Tuloso Midway TFA and NIETOC
2023 — Corpus Christi, TX/US
Tuloso Midway TFA & NIETOC
2023 Tournament
“Mardi Gras”
Tuloso Midway High School would like to cordially invite you to our annual TFA and NIETOC Qualifier Tournament being held In-Person on Satuday, January 21, 2023 at Tuloso Midway High School.
We will be offering all TFA events except World Schools Debate. We will also be offering novice divisions of Extemp, Poetry and Prose. In the case that a novice division does not make, it will be collapsed into its’ counterpart. A novice is defined as a student in their first year of High School competition.
TFA Rules will be used for all events. LD will use January/February topic. Congress Prelims will use the spring docket items 1-8 and Finals will use 9-16.
Awards will be given to the top 6 finalists in each of the individual events and Congress. In debate, the top 4 finalist will receive awards. Sweepstakes trophies will be given to the three-highest ranking school.
We will not break brackets in Debate
We will be utilizing paper ballots.
A school-approved Chaperone should be on campus with students at all times
Students in IE may cross enter at their own risk. Students participating in CX may not cross enter in other events.
Thank you for your interest in our tournament! We are excited to see everyone! If you have any qucstions, feel free to email cdealvina@tmisd.us or lesquivel@tmisd.us
See you January 21st!
Cassy De La Vina & Lyn Esquivel