TFA State 2024
2024 — Houston, TX/US
Debate Information
Round 1/2 (debate opposite sides): This House regrets the narrative that secondary college preparatory programs are essential for success.
Round 4: This House believes that the harms of industrial agriculture outweigh the benefits.
Quarters: This House opposes the use of non-disclosure agreements in legal settlements.
Finals: Info Slide: A Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF) is a state-owned investment fund or entity that is commonly established from 6 types of surpluses, payments, and exports. This House prefers the use of African SWFs to fund African development projects over investments from outside the continent.
Prelims - 19, 6, 8, 17, 10, 14, 1, 3, 11, 13
Semis - 4,5,12,15,2
Finals - 18, 20, 16, 7, 9
For clarification, at TFA State in Congressional Debate:
- The Congress Docket for each round of debate is locked. No other items may be debated. Legislation must be debated in the order listed.
- No item may be tabled until it has been debated, per definition in #3.
- Debate on an item means that at least one of the following has occurred: one cycle(authorship/sponsorship and a con speech) or three speeches on the same side. At this point, an item may be tabled, or previous question may be moved.
- Competitors will not receive any other legislation beyond what is posted.
LD will use the 2024 March/April NSDA topic - Resolved: The primary objective of the United States criminal justice system ought to be rehabilitation.
Policy Debate will use the national topic - Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase fiscal redistribution in the United States by adopting a federal jobs guarantee, expanding Social Security, and/or providing a basic income.
PF will use the March 2024 topic - Resolved: In the United States, collegiate student-athletes should be classified as employees of their educational institution.