spread, run theory, or run kritiks with me.
Sean Chung
Gunn Sr High School
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Mon February 7, 2022 at 7:41 AM PST
Parent Judge!
David Cook
Cleveland HS
Wei Du
Cupertino High School
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Sat February 12, 2022 at 1:18 PM PST
I am a second-time judge, and I prefer clear, and evidence supported debates.
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Mon January 22, 2024 at 3:29 PM PST
I have been judging speech and debate tournaments since 2014. I do not like spreading or technical jargon, but I understand the basics of argumentation. I take notes but I don't flow in a traditional sense. Passion for the topic and respect for the opponents are something I look for. The way the competitors carry themselves in the debate is important to me.
I am most experienced in judging Public Forum debate and am familiar with a claim-warrant-impact structure. I usually make my decisions based on which team better meets the framework of the debate. Off-time road maps are always appreciated, as well as the use of lay-friendly rhetoric.
Lance Howland
Xuexun Hu
Francis Parker School
Last changed on
Fri January 5, 2024 at 2:36 AM PST
Hello Speakers,
I look for the following elements in your speech.
1. Always have a claim, warrant, and impact; make sure to specify them
2. Support your argument with data and empirics
3. Speak clear and confident; do not be too fast and keep a positive debate environment!
My average speaks are around 27. If you speak really well then I will go up from there. If you need to be clear and have more developed arguments, then I will go down from there.
Good luck and have fun!
Progressive arguments--read at your own risk
Natallia Ivashkevich
Cupertino High School
Jaedon Kim
Cupertino High School
Last changed on
Fri January 28, 2022 at 11:30 AM PST
I am non-professional parent judge.
Here is the criteria I look for during the debate.
- Does debater deliver argument in proper speed within a given time limit
- Is argument concrete
- Is counter argument (if ther is) logically clear
Jinpyo Kim
Monta Vista High School
Last changed on
Fri February 11, 2022 at 12:47 PM PST
I have little judging experience. I will judge based on how logically concise your debate is and how the person decides to refute their opponent's contentions. The final decision will be based upon my own personal opinion of who has constructed the most logically sound argument and has well accounted for the opponent's contentions in their speech.
Steve Kohlmann
Folsom High School
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Mon February 7, 2022 at 11:23 AM PST
Hello everyone,
My name is Stephan (Steve) Kohlmann and I live in Folsom, California. This will be one of my first times judging, so please take it slow. I highly value respect towards competitors and judges, as well as punctuality. Most importantly, have fun!
Gauri Kondap
Francis Parker School
Last changed on
Sun January 21, 2024 at 5:34 AM EST
I am a judge/parent.
Good luck students! In your debates please make your points clear and articulate. I will appreciate how the speaker walks through the points/arguments and ties it up all in the end.
Please be respectful and courteous of your fellow opponents and the judges time. Clarity in the speech, a pace which everyone can comprehend is greatly appreciated.
Do your best! stay positive and have fun! Best wishes.
Robin Luo
Irvington High School
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Sun February 6, 2022 at 10:17 AM PST
Hi, I'm a first time parent judge. I prefer slower speaking, structured and logical arguments. Good luck!
Amit Mishra
Irvington High School
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Sat February 5, 2022 at 12:09 PM PST
Hi, I'm Amit and I'm a lay judge. I like to see debaters be respectful and have a clear collapse. Enjoy debate!
Jolly Mishra
Irvington High School
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Mon January 31, 2022 at 2:00 PM PST
I'm a lay judge. I have been enjoying my short experience judging debate. In general, I like to see debaters speak respectfully. I love to see the research both the teams do during prep and bring to the competition. It makes the judging session a great learning experience for me too . I look forward to many enriching experiences during the forthcoming debate sessions.
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Tue October 6, 2020 at 8:52 AM CST
My name is Walker Montgomery.
I debated for four years and went too nationals twice in Public Forum. I broke too round 12 in my senior year and round 10 my junior year. I went to camp each summer.
So I understand and can follow fast speaking and flowing. I understand how PF works so don't try to pull anything crazy.
Other than that I don't follow any specific paradigm. Each round is different and I will judge based on who has the better case and arguments.
Good Luck!
Rina Panigrahy
Cupertino High School
Raj Premkumar
Cupertino High School
Last changed on
Fri January 19, 2024 at 7:22 AM PST
TL;DR: Do whatever you would do with any other lay judge
No theory; no kritiks; please speak slowly; have clear warrants and relevant examples
Please signpost
Tagteaming allowed, but please repeat clearly what your partner says
Vidya Rao
Francis Parker School
Last changed on
Sun January 23, 2022 at 1:56 AM PST
As a lay judge, with minimal experience judging or participating in any debate/speech competition, I prefer that participants speak slowly, be courteous and polite to each other and present their arguments in a clear, logical fashion.
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Wed February 7, 2024 at 1:46 PM PST
This is my third time judging, and I have not debated myself. Please avoid jargon as much as possible.
I am very interested in the substance of public policy, and not as interested in debate tricks. In my judging, I tend to emphasize how compelling the two sides' arguments are. I find it challenging to keep track of all of the series of specific points and rebuttals, and benefit from a reminder if you feel that you've made an important point that the other side has not countered.
Sabari Sanjeevi
Cupertino High School
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Sun February 13, 2022 at 4:45 AM PST
I am a parent judge with limited experience judging. Please signpost and focus on definitions.
I am fine with spreading as long as you enunciate well.
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Fri February 11, 2022 at 8:05 AM PST
I'm new to judging debates, but will look for speakers following structure and timing of the aff. or neg. contentions/arguments, the strength and completeness of their rebuttals and voting issues. I also appreciate clear and deliberate speech.
ChockalingamC Thambram
Cupertino High School
Ravindra Vaishampayan
Irvington High School
Last changed on
Sat November 6, 2021 at 12:12 PM PST
I am a lay judge. I prefer arguments that have solid logic to back up evidence. I would like you to speak clearly, and clearly outline the reasons why you win the debate.
Christine Wotipka
Gunn Sr High School
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Thu January 21, 2021 at 11:33 AM PST
I have only judged since 2020. I look for good organization and evidence. I can judge debates of any speed.
Deepa Yuvaraj
Cupertino High School