Jackson Hole Teton Invitational 2023

2023 — Jackson Hole, WY/US

The Jackson Hole High School Speech & Debate Team invites you to our annual two day in-person Speech Tournament to be held on Friday January 20 and Saturday January 21, 2023. Schools wishing to attend our meet will be entered on a first come, first serve basis. There will be an initial registration limit of 4 entries per event. We will let in as many waitlisted entries as we can.

We will be using “Tabroom” to register and tab the tournament. Please follow this link for registration.

Initial entries are due Jan 5, 2023. Additional entries must be added by Friday Jan 13, 2023. Drops will be accepted without penalty until 11:00 am on Friday January 20, 2023 Entry fees are $10 for single events, $15 for team events.

We will offer all Wyoming State events plus several supplemental events. Some events will be asynchronous. We will have 4 patterns:

LP Pattern : LD Debate & PF Debate (* We might move CX to this pattern if there are more than 5 entries/entries from more than 3 schools).

D Pattern: Drama, Duet, POI, CX Debate*, World Schools Debate, Big Questions Debate

H Pattern: Humor, Oratory, Poetry, Informative, Extemp, Extemp Debate

Async Pattern: Prose, Commentary, Original Spoken Word Poetry, Storytelling

Doubling in pattern will be permitted with the following limitations:

CX competitors will not have time to double within pattern.

Extempers cannot double within pattern with Extemp Debate; there simply is not enough time to complete both preps for those events.

Big Questions debaters cannot double in pattern with World Schools Debate.

Theoretically, a student could potentially do LD Debate or PF Debate and Big Questions but please alert Tab if you have a student interested in this so they can be put into opposite flights of debate. (Also please alert your students they will likely be a few minutes late for their next pattern as well if they wish to do this).

World Schools Debate competitors can, theoretically, double in pattern with an interp event but they would be cutting it close in a 90 min time frame.

Doubling is always undertaken at the competitor’s own risk.

There is no doubling limitation for any async event- one student may enter all four if they wish.

Async entries (recordings) are due Thursday January 19 by 4:00 pm. The judging for those will begin Thursday night.

World Schools Debate - register for this event in teams of three. Teams may be made up of students from different schools. Learn about World Schools Debate Here and Here

Big Questions Debate- register for this event as individuals. Learn about Big Questions Debate Here.

Extemp Debate- register for this event as individuals. Learn about Extemp Debate Here.

Learn about Prose, Storytelling, Original Spoken Word Poetry, & Commentary Here

State rules will be applicable unless otherwise stated in this invite.

We will use NSDA Debate topics

The January/February 2023 LD Topic: released Dec 1, 2022

The January NSDA PF Topic 2023 : released Dec 1, 2022

The 2022-2023 NSDA CX Topic: Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its security cooperation with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in one or more of the following areas: artificial intelligence, biotechnology, cybersecurity.

The 2022-2023 NSDA Big Questions Topic: Resolved: Humans are primarily driven by self-interest.

The World Schools Topics:

Will be updated by NSDA soon. We will use the ones released for January. NSDA Debate topics

Congress legislation will be selected from the Wyoming database and will be released on Jan 9, 2023 Please ensure your congress competitors are registered by that date and that their legislation is loaded into the Wyoming database by then as well.

Please register your accompanying judges and coaches as judges.

We will award medals for 1st through 6th place in IE Events, Congress, and Duet.

We will award medals for 1st through 3rd place in debate events.

We will award sweepstakes trophies based on the mix of school entries at the tournament.

All events will count toward sweepstakes. In the case that we have entries in World Schools Debate from multiple schools, we will split the sweepstakes points among the teams (and the entry fees).

We will have an Equity Office available at our tournament.

Please contact us if you have any questions:

Londe Gagnon- tournament director - lgagnon@tcsd.org

Peggy Gagnon- tournament director - 52mgagnon@gmail.com

SCHEDULE Jan 20-21
2023 Teton Invitational Speech Tournament
Friday February 4
2:45 PM Round 1 - LP Pattern
4:15 PM Round 1- D Pattern, Round 2 LP Pattern
5:45 PM Round 1 - H Pattern
7:00 PM Round 2 D Pattern, Round 3 LP Pattern
8:30 PM Round 2 - H Pattern
Saturday February 5
8:00 AM Round 3 H Pattern
9:30 AM Round 3 D Pattern, Round 4 LP Pattern
11:00 AM Semis H Pattern
12:30 PM Semis D Pattern, LP Pattern
2:00 PM Finals H Pattern
3:30 PM Finals D Pattern, LP Pattern
5:00 PM Awards
H Pattern Humor
Extemp Debate
3 prelim rounds
D Pattern POI
World Schools Debate
Big Questions Debate
CX Debate *
3 prelim rounds
LP Pattern LD Debate
PF Debate
maybe CX*
4 Prelim Rounds
Async Pattern Prose
Original Spoken Word Poetry
3 prelim rounds