Last changed on
Thu January 4, 2024 at 6:26 AM CST
In all debate formats, I am looking for link stories and fully developed argumentation. Please fully explain your ideas such as debate theory and include impacts in your explanations.
Policy - I am a policy maker
LD - I'm slowly warming up to policy techniques in this format. Yet, value/criterion/framework will always be a priori when I make a decision. I like to see the connections of how the framework influences your cases and argumentation.
PF - I'm always looking for argumentation and clash.
Interp - I go down the questions on a ballot and look to see techniques like distinguishing characters and how you block.
What are your stylistic preferences for extemp? I like good introduction that sets the tone of the speech. How much evidence do you prefer? I prefer a minimum of three pieces of evidence for each focus area. I think you get more analysis when you have something to analyze. I would like to hear good warrants with your claims. Implications are good. Any preference for virtual delivery? I’m in between. I can see standing up and moving to mimic in person, but it’s hard to hear. I can handle sitting down with good gestures and eye contact as well. I’m listening nite for speech. If round is close round then I start liking at technicalities and then the most persuasive.
What are your stylistic preferences for Oratory/Info? How much evidence do you prefer? Any preference for virtual delivery? Minimal evidence. I would like speeches to be unique or silly ideas in a new way. No preference for virtual
Any unique thoughts on teasers/introductions for Interpretation events? Love them. I like the tongue in cheek humor.
Any preferences with respect to blocking, movement, etc. in a virtual world? No
What are your thoughts on character work? Necessary