TFA State 2024

2024 — Houston, TX/US

Protest Process and Information

Please email protests to


  1. All protests shall be submitted in writing to an Ombudsman, to be appointed by the tournament director. The Ombudsman shall have the full power to adjudicate any protest, dispute, or interpretation of the rules. All protests must be submitted in writing and include the following information a. Name and contact information of the coach filing the protest. b. Code and/or name of person/team being protested. c. Round being protested, including section number, room number, and speaker number of person/team being protested. d. Specific infractions being protested are described with supporting details. e. Signature of the protesting coach.
  2. The Ombudsman will then review and render a decision on the protest. All involved parties will be notified of the decision.
  3. Appeals of the Ombudsman’s Decision: The Ombudsman’s ruling may be appealed to the Executive Council members who shall review the protest and the appeal, retire to closed session, and render a decision that shall be final.