Jasper Howl

2024 — Plano, TX/US
Congress Paradigm List
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Emily Baxter Prosper High School
Kristee Bell Grapevine High School None
Stef Cambra Royse City High School
Priyanka Garg Plano East Sr. High None
Karmen Harden Plano East Sr. High
Zachary Hevron Lovejoy High School
Wenjin Huang Plano West Sr High School None
Nimish Kerkar Clark HS None
Todd Kessler The Episcopal School of Dallas (ESD)
Sadaf Khan Rock Hill HS None
Robin Liesenfelt McMillen High School
Meredith MacLeod (Frisco) Lebanon Trail
Amanda McClure Princeton High School
Mimi Perez THEO Christian
Shelley Poe Flower Mound High School
Cheryl Dee Potts Hire
Neal White Clark HS