Cal Invitational UC Berkeley
2024 — Berkeley, CA/US
Campus Food Information
Due to UC Berkeley campus policy, food and drink (besides water) are prohibited in all campus buildings.
UC Berkeley is also a "Zero Waste Campus" and takes the commitment to sustainable waste management very seriously. Failure of our tournament attendees to abide by these policies would seriously jeopordize our ability to host this event in the future, so please help us by paying attention to the following guidelines and sharing this information with everyone on your team:
- No food in the competition buildings. Please eat outside, off campus, or in a designated food area.
- There will be a designated food area in the courtyard outside Dwinelle Hall. If you plan to deliver food for your students to eat on campus, please do so in that area, and follow the directions for waste disposal.
- Berkeley has an amazing number and variety of food options within very short walk of campus - we strongly recommend eating off campus at any of the local restaurants, and disposing of your trash there, rather than on campus.
- Please have everyone on your team bring their own reusable water bottles - there are ample filling stations throughout campus, and it goes a long way to reducing trash to avoid single-use water bottles.
- Please avoid disposing of any single-use plastic on campus. That includes things like candy wrappers, chip bags, soda bottles, straws, etc.