North Mecklenburg Viking Classic
2023 — Huntersville, NC/US
Informative Speaking
Event Description:
Students deliver a self-written speech on a topic of their choosing. Competitors create the speech to explain, define, describe, or illustrate a particular subject. The general purpose of the speech is for the audience to gain an understanding and/or knowledge of a topic. Effective speeches provide new information or perspectives on a topic, including those that are widely known. A fabricated topic may not be used. Audio/visual aids may be used to supplement and reinforce the message. During the presentation, no electronic equipment is permitted. The use of live animals or any additional people as visual aids is not allowed during the speech. Items of dress put on and removed during the course of the presentation are considered costumes and may not be part of the presentation. Visual aids may not violate law (weapons, drugs, etc.).
Speech may not have been used by the competitor in a prior school year. Speech may not be used by student in another event.
The maximum time limit is 10 minutes. Students exceeding the time limit by more than 30 seconds cannot receive a first-place rank.