JW Patterson HS Invitational
2022 — Oklahoma City, OK/US
All Debate rounds will take place on the Heritage Hall campus, the Upper School is the central tournament hub. We will also use the Harris Hall building and the Middle School will be used for LD rounds. Debaters should return to the commons in the Upper School in between rounds and for snacks and meals.
All Events
Friday (Springhill Suites Quail Springs) - October 14th
6:00-10:00 pm Registration Online
Policy Rounds
Saturday - October 15th
8:00 am Parings for round 1 released
8:30 am Round 1 Varsity, JV RR, Novice Policy
10:30 am Round 2 Varsity, JV RR, Novice Policy
12:30 pm Lunch - On Campus
2:00 pm Round 3 Varsity, JV RR, Novice Policy
4:30 pm Round 4 Varsity, Novice, JV RR Semis
Sunday (Heritage Hall School) - October 16th
7:45 am pairings for round 5 released
8:15 am Round 5 Varsity, Novice, JV RR Finals
10:45 am Round 6 Varsity Policy, Novice Quarters
12:30 pm Lunch - On Campus
2:15 pm Awards Assembly US Commons
3:00 pm Varsity Policy Octas, Novice Semis
5:30 pm Varsity Policy Quarters, Novice Finals
Monday Heritage Hall School - October 17th
(DO NOT arrive at Heritage Hall before 8:00 AM)
7:30 am Judge panels for semis released
8:30 am Varsity Policy Semis. (US 134, US 132)
11:00 am Varsity Policy Finals (US 134)
Lincoln-Douglas Debate (double flighted)
Saturday - October 15th
8:00 am parings released for Round 1
8:30 am Round 1 VLD
10:30 am Round 2 VLD
12:30 pm Lunch - On Campus US Commons
2:00 pm Round 3 VLD
4:30 pm Round 4 VLD
Sunday - October 16th
8:15 am Round 5 VLD,
10:45 am Round 6 VLD
12:30 pm Lunch - On Campus
2:15 pm Awards Assembly - Commons Heritage Hall Upper School
3:30 pm all LD elimination debates continue and will be expedited as fast as possible–single flights when possible.