Texas Middle School State Tournament

2023 — Houston, TX/US

World Schools Debate

Abbreviation WSD
Format World Schools Debate
Entry Fee $60.00
Overall Entry Limit 24
Entry Limit Per School 8
Entry Teams of between 3 and 5 competitors

Event Description:


Rounds 1 and 2—Prepared Motion—This House would remove veto power from permanent members on the UN Security Council. (Teams debate both sides of the motion.)

Round 3—Impromptu Motion

Round 4—Impromptu Motion

Octofinals—Impromptu Motion (if necessary)

Quarterfinals—Prepared Motion (if necessary)—This House would ban lethal autonomous weapons.

Semifinals—Impromptu Motion

Finals—Prepared Motion—This House would ban the use of facial recognition technology by law enforcement officials.

Times: Speaking and preparation times will be shortened for middle school students:

First Proposition: 5 minutes

First Opposition: 5 minutes

Second Proposition: 5 minutes

Second Opposition: 5 minutes

Third Proposition: 5 minutes

Third Opposition: 5 minutes

Opposition Reply: 3 minutes

Proposition Reply: 3 minutes

Teams will receive 30 minutes to prepare for impromptu rounds. However, teams do not receive prep time during a world schools debate round.

Rules: NSDA rules will be used.

In world schools debate, students may not use electronic storage or retrieval devices. If a team uses electronic devices during a debate round or during an impromptu preparation period, they will automatically receive a loss for that round. (Please note: A mobile phone in airplane mode can be used for timing only.)

During the preparation time for the impromptu rounds, students can have a dictionary and a one-volume encyclopedia or almanac. They cannot access the internet, text messages, or any previously-prepared materials, including speeches and flows from previous rounds. Additionally, they cannot consult anyone (coaches included) outside their 3-5 person team.