Harvard Westlake Debates

2022 — Los Angeles, CA, US

Novice Lincoln-Douglas

Novices must be in their FIRST SEASON of Lincoln-Douglas debate. 


We will use the Jan/Feb resolution.

Resolved: The appropriation of outer space by private entities is unjust.

Expected Schedule (PST):

3:00pm: R1 Pairings
3:15pm: Round 1
4:15pm: R2 Pairings
4:30pm: Round 2
5:45pm: R3 Pairings
6:00pm: Round 3

8:15am: R4 Pairings
9:00am: Round 4
10:15am: R5 Pairings
10:30am: Round 5
12:30pm: Semis Pairings
12:45pm: Semis
2:00pm: Finals Pairing
2:15pm: Finals


Prep time:

LD will have 5 minutes of prep time. 


Requirements for novice judges:

All judges in novice LD must disclose their decisions and provide verbal feedback to the debaters. You are always welcome to write additional comments on your Tabroom ballot, but we want to stress the importance of giving students direct feedback. These are kids navigating their first year of debate in a difficult environment; we should at least attempt to humanize the online debate experience by talking to students after each debate. 

An important note about disclosure and file-sharing:

Novice debaters are not obligated to follow the Opensource policy, but they do need to share their evidence with their opponents. They can set up an email chain or use the fileshare option on NSDA campus. Please make sure your novices are equipped to do this prior to the tournament.