North Mecklenburg Viking Classic
2023 — Huntersville, NC/US
Program Oral Interpretation
Event Description:
Using selections from prose, poetry and drama, students create a performance around a central theme. POI is designed to test a student's ability to intersplice multiple types of literature into a single, cohesive performance. At least two pieces of literature that represent at least two separate genres must be used. Sources must meet all NSDA Interp rules. Students are encouraged to devote equal amounts to time to each of the genres used in the program. A manuscript is required and may be used as a prop within the performance if the performer maintains control of it at all times. Performances must include an introduction written by the student stating the title and author of each selection.
Selections may not have been sued by the competitor in a prior school year. Selections may not be used by the student in another event. Costumes are not allowed.
The maximum time limit is 10 minutes. Students exceeding the time limit by more than 30 seconds cannot receive a first-place rank.