Peninsula Invitational
2021 — Rolling Hills Estates, CA/US
Parliamentary Paradigm List
All Paradigms: Show HideOkay a quick background on me. I debated (in parli) at Cleveland High School for 4 years, 2 of which I was coaching my team as a captain. I broke at almost all the big tournaments and qualified for NPDL TOC that got canceled :(. Anyway enough about myself.
I, to the best of my ability, am tab rasa; I won't extend or refute anything for you. Similarly, run whatever you would like but if you are running something other than case, please read my prefs below. Make your links as air-tight as possible because relying on me to buy something fishy is not a strategy I would recommend. Terminalize your impacts so I can have something concrete to weigh at the end of the day. Also, I strive to keep debate as accessible as possible. That includes using correct pronouns (please put your pronouns in tab. Mine are he/him/his), not running something your opponent clearly doesn't understand, and above all making debate an equitable space for all people. If you have any other general questions or something that isn't answered below, email me at
Norms (Primarily for Parli but can really be applied across all debate events)
A few key pieces of etiquette that I enjoy:
- Take at least one POI per speech.
- If I clearly clasp my hands and drop my pen for more than 10 seconds that means I've stopped flowing because you've gone over your grace period.
- Please give me a short off-time roadmap before your speech
- PLEASE PLEASE signpost your arguments especially if both sides are running a good amount of things. Saying "the DA" isn't as helpful as having a specified signpost.
- You can tag team but I really don't like it. Once per speech as recovery is fine but more than that and your speaks will drop (see more on that below)
- As for POOs, I will protect the flow so no need to call them. I have found that calling POOs is more often than not used as a flustering tactic than something to keep the round honest. If I see something blatantly new in the LOR or PMR, I simply won't flow it.
- Parli is notorious for evidence marring and I for one had benefited from it. That said, if something sounds reasonable or is honestly misquoted, play through it. If the abuse is clear and round-determining, I will google it after round and factor that into my decision. While I love Tab for all they do, I find that having someone like that try to post-hoc analyze the importance of that piece of evidence in a round is less effective than the judge making a judgment call right before rfd.
-Speaking of RFDs, I will disclose after round so long as the tournament allows me to do so. I am happy to justify anything I saw during RFD and you are allowed to ask me any questions or for advice. That said, remember the debate is over by that point so trying to enhance an argument of yours is futile.
As a case-first debater, I find CPs to be underused or poorly run given the potential they have. A good CP will allow me to weigh solvency between two plans with ease and a good DA alongside it is a sure-fire strategy for the NEG. Furthermore, I think PICs are gold and not abusive when done correctly. Debate is a game and a PIC is an OP play in my book. That said, be prepared for a T-shell in response and as I describe below, I also love those. For perms, the AFF needs to explain well why mutual exclusivity is missing; for things like delay PICs, I find that they aren't inherently exclusive but honestly its a case by case. Also, I will buy severability perms and only keep the mutually exclusive elements. Additionally, even if NEG is permed and can show why they are competitive through NB, I'll vote on that. Lastly, I live for 0.01% solvency arguments and presumption. Run those well and you may be picking up the ballot.
Speaks and Speed
Ok first for speed. Really go as fast as you like so long as it isn't true spreading (which I frankly haven't seen in parli). However, if someone including myself says slow or clear, slow down. As I said earlier, debate needs to be accessible and spreading is so wildly abusive to newer teams that I will drop you if you don't slow after a few calls for it. Now for speaks:
30: My god you're insane like please win this tournament
28-29.5: Very solid speaking. Most experienced teams will score somewhere in here.
27-28: Average. Could work on something small like clarity or was just flustered at points
26-27: Need some work. Usually I'll explain to you after the round or during RFD what could be improved upon
Below 26: You were abusive in one way or another. Whether that be ignoring times outright, language or something else in that ballpark you were also likely dropped for it. I'll have a convo with you for sure if I score you this low.
I honestly love theory so long as you don't use it as a time suck. Simply throwing on an underview that forces a useless response wastes my time. Also, if you are going to run a T-shell please make sure it is in fact a T-shell. Too often I have a half-baked topicality-esque argument that I don't know how to weigh. I'm here for counter-interps (please hit all parts of the T-shell). I know most if not all the basic theory out there but please explain it to me as if I have never done debate before. Lastly, flush out your fairness and education voters and explain why your T-shell is a priori to any case. Also, I won't buy RVIs unless it's clear that the T-shell doesn't address a substantive violation but that's so rare that honestly forget RVIs. In general, the better explained the more likely I am to buy it.
Ok I'll be honest here, I didn't really run K's in HS. I'm totally familiar with all the big ones (cap K, anti blackness, femme, etc) but I find that they aren't winners 90% of the time. For me, K's need to be structured nearly impeccably and explained thoroughly; even if I am aware of the lit you are using, explain it to me like I am a lay judge. Second and most importantly, if your alt is simply "drop my opponents", that's not going to do it for me. The beauty of Ks is that they transcend the debate space and their solutions ought to as well. Debate is a game and while I won't reward abuse (K or not), acting within that game is self-defeating. So in short, come up with a solid alt and then I'm all ears for any K you might have. (I also love Baudrillard Ks for that reason so bonus if you run it correctly)
Sorry this so so long but it's because I love debate and want to give you the best picture of what I'm like as a judge before round starts. Let me know if you have questions on anything!
I am a parent judge with multiple years of experience. I come with an open mind, eager to learn and be impressed by your knowledge, and oratory skills. POI's are OK, abusive heckling - not ok. Please do not spread. Please be respectful during the round.
My name is Milan Amritraj and I'm writing this paradigm specifically for the 2022 NPDL TOC.
By way of Parli experience, I was a 2 time California state semi-finalist while competing for Campbell Hall. To the extent that World Schools Debate is similar to parli, I was also a two year member of NSDA's Team USA and captained the team during my senior year of high school. For further general background, I competed in LD, Congress and a variety of extemporaneous speech events. I've also served as assistant coach of the Campbell Hall team since graduating high school in 2016.
My paradigm is not particularly complicated, and I really don't think it should be for Parli debate. This text is not exhaustive, so feel free to ask me any questions before the round starts if you'd like specific clarification. Below are the most important points.
I'm pretty open to any arguments, theory and K's included, so feel free to run whatever you'd like so long as its well articulated. That being said, I heavily value weighing and crystallization in the rebuttal speeches, so please do a good amount of work to help clarify how you think I should be weighing these different arguments. Otherwise you run the risk of me having to enter the debate to resolve any ambiguities.
Speed shouldn't be an issue. Clarity, however, might very well be. I'll call out clear if theres an issue, but please try to avoid making that happen.
Finally, please avoid any funny business with prep or evidence if those sorts of things come up in round. I have a zero tolerance policy for foul play.
Yo whaddup I'm Drew. I'm currently a first year law student at UT Austin. I graduated from UCLA in 2024 and was a member of their Mock Trial team but I debated for West Ranch High School for 4 years. I've got experience in I.E.'s and experience in LD and Parli both at a technical and at a traditional level. I went to Parli TOC and have qualed for CHSSA state champs in both Parli and Impromptu. If you have questions about things not listed here email me at for any further questions. Id be happy to answer.
I used to have a really long paradigm, I just went back and looked at it and realized I either don't stand by most of it anymore or had gotten too old to remember what I was talking about. Basically I will vote on anything. Please just tell me how to weigh and send me your speech docs if you're spreading because I have a bad ear for speed. But legit you can read anything and make any argument I don't care.
About me:
I am a Judge for Peninsula High School. Admittedly, I am more in my element judging IE, but I also thoroughly enjoy judging debate. I may know some basic concepts, but I’m still learning and possibly am unfamiliar with more specific terminology.
I try really hard to be fair and objective to both sides of an argument. I do not let my biases or background knowledge taint who or how I vote each round. I vote for which team did the better debating, not which team is closer to truth.
Style: Please speak slowly and clearly. Flow your opponents, and answer their main arguments sequentially. I prefer the debate to have an organizational clash that makes reasoned judgement possible.
Quality: I care about argument quality, not argument quantity. I vote for the team that did the better debating. Source quality matters to me - if you read qualified sources, tell me their qualifications and read exact quotes (not debater biased paraphrasing) and it is more likely I believe it.
Note Taking: I will take notes during each speech, to keep a record to better organize the debate to help evaluate which side wins.
Rebuttals matter: In your last speeches - be sure to summarize the main points you want me to vote on and offer impact why that outweighs your opponents main points. I will limit my decision to solely arguments extended in the last two speeches. Completely new arguments cannot be first brought up in the rebuttals, because both sides need a chance to develop the argument in earlier speeches first. If new arguments are brought up, I will ignore them.
Have fun, do your thing! Please treat each other with respect.
This is my fourth year judging--I enjoy it and am so impressed with all the competitors.
I'm glad to judge across all speech and debate disciplines.
I base my winners on clarity, organization, dynamic speaking, engagement with/commitment to the topic, and respectfulness toward peers. Thank you.
I'm a relatively lay judge that values truth over tech. I have experience in judging parli, and am pretty much new to PF and LD.
I majored in philosophy at UC Davis and am a autodidact with a love for languages, music, and knowledge in general.
I value well-reasoned arguments and logic over emotional appeal. I have a dislike of sophistry, but understand the value of being rhetorically competent, viz. how well you present your points, etc.
Stanford 2023 Update
Paradigm below is still accurate for parli, but I’m judging CA LD. Feel free to skim/read the whole paradigm below to get a sense of my general views on debate if you want to. Not opposed to speed or a more circuit style of debate, but will roll with whatever you feel good doing (which will probably be what’s most persuasive). I have literally no topic exposure. Please send the speech doc if you have one.
About this Paradigm
Elements of this paradigm are inspired by the (what I found to be very helpful) paradigms of Khamani Griffin, Meera Keskar, and Jon Telebrico among others.
The highlights are at the top (the rest is under specifics). The 2 minute version of the whole paradigm is bolded.
This paradigm is written with parli as its primary focus. I outline some specifics for other events at the bottom.
Last updated 04/27/2021.
About Me
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Dougherty Valley ‘20
4 years of debate (3.5 years in open).
Primarily parli with a little bit of extemp, impromptu, and world schools.
Parli was a mix of circuit/lay. I personally preferred circuit debate, but I did well with both.
UCLA ‘24
Lay Presentation/Clothing/Standing/Etc.
None of this will affect my ballot in any way whatsoever as long as it doesn’t make the debate space exclusionary for others.
General Judging Philosophy
I want to judge rounds where the debaters control the round and do their best debate. As a judge, I see my primary role as finding the path of least resistance to the ballot. These statements lead me to the two main rules of my paradigm:
I will avoid intervening as much as possible.
This pretty obviously leads to me being tech > truth.
The preferences I list below are defaults - designed to minimize intervention in the absence of explicit argumentation - that are highly malleable.
A few qualifiers on those statements:
I reserve the right to drop debaters that choose to use morally abhorrent advocacies, arguments, and/or verbiage (keep in mind that morally abhorrent is a pretty high bar: if you need to ask yourself if your advocacy/argument/verbiage choice is morally abhorrent then please just don’t run it).
I will not vote on out-of-round issues (that’s an issue that is far better handled by coaches, tab staff, equity officers, etc.), but I will gladly be a conduit for bringing them to the appropriate tournament officials / coaches if you want me to be.
I protect the flow.
Sorry, winning off of arguments snuck into a rebuttal ruins the integrity of debate as either a game or as an educational experience.
I have preferences, and I am obviously biased towards them. I do my best to minimize this bias when presented with argumentation, but I’m only human.
I will not actively fact check UNLESS:
I am specifically asked to on a specific fact AND
Fact-checking that fact is the path of least intervention to the ballot.
Just use CHSSA evidence challenges please. That makes life a lot easier for all of us, and it's the technically correct way to do things.
In the interest of transparency and making flow debate more inclusive, feel free to ask me any questions about my paradigm (especially if my paradigm doesn’t address your question) and/or about rounds that I have judged you in (please include your name, team name, the tournament, the round number, and the round flight). I am down to answer questions face to face at in-person tournaments, or you can email me at mrfinn (finish the last name) .
I am always willing to give an RFD and be post-rounded, time permitting. If possible, I will try to do this immediately after the round, but, depending on specific circumstances, this might have to take place after breaks / elim results are announced.
I am extremely flexible on trichotomy issues as long as both sides are ok with it.
Value Debate
Please provide a specific value and value criterion and actually link back to / use them for weighing.
Skewed framework doesn’t make me want to give you more speaks.
This is bolded in all caps because I want teams to understand that I avoid intervening by not doing work for teams that don’t make coherent arguments. If your opponents’ argument doesn’t make sense as presented, then I’m going to do my best to avoid finishing it for them; the same holds true for you. This is one of the most common things that leads teams to think there was judge intervention when there really wasn’t.
My default weighing is: Probability > Magnitude > Timeframe > Reversibility
This ordering is not absolute (e.g. I will probably consider nuclear war with 95% probability to be more important than an ant dying with 100% probability).
Please weigh your impacts for me. This is the single best way for you to minimize my intervention.
I default to weighing all arguments on the same layer. I’m not going to up-layer for you.
For transparency’s sake, if I had a default layering it would be the following: Meta Theory > Theory/T > K > Case.
I am very skeptical of “voting issues” being up-layered with little to no justification. If you do this, then please spend time justifying it.
Please break arguments down into Uniqueness/Inherency, Links, Internal Links, and Impacts.
Please signpost these.
Please terminalize your impacts.
These need to exist if there is a plan/counterplan.
Please don’t use any variant of “do the resolution.”
Nebel is sketchy.
I’m fine with all kinds of PICs.
I have a higher bar than most judges for the various PIC-bad procedurals. If you are going to run one of these, then it’s in your best interest to prove abuse.
I default to not judge kicking per community norms. If you want me to judge kick, then ask me to and provide a basic explanation of what judge kicking is for your opponents (in case they don’t know).
Judge kicking is when the judge can choose to vote for the squo in the case in which they think the plan beats the counterplan but not the squo.
The perm is a test of competition, not an advocacy.
It’s in the NEG’s best interest to read some sort of perm defense (competition) in the 1NC so that it’s not all new 2NC argumentation that the 1AR can golden turn.
Should be explicitly articulated as mutual exclusivity and/or net benefits.
Competition by stealing funding generally doesn’t work. Perm do plan and all of counterplan except stealing funding wrecks this.
I default to viewing any perm that contains all of the plan and at least part of the counterplan as theoretically legitimate. I default to viewing severance and intrinsic perms as theoretically illegitimate.
Severance perms are almost certainly cheating. Intrinsic perms are probably cheating.
If you plan on K-hacking without actually knowing your literature and K, then I’m not the judge for you. This does not mean that I won’t vote for the K, but it does mean a couple of things:
I will be more favorable to a K that is well-linked and clearly relevant but lacking in structure much more than a well-structured but questionably-linked and tangentially-relevant K.
I might not be familiar with your lit base, but even if I am I won’t fill in the blanks for you.
Lit bases I have some familiarity with (listed from most to least familiar):
Cap, Biopower, SetCol, Anti Blackness, Fem IR, Anthro, Securitization, Ableism.
I probably don’t know every framing trick you’ve hidden.
You can definitely hide them from your opponent, but you might also wind up hiding them from me.
If it doesn’t wind up on my flow after you spread through it in the middle of three bullets that you half finished in the impacts before realizing you were low on time and it doesn’t wind up on my flow, then sorry not sorry.
Please give me and your opponents a text if at all possible (especially with zoom debate - please make it a little more fun for everyone).
I will vote for K’s with incredibly generic links if forced to, but your speaks will suffer. Please don’t commodify the K solely as a tool to get the ballot.
I think that K Aff’s that don’t affirm the resolution as written are probably cheating.
Feel free to try to change my mind on this one. I’m honestly curious about how the NEG is supposed to participate in these rounds / have a viable path to the ballot.
I personally think that most K’s, as read at the high school level, have alts that lack real solvency and/or competition with the plan.
Overall, I have a lower bar for theory than most judges on the circuit.
I default to competing interpretations.
I default to drop the argument.
I don’t care about the following (i.e. they won’t impact my decision / ballot) unless they are raised as issues:
Proven vs. Hypothetical Abuse
Frivolity of Theory
Please read Theory/T in shell format.
I will vote on the RVI if read. I probably have a slightly lower bar for this than most judges.
A justification for RVIs is NOT the same thing as reading an RVI. If you want me to vote on an RVI, then explicitly read one.
Unless you’re coming from circuit LD or policy I can handle full speed.
The issue with most parli spreading is clarity rather than speed.
I will call slow or clear if I need to.
If you make me do this more than twice, then your speaks will suffer.
Please be respectful of the speed that your opponents are comfortable with.
Your speaks will definitely suffer if you don’t.
I am willing to listen to speed theory, but I think that it’s often a weak / difficult argument.
Points of Information / Order
Please take at least two POIs per constructive speech.
This won’t impact my decision, but it will definitely impact your speaks, especially if the debate becomes sidetracked by an issue that a POI could have easily resolved.
I don’t flow POIs as responses on the flow, but I do consider responses to POIs to be binding (i.e. if a team clarifies in a POI that a counterplan is unconditional then I expect it to remain that way throughout the round).
Please don’t abuse POIs as “gotchas.” That’s what your speech is for.
Call the POO, please. I will protect the flow, but I can’t guarantee that I will catch everything or that I am conceptualizing an argument’s place in the round the same as you are.
Speaker Points
The speaker points system is inherently problematic and should be replaced. However, until it is, I believe that participating in it is the best way to advance equity as a flow judge. I award speaker points solely on the basis of effective strategy and argumentation.
A general scale for speaker points (see above for specific things that might impact speaks).
<= 25 = Something Problematic / Arguments that just don’t make sense.
25-26 = Serious errors that probably lost you the round.
27.5 = Average, no significant mishaps or particularly good choices.
28.5 = Good strategic choices (likely to be around even).
29 = Great strategic choices (likely to break).
30 = Visionary strategic choices (likely to do very well in elims).
Other Events
World Schools
Models are very useful to clarify broad resolutions.
This doesn’t exempt the proposition from it’s burden to affirm the whole resolution.
Humor is very much appreciated if pulled off well.
Please take points of information.
I will score speeches individually, but I expect to see coherence between speeches down the bench (a lack of coherence will definitely affect strategy scores).
Policy / Circuit LD
Please put me on the email chain if there is one: mrfinn (finish the last name) @
I understand the core elements of the formats, but I’m not super familiar with their specific implementation (e.g. I know what theory is and how it functions but I’m not 100% caught up with LD’s or Policy’s norms for it).
I can probably handle about 70% of full speed without a speech doc.
I’ll call slow or clear as needed.
Please slow down on key parts of cards for me. It is highly unlikely that I know the topic well.
LD Specific:
I’m most familiar with evaluating LARP debates.
I’m down to evaluate kritikal debates, but keep in mind that I’m coming from a parli background.
I’m probably not familiar with your lit if it’s something more niche (see above for my general familiarity).
Parli kritks tend to be much more framework heavy, so make sure that you explain how you want me to evaluate the kritik.
As far as tricks/phil go, not my favorite but I will evaluate. Keep in mind, especially with phil, that my background here is fairly limited.
- Don't generally like counterplans, unless there are serious advantages to them. Timeframe counterplans, for example, must be seriously warranted to overcome the diminishment of educational value.
- Do not run multiple advocacies - such as disadvantage to plan WITH a counterplan (unless the CP solves the disad, in which case it's an advantage to CP).
- In case you didn't gather, I am not a fan of policy-style debate conventions in the parliamentary format. I will always pref solid case args over theory or "game-y" debate strat.
- Debate the resolution, clash via argumentation and POIs. POIs very important so that clash points can be explored.
- If you abusively POO, I will down you on poor sportsmanship and diminishment of educational value.
- debate value, policy, and fact rounds appropriately. For example, don't try to argue a fact or value resolution based on net benefits, etc. etc. etc. Fact rounds are "preponderance of evidence" and value rounds must identify a paramount value. I will down you for diminishing educational value of parli by co-opting everything to policy format.
LD - I don't currently coach LD, but did so in the traditional style some years back. Framework is important and the criterion needs to function as a criterion to the value. Like, a measurable, functioning criterion. - My heart sinks when competitors turn LD into a policy round and run net benefits or some other non-value; net benefits, for example, is just an ill-defined placeholder for any number of values within a pragmatic/consequentialist framework. - P.S. Morality is not a value. I see it run all the time to my consternation. Morality denotes no actual value... it rather describes a system of principles to describe right and wrong - it is up to you to actually define those principles. There are many types of morality as it is relative to cultural context: Christian morality, prison morality, etc. etc. etc.- I don't know much about circuit LD but will always pref traditional debating styles (resolutional analysis, evidence, analysis, clash, weighing) over esoteric theory. I will vote on Ks and theory ONLY if it is in response to serious abuse. If you have any other questions feel free to ask me before the round.
CongressNot much new here: I look for incisive, insightful analysis of relevant issues. Quality of research matters.
In general, less is more: I'd rather a competitor focus in a single issue and really zero in on the implications/weighing of that rather than superficial coverage of multiple issues.
Stand straight, polished appearance, good projection and vocal nuance. These things are still relevant in a rhetorically-driven debate style such as Congressional Debate.
PFI'm a traditional-style judge that will vote on the flow (aka "flay judge") - flow leaning. Truth over tech (generally). When saying an author's name and year - slow down ever so slightly and separate it from the rest of the text. Years are important - be sure to include them as PF is intensely time sensitive. Don't spread - I won't flow it.
Speech Requirements:
- 2nd rebuttal does not need to frontline (although it is strategic)
- anything extended in FF also needs to be in summary (no "sticky")
- WEIGH and tell me the story of the round in Final Focus
Things that are important for me:
- Signposting
- Clarity
- evidence integrity - I will check cards if they seem suspect and will vote accordingly (even if other team doesn't call it out)
I do not want you to:
- Spread - I will not flow it nor will I read a document
- read barely-there links to nuke war/extinction
- be rude/condescending/curt in CX
I will vote on Ks and theory ONLY if it is in response to serious abuse. If you have any other questions feel free to ask me before the round.
Former high school debater, primarily competing in parli, impromptu, and extemp. Competed in top tier of California league and invitational parli, coached at SNFI, and judged at a variety of invitational and league tournaments, primarily in parli, but also in PF and IE's. Go whatever speed and make whatever arguments you want - I'll listen to most anything at any level of theory, but if you make an argument that seems especially weak, I'll be more likely to accept refutations to it with less effort. I'm expressive as a judge - use that. Just want to watch some good rounds, learn some new things, and hopefully laugh a bit.
I'm Jayanne [ JAY - Ann ], a.k.a. Jay.
This paradigm is old, I don’t coach or attend tournaments anymore because I am in medical school.
TLDR: I did debate in high school, coached debate and taught at debate camps for 6 years. I rarely judge now, so go only 60-75% of your speed if spreading and make sure you are clear. Read good arguments, keep it original.
I debated for Fort Lauderdale HS (FL) for 4 years in LD and Policy. I am a Columbia University (NY) alumna, with a BA in African American and African Diaspora studies with honors.
** note: I get triggered by graphic depictions of anti-black violence (e.g. very graphic examples of police brutality, slavery etc) and sexual assault. Please remove it from the case/docs. There is impact to reading “evidence” that makes anti-Black violence a spectacle for an audience, these are real people with real experiences.**
- I don't disclose speaker points. I base speaks off the clarity of speech, the quality of arguments, and the strategic choices in the debate.
- I don't want to flow off speech docs, speak clearly and slow down on tags + author names. PLEASE PAUSE BETWEEN CARDS. Internet connection and computer issues do not grant you extra prep time. If debating virtually please locally record your speeches.
- I get annoyed by asking for "marked docs" when there are marginal things cut out (e.g. one card is marked, cards at the end of the doc aren't read, etc.). I think knowing how to flow, and not exclusively flowing off a doc solves this
Hi! I did not do PF in high school but I have coaching experience. You can read anything in front of me, but the onus is still on you to explain your arguments! Collapse and weigh impacts clearly for good speaks and an easy decision.
PSA: If you say anything blatantly anti-black, misogynistic, anti-queer, ableist, etc. and your opponent calls you out, I will drop you. Debate should be a home space for everyone and you are responsible for the things you say because it is an academic speaking activity.
Background: I am a retired American Political Science professor with three years experience judging as a parent judge.
Judging Preferences: While I will entertain most arguments, I prefer rounds focused on substance. I look for plan clarity and an organized, strategic argument with the stock issues to be made explicit. If you make a theory argument, please give a detailed explanation for me and provide the standards, impacts, and how you advance the educational value. In non-policy debates, most of the above applies but also make sure your value criterion supports your value.
In communicating, please avoid jargon and don’t spread. If I am unable to understand you, I can’t judge your argument. Signposting is greatly appreciated as is a summary of voter issues in the last speech. Be professional and respectful. Speaker points given are generally between 27 and 30; below 27 suggests you’ve engaged in disrespectful communication, such as, racist, sexist, or homophobic language, bullying novices, etc. Have fun.
Hi I am an experienced parent judge. I have a pretty good understanding of the world and economic systems. I value probability over magnitude for the most part but can be convinced otherwise. I do not want every debate to be about mass extinction or how one economic policy leads to nuclear war. I can understand theory but am not likely to vote on it unless clear abuse in round. No Ks. No speaking fast. I prefer logic over straight facts. Repeating your point does not mean that you responded to their point. Do not say that a team conceded an argument when they clearly did not. POIs are fine but do not ask more than 2 and do not be obnoxious while doing it will drop your speaks. It is fine if you choose to decline a POI but between the two partners, you have to accept at least one. CPs are fine even PICs but if you are running CP you have to prove that your CP solves better. I do buy mutually exclusive arguments through net benefits but you have a harder job to me proving that the aff does not just do the same by perming the CP. If you want to perm do it as a test of advocacy as that is easier to understand as a judge. All advocacy/rhetoric is binding do not try to kick anything. Try not to run new contentions in the second speech. I do not protect the flow. Try to use less jargon while actually debating. I can understand some of it but not all. Have fun.
UC BERKELEY '24 | Junshik Ham (just call me Jun).
Email me if you have any concerns or questions that are not on this paradigm.
I debated primarily parli and public forum in high school, and I do have some understanding of policy and LD as well. In parli, I debated in both traditional and tech style, depending on whether it was local or circuit. Currently, I am a psychology and political science double major at UC Berkeley, and I am part of the ASUC. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I did not join the Berkeley debate team; however, I do look forward to joining once the pandemic curves.
Debate, to me, is an outlet to express intelligence, hard work, and creativity for students. By doing so, you are partaking in education, entrepreneurship, sportsmanship, and advocacy work. This means that you must highlight why you should win my vote, above anything else. Your case, obviously, deserves the highest priority and value; however, your performance also entails speaking ability, manners, and other aspects.
I will try my best to stay as tabula rasa as possible. Obviously, it is nearly impossible to be 100% "clean state", but I do judge solely based on what has been spoken in the round.
You will, most likely, know the result of the round before you walk out the door. I believe that disclosing results is a fair way to increase the educational value of the round and it also gives me an opportunity to give you some feedback, along with answering your questions, if there is any.
Judging Preference:
These are simply my preference, so it is not mandatory. It may help you to follow these preferences though (in terms of speaker points and even potentially to win the ballot).
Signpost. Tell me where you are on the flow, to make sure that I have everything under the right position, in case I am confused. Even if you do not signpost, I will write down your arguments, counter-arguments, etc. It just makes my job easier and clearer if the round is messy.
Voter Issues. This applies to the last speeches specifically. Tell me why you won the debate and deserve my vote overall. You can go line by line, however, it is more effective for me, and also easier, if you just tell me verbatim, why you won the round.
Presumption. Depending on the burdens of the resolution (either explicit or implicit), I will default neg if I have nothing to vote on.
Performance. Performance "debate" will result in a loss probably. It is disrespectful to the opponent who legitimately prepared the case, and it is called a debate competition for a reason.
Timing. I will time, but also not strictly. It is up to the debaters to self-time and to monitor the opposition's time.
General Debate Things:
Speed. Generally fine with speed, including spreading to a degree. Since the debate is an educational opportunity, however, if the opponent asks you to slow down, you have to slow down. Not complying may result in loss of speaker points and even loss, depending on the severity. Also, I am not going to say "clear" or tell you that you are not being clear. If I am not typing/writing anything down, there is a good chance that you are not being clear enough though. If there are speech docs, I do not look at them during rounds for fair competition.
Tech > Truth. I will take into account anything you say or argue in the round, as long as they do not clearly violate the ethics/manners of the debate.
Ks. Kritiks are an important card in your pocket to utilize when necessary. I used to run them, so I am familiar with them, and I am also fine with you running them. That being said, I would advise you against simply throwing a K to win the round. Make sure you highlight and explicitly state why the K is educationally beneficial as you run it. It does not need to be lengthy and detailed, and I also don't care where you say it. Just briefly mention it. If you simply tell me that I am "morally obligated" to vote on a K without any content or context, the K is useless. I am not going to buy Speed K (or any speed theory in that manner).
Theory. I will take theories, even though I am not a huge fan of them. Conditionality, paradox, etc are all "theories" in this case.
Card Cutting. Card cutting will immediately result in a loss.
Dropped Arguments. Dropped arguments are "true," but this just means the warrants for them are true. Their implication can still be contested. The exception to this is when an argument and its implication are explicitly conceded by the other team for strategic reasons (like when kicking out of a disad). Then both are "true." Basically, give me the reason why the dropped arguments actually matter rather than just saying it was dropped. It will do you little to no good if you simply state that it was dropped.
Presumption. Although rare, if it falls to a presumption neg win, I will grant NEG a presumption.
Criteria. If you do not specify the criteria, I will default to net benefits.
It is rather sad that I have to include this. If you are blatantly disrespecting, insulting, or causing any deliberate verbal/physical attacks to the opponents (or even me), there will be consequences. The consequence may vary from loss of speaker points, loss of round, or even pausing the debate to talk to the tab if necessary.
For mainly parli, if you would like to point out a clear evidence distortion by the opponents, bring it up during your speech and give me a rationale. I will take it seriously, but there is no guarantee that I would necessarily take any action. If it is deemed necessary, I will follow the rules of the debate outlined by the tournament first, and talk to the tab if needed.
I am a parent judge with some past experience of judging debate and speech, but I still consider myself as a lay judge. I generally decide debates on the following criteria:
Understanding of the resolution;
Reliability of the sources used;
Relevance of examples to the argument;
Logic of argument based on the facts/sources;
Overall organization of presentation/speech skill;
You don't need to ask me to vote for you; I will make the call based on what you have presented to me.
Judges for: Sonoma Academy (2019-present)
Previously judged for: Peninsula, MBA, Meadows
UCLA '23
Add me to the email chain:
Email Chain Format: [Tournament Name Round # : Aff Name vs Neg Name]
Speed is fine, but clarity over speed. I will yell clear, but after the second time if I don't understand what you're saying, I won't flow it. Also please disclose on the wiki.
St Marks Update: I have been absent from the debate community for a while. I have zero topic knowledge but I have been judging for 6 yrs now. Explain your acronyms and let me get accustomed to spreading speed again and you should be set.
Some Clarifications for this year because these things keep happening in round:
-cross-ex is not prep
-sending marked docs if it takes more than a minute is prep.
-marked docs don't need to have cards that weren't read taken out, that is your job to flow. The only time u should be sending out marked docs is if you actually mark a card.
- if we are having tech or wifi issues, try to resolve it best before the round starts. I would rather start late but everything working than stop after every speech due to wifi issues.
Do what you do best. Trying to adapt to me as a judge is a waste of time. Although I am more familiar with policy arguments, I will vote for any argument you run as long as you do it well. K v K, Policy v K, K v FW, Policy v Policy.... i will vote for anything.
Arguments are claims, warrants, and impacts -- means that "dropped" arguments are true only if you explain why they matter and the reasons they're true. I need more explanation than just "they dropped the DA- we win!"
I'm down to see a good T debate. I think T is vastly underused by 2Ns. If your 1N is a killer T debater, use it to your advantage. Most affs to some extent are untopical, so make them stop cheating. Have a good interp/counter interp and give me some good clash on the standards debate. I don't defer to reasonability or competing interps, so I will be convinced by both.
If condo is a legit strat for you it should be a big part of the 1AR and all of the 2AR. I will vote on condo, but there has to be in round abuse. If they read states and neolib, I will not be very convinced to vote on condo. And I definitely believe that neg should definitely have condo to test the aff. Other theory args aren't as convincing to me unless the other team completely drops it.
Probably my favorite debate argument. I love a good CP/DA neg start.
A good advantage CP with a sick DA can be a killer neg strat. But have some good evidence on how and why the CP solves. Usually, 1AC evidence can be used as solvency advocates for ADV CPs. Also, the CP better be competitive, cause then I have no reason to vote for it.
Yes, most K's are cool and I will definitely still vote on the K even though I'm most familiar with policy arguments. I think Ks are very interesting and probably produce the most real-world change. But if you don't understand your K and can't explain it to your opponents, I will have a hard time voting for it. Have some good links that you can explain. Also, the alt better solve or at least do something. If you can't explain what the alt does and what voting neg does, then please don't read that K. There's nothing more embarrassing than watching a K team not know what they are talking about in cross-ex. What K lit I know well (Cap, Set Col, Gnoseology, Security, Orientalism, Foucault). Bad K debates are worse than bad policy debates.ngl if ur a POMO team, don't pref me lol. I really don't want to listen to Bifo, Baudrillard, D&G etc debates.
Policy Affs
Do what you do best. Have solvency advocates, win the case solves something.
K Affs
Used to err neg on these debates, but as I judge more and more rounds, I feel differently now lol. I don't really have a preference anymore and yes I will vote for K affs. I am more experienced with policy but recently I have really enjoyed K aff rounds. Same rules apply as the K above.
Destroy them on case. Nothing makes the 1AR harder than amazing case debate in the block.
Don't steal prep. Flashing/emailing isn't prep unless it becomes an issue in the round. If you're very unclear, I will dock your speaks. Please don't clip. That's the last thing I want to deal with. You will lose the round, get a 0 and I will have to have a conversation with your coach. Also please don't make sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic etc. comments. You will lose the round and get a 0. Don't be mean to the other team. Friendly banter is always welcome.
I am a fourth year at UC Berkeley and have been a little out of the game since starting college.
For all forms of debate, I value evidence based arguments over theory and please please please do not spread. I will not understand a word of what you are saying.
Be nice and enjoy.
Lani Hollingsworth | UC Berkeley '24
If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact me
General Preferences:
Any speed for speaking is suitable so go at your own pace, but make sure that your opponent and I can understand your arguments. Theories will be taken into consideration, however they should be fairly straightforward. I prefer if you signpost your arguments as it makes it easier for me to follow, but it is not required.
A winning debater will clearly state their win condition and thoroughly explain why they have met it with sufficient evidence and detail.
Any disrespectful or inappropriate comments towards myself or an opponent will result in the deduction of speaker points or loss of round.
I'm a second-year UC Berkeley student + debated in high school for four years (PF/CX/Parli).
PARLI: (Updated 1/20/21)
Speed: I'm good with speed as long as long as your opponents are good with it. (The goal here is not to speak so fast that I can understand you but your opponents can't. I'm not a big fan of the "read-as-many-off-case-arguments-to-spread-out-your-opponents" strategy in Parli.)
Tag-Teaming: I don't think this is really necessary in Parli, so I would strongly prefer if you would not. If you can convince me otherwise, then sure.
Counterplans: I've always liked a good counterplan. If you plan on running any theory arguments against a counterplan, please remember to articulate exactly why the counterplan is unfair and how it impacts education/debate as a whole/etc.
Disads: I weigh these like anyone else. Please make sure your disadvantages have a good link to the Aff (or be able to argue that your disads have a strong link to the Aff).
Kritiks: Fine, as long as there is a solid link to the Aff. It's been a while since used a K in a debate round, so you'll probably need to give me a refresher on whatever literature you're citing. If you can't defend your alternative well, I'll be less likely to "buy" your K.
Topicality: Don't forget to provide a counter-interpretation in your T shell so I have something to work off of. Also, if you want T to be an a priori issue/a voter, please articulate to me why that should be (on the grounds of fairness, education, etc).
Dropped Arguments: I don't do anything with these unless you tell me to. That is, I won't automatically vote for you because your opponent dropped one of your arguments--you'll need to explain to me why that dropped argument is significant and means I should give you the win.
-Just because you can run an argument doesn't mean you should (e.g. "death good"). Use your best judgement here.
-It's OK (and encouraged) to give me an off-time roadmap before you start.
-Don't forget to signpost and tell me where you are on the flow.
-Remember to be respectful to your partner and your opponents.
-I like when speakers take POIs, but don't feel obligated to take every POI. (Good POIs/responses to POIs will be rewarded in higher speaker points, though.)
-Please don't make up evidence--I may ask to see your evidence after round.
-If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! I'm always happy to clarify.
I am a flay judge.
I look for clear statement of the topics, understand the flow you will take for the debate.
No critics please.
Make sure to have good impacts and solid evidence.
Don’t drop any refutes or contentions.
My paradigm is as follows:
I don't like spreading because, since it is generally too fast even for college judges to flow, it has an ornamental feel, which is the wrong feel for argumentation. Speaking speed should be in the upper level of what a lay judge can flow.
I don't mind "tech" if it is used to present perspectives that are relevant to the topic, but I do not like the use of tech to move the focus of argumentation away from the topic, such as a "pik," which is an attack on the topic's validity. Sometimes, of course, topics are poorly written or contradictory, but there are no clear rules or procedures for challenging topics in a round, guaranteeing a certain chaos. Some debaters enjoy chaos, but from a judge's point of view the more chaos there is, the harder it is to pick a winner.
My philosophy: I find it easier to follow your debate when you clearly number your contentions. I value clear, specific arguments and like to see respect for your opponents. for the email chain and any other inquiries
the asian debate collective is a community of debaters across all platforms and skill levels. we offer active programming during the summer that includes academic guest speakers, debate lectures, and drill/practice round opportunities. outside of that, we also offer pre professional/college application assistance and as always, emotional support! if you are interested in joining, email me.
i’m a johns hopkins graduate where i studied public health and Black studies. my academic research focuses on transnational (anti)Asian/American studies.
i was most recently the head policy coach at georgetown day school until 2024. since then, i have taken a million steps back from the activity. i am now a grumpy old person, assume i know nothing about the topic! unlike tim, who is very friendly and a great judge :3
i mostly coached k debate and i am mostly preferred for k and clash rounds. i think i am capable of judging other arguments, but not as well. meaning, the bar for explanations is higher. i am argument-agnostic and will always prefer technical and clear debating. warrants, comprehensive extensions, and explicit argument interaction is key to winning in front of me. i am very comfortable voting on presumption or pretending an argument doesn’t exist if you do not extend it because i will not do it for you.
inserting highlighting is not a thing, read it out loud.
you need to extend your interpretation. i cannot believe i have to say this. if you are slaying and winning the line-by-line on that flow it doesn’t matter if there isn’t an interpretation to hinge on.
dropped arguments need to be explicitly flagged and implicated. going “they dropped it” and moving on does not mean anything.
the round starts at start time. 1ac is sent out by then and you start speaking on the dot. the team that delays the start time will be punished through speaker points. rounds take far too long because of dilly dallying and i shall not have it.
tim is my league of legends partner :^)
General: Debate is a game that is played to be won but it is also a game that can involve very personal components. So in round be respectful and inclusive. Tell me what weighing mechanism to use when evaluating who should win, debate which weighing mechanism is better, and tell me why you win within that weighing mechanism. Also, more structure and signposting is ALWAYS better. I default to evaluating the round through the technical components of the flow unless told to do otherwise.
Policy Debate: Run anything you want (politics, PICs, business confidence, anything). I prefer the contemporary debate structure (Advantages and Disadvantages) to the classical stock issues style. Solid impact weighing/framing can easily win you an otherwise close round.
Theory: I am good with anything. I prefer it when its used to actually check back for abuse in round and not just as a time suck but I am willing to vote on it regardless. I do not have a preference of the standards vs voters debate.
Speed / Speaker Points: I have no problem with speed, but be clear and maintain solid word economy. Don’t exclude other teams from the debate with your speed, it will cost you speaker points and I am open to theory/kritikal arguments against it. Otherwise, go as fast as you want. Speaker points are awarded by the quality and competitiveness of arguments made rather than persuasiveness.
Lay judge. Please speak at a moderate pace and clearly. I like POI's and discourse, while being respectful towards each other!
Current: Bishop O'Dowd HS
Questions left unanswered by this document should be addressed to
Short Paradigm:
tl;dr: Don't read conditional advocacies, do impact calculus, compare arguments, read warrants, try to be nice
It is highly unlikely you will ever convince me to vote for NET-Spec, Util-spec, basically any theory argument which claims it's unfair for the aff to read a weighing method. Just read a counter weighing method and offense against their weighing method.
I think the most important thing for competitors to remember is that while debate is a competitive exercise it is supposed to be an educational activity and everyone involved should act with the same respect they desire from others in a classroom.
Speaks: You start the debate at 27.5 and go up or down from there. If you do not take a question in the first constructive on your side after the other team requests a question I will top your speaks at 26 or the equivalent. Yes, I include taking questions at the end of your speech as "not taking a question after the other team requests it."
Don't call points of order, I protect teams from new arguments in the rebuttals. If you call a point of order I will expect you to know the protocol for adjudicating a POO.
I don't vote on unwarranted claims, if you want me to vote for your arguments make sure to read warrants for them in the first speech you have the opportunity to do so.
Long Paradigm:
I try to keep my judging paradigm as neutral as possible, but I do believe debate is still supposed to be an educational activity; you should assume I am not a debate argument evaluation machine and instead remember I am a teacher/argumentation coach. I think the debaters should identify what they think the important issues are within the resolution and the affirmative will offer a way to address these issues while the negative should attempt to show why what the aff did was a bad idea. This means link warranting & explanation are crucial components of constructive speeches, and impact analysis and warrant comparison are critical in the rebuttals. Your claims should be examined in comparison with the opposing teams, not merely in the vacuum of your own argumentation. Explaining why your argument is true based on the warrants you have provided, comparing those arguments with what your opponents are saying and then explaining why your argument is more important than your opponents' is the simplest way to win my ballot.
Speaker points (what is your typical speaker point range or average speaker points given)?
My baseline is 27.5, if you show up and make arguments you'll get at least that many points. I save scores below 27 for debaters who are irresponsible with their rhetorical choices or treat their opponents poorly. Debaters can improve their speaker points through humor, strategic decision-making, rhetorical flourish, SSSGs, smart overviewing and impact calculus.
How do you approach critically framed arguments? Can affirmatives run critical arguments? Can critical arguments be “contradictory” with other negative positions?
I approach critically framed arguments in the same way I approach other arguments, is there a link, what is the impact, and how do the teams resolve the impact? Functionally all framework arguments do is provide impact calculus ahead of time, so as a result, your framework should have a role of the ballot explanation either in the 1NC or the block. Beyond that, my preference is for kritiks which interrogate the material conditions which surround the debaters/debate round/topic/etc. as opposed to kritiks which attempt to view the round from a purely theoretical stance since their link is usually of stronger substance, the alternative solvency is easier to explain and the impact framing applies at the in-round level. Ultimately though you should do what you know; I would like to believe I am pretty well read in the literature which debaters have been reading for kritiks, but as a result I'm less willing to do the work for debaters who blip over the important concepts they're describing in round. There are probably words you'll use in a way only the philosopher you're drawing from uses them, so it's a good idea to explain those concepts and how they interact in the round at some point.
Affirmative kritiks are still required to be resolutional, though the process by which they do that is up for debate. T & framework often intersect as a result, so both teams should be precise in any delineations or differences between those.
Negative arguments can be contradictory of one another but teams should be prepared to resolve the question of whether they should be contradictory on the conditionality flow. Also affirmative teams can and should link negative arguments to one another in order to generate offense.
Performance based arguments
Teams that want to have performance debates: Yes, please. Make some arguments on how I should evaluate your performance, why your performance is different from the other team's performance and how that performance resolves the impacts you identify.
Teams that don't want to have performance debates: Go for it? I think you have a lot of options for how to answer performance debates and while plenty of those are theoretical and frameworky arguments it behooves you to at least address the substance of their argument at some point either through a discussion of the other team's performance or an explanation of your own performance.
To vote on topicality I need an interpretation, a reason to prefer (standard/s) and a voting issue (impact). In round abuse can be leveraged as a reason why your standards are preferable to your opponents, but it is not a requirement. I don't think that time skew is a reverse voting issue but I'm open to hearing reasons why topicality is bad for debate or replicates things which link to the kritik you read on the aff/read in the 2AC. At the same time, I think that specific justifications for why topicality is necessary for the negative can be quite responsive on the question, these debates are usually resolved with impact calculus of the standards.
FX-T & X-T: For me these are most strategically leveraged as standards for a T interp on a specific word but there are situations where these arguments would have to be read on their own, I think in those situations it's very important to have a tight interpretation which doesn't give the aff a lot of lateral movement within your interpretation. These theory arguments are still a search for the best definition/interpretation so make sure you have all the pieces to justify that at the end of the debate.
Functional competition is necessary, textual competition is debatable, but I don't really think text comp is relevant unless the negative attempts to pic out of something which isn't intrinsic to the text. If you don't want to lose text comp debates while negative in front of me on the negative you should have normal means arguments prepared for the block to show how the CP is different from how the plan would normally be resolved. I think severence/intrinsic perm debates are only a reason to reject the perm absent a round level voter warrant, and are not automatically a neg leaning argument. Delay and study counterplans are pretty abusive, please don't read them in front of me if you can avoid it. If you have a good explanation for why consultation is not normal means then you can consider reading consult, but I err pretty strongly aff on consult is normal means. Conditions counterplans are on the border of being theoretically illegitimate as well, so a good normal means explanation is pretty much necessary.
Condo debates: On the continuum of judges I am probably closer to the conditionality bad pole than 99% of the rest of pool. If you're aff I think "contradictory condo bad" is a much better option than generic "condo bad". Basically if you can win that two (or more) neg advocacies are contradictory and extend it through your speeches I will vote aff.
In the absence of debaters' clearly won arguments to the contrary, what is the order of evaluation that you will use in coming to a decision (e.g. do procedural issues like topicality precede kritiks which in turn precede cost-benefit analysis of advantages/disadvantages, or do you use some other ordering)?
Given absolutely no impact calculus I will err towards the argument with the most warrants and details. For example if a team says T is a priori with no warrants or explanation for why that is true or why it is necessary an aff could still outweigh through the number of people it effects (T only effects the two people in the round, arguments about T spillover are the impact calc which is missing in the above explanation). What I'm really saying here is do impact calculus.
How do you weight arguments when they are not explicitly weighed by the debaters or when weighting claims are diametrically opposed? How do you compare abstract impacts (i.e. "dehumanization") against concrete impacts (i.e. "one million deaths")?
I err towards systemic impacts absent impact calculus by the debaters. But seriously, do your impact calculus. I don't care if you use the words probability, magnitude, timeframe and reversability, just make arguments as to why your impact is more important.
Cross-X: Please don't shout at each other if it can be avoided, I know that sometimes you have to push your opponents to actually answer the question you are asking but I think it can be done at a moderate volume. Other than that, do whatever you want in cross ex, I'll listen (since it's binding).
If you are a novice, none of these things apply to you. please just do your best. Your speaks are solely dependent on you being kind and nice to everyone in the room.- I don't need to be on the email chain! You all amaze me every day!
(Policy, Public Forum, then LD)
I'm Subbi and I did Policy debate at the University of Iowa. GO HAWKS I debated for 3 years at Niles West.
First things first, make arguments you are comfortable and happy with. This is an activity that is inherently for the students participating in it. Read what you want to read and tell me why it matters and why I should vote on it. That being said please don't say racist/sexist/ableist language during a round. I'm just not gonna vote on racism good.
@Both Aff and Neg- Making fewer arguments that are extremely warranted is better than making more arguments that are not as warranted. I love common sense arguments and analytics. I don't think you need a card for every argument you make. If you make a persuasive analytic I'm all for that. I think debaters should be able and be encouraged to make arguments outside of cards. I prefer structural impacts over extinction-level impacts if you do make an extinction impact, have a really good internal link chain analysis.
@Policy Aff- Policy affs are really precise and garner GOOD SKILLS and I love them. I LOVE theory and I have a very low threshold for voting on it. I don't like really long case overviews. I will always weigh the affirmative unless told otherwise by the Neg. Winning against a one-off K in front of me requires you to at least win the Perm and a no link argument. I am very biased towards structural and ontological impacts like I don't think extinction outweighs everyday mundane violence, that being said have impact defense.
@Non-Traditional Affirmatives- Non-traditional affirmatives are really fun and give good EDUCATION and I love them. Non-Traditional Affs don't have to win that the Ballot is key in front of me, I will hold them to the same standard I hold the policy affs to, which is "you have to prove that the aff is a good idea. I need the aff to at least be reasonably within the bounds of the resolution.
@Policy Neg- Please don't read spark, death good, or PIC/KS.
@K Neg- If you're a one-off K team, please have a good explanation of your Links. You don't need to win an Alt in front of me to win the K, but you have to win impacts and framing, and why your theory means the aff can not solve or turns the case. Please have great answers to the permutation because I think most times the permutation is probably good, and I admit that I lean aff when it comes to permutations In one-off rounds.
@Neg Vs Non-Traditional Affs- If your ammo against non-traditional affs is two off cap and FW, lose the cap in front of me and just read external impacts that the aff can't solve but can be solved by core policy education. Case debates are really good against Non-traditional affs, Utilitarian framing is good, survival strategies are bad, No root cause. All of these are valid and good arguments to read. Don't drop the case ever. Don't let the aff weigh the entire aff against FW because they will almost always win. I like framework debates where the impact isn't fairness but education and skills. If you go for a Kritik against these Kinds of Affirmatives, I will have a high threshold for the aff being able to get a permutation, especially if they don't have an advocacy statement, but you must make this argument. Also, contextualize your Links to their theory/aff.
@cross ex- Look at me and don't laugh at your opponent's answer. Many people have done this with me in the back and it really hurts your ethos. Please be nice to each other I don't wanna vote up a mean team.
- Please show up to rounds on time, ESP NOVICE, I will vote on disclosure theory so fast.
-Cx is a speech- Brian Rubaie 2k16
-I will never judge kick, ever.
-Don't steal prep.
-Have Fun :)
-I'm here to protect the 2NR.
-Will vote you down if you own Air Pods!!
-fam the wilder your alt, the higher the speaks lol.
- I have a low threshold for presumption if you are running a policy aff, I am not voting for presumption against a K aff.
Hey, I actually love and prefer judging PF. People in PF are a lot more polite and they always acknowledge me in the round and I like that.
PRO- Strongly prefer if pro always goes first in speeches and in the crossfire. I think to me a good pro is very persuasive and organized. I would prefer if you have two well-written and well-explained advantages rather than a bunch of shallow ones. I don't need you to extend everything in every speech but you should definitely have your points in the last two speeches if you want me to consider them.
CON- I think I am CON-leaning but that doesn't mean this is an easy ballot. You should offer good counterexamples, and directly answer their points in the last 3 speeches. I prefer that you have less defensive arguments and are more focused on proving the pro harmful.
Crossfire- You get a question, they get a question, then you get a follow-up. I hate hate hate when someone dominates the crossfire and doesn't allow for the other person to question, very rude. Will drop your speaks.
NOTES- I am fine with speed, I will reward politeness. Thank you for debating for me!
Hi so I have only judged a few rounds of LD, I think I have a good enough grasp on what is going on. I give a lot of leeway for the pro because they have a very short speech when answering a very long one. I prefer if this wasn't a debate about super old philosophers. That's right, I am NOT here for a Kant vs Locke debate. Most of these philosophers were super racist and if you want to talk philosophy there are philosophers today that you can reference.
Kai Ogawa
Hello, it is so nice to meet you! From past judging experiences, I have developed some preferences that I expect from students including dedication, preparation, and respect. Otherwise, I am always open to hear your story or argument.
Did PF for 6 years. Competed for Evergreen Valley
General Preferences:
Read any argument
Be Efficient
Read metaweighing in rounds with several weighing mechs
Speed is fine.
Please share speech docs as a standard.
I will default negative for policy rounds, and the first speaking team for fact rounds
I think paraphrasing is bad and disclosure is good.
Crossfire should be about asking questions, DO NOT assert yourself over your opponent to try and impress me
Please ask me questions at the end of the round
I agree with the notion that debate should be played like a game. I enjoy judging rounds where debaters use "unique paths" to the ballot.
Parent Judge.
I have judged at many middle school tournaments and high school tournaments including JV and Varsity but explain your contentions.
Do not spread. If you do, I will most likely stop writing on my paper and give you an auto-loss.
I like to evaluate on your method of weighing and your ability to provide reasonable arguments with support. Lots of debaters use net benefits, but if you want to use something different go ahead! Just make sure arguments actually tie to it.
Otherwise, have fun!
General: Debate is a game that is played to be won but it is also a game that can involve very personal components. So in round be respectful and inclusive. Tell me what weighing mechanism to use when evaluating who should win, debate which weighing mechanism is better, and tell me why you win within that weighing mechanism. Also, more structure and signposting is ALWAYS better. I have multiple years of college debate as a competitor and judge so I default to evaluating the round through the technical components of the flow unless told to do otherwise.
Policy Debate: Run anything you want (politics, PICs, business confidence, anything). I prefer the contemporary debate structure (Advantages and Disadvantages) to the classical stock issues style. Solid impact weighing/framing can easily win you an otherwise close round.
Theory: I am good with anything. I prefer it when its used to actually check back for abuse in round and not just as a time suck but I am willing to vote on it regardless. I do not have a preference of the standards vs voters debate.
If a team includes triggering language in a round without giving a sufficient content warning (one that allows people to opt out of listening to that triggering language) I am willing to vote on a theory that calls that out. Debate should be able to provide a safe space where we can all engage without having to relive trauma.
Also in regards to content warnings - when talking about possibly triggering issues using general terms, instead of specific or detailed examples, and including the term you will use in the speech in your content warning is a good way to better engage with other debaters and me as a judge.
Kritik: I’m not a huge fan of the kritik. You need to make sure the arguments are accessible to everyone in the round. I don't have extensive experience with kritik's and would not recommend running it in front of me but if you are clear, make valid arguments that everyone can follow, and win on the flow I can vote for it.
Speed / Speaker Points: I have no problem with speed, but be clear and maintain solid word economy. Don’t exclude other teams from the debate with your speed, it will cost you speaker points and I am open to theory/kritikal arguments against it. Otherwise, go as fast as you want. Speaker points are awarded by the quality and competitiveness of arguments made rather than persuasiveness.
I am a lay judge. I have judging experience and I will be flowing your arguments. I highly recommend speaking at a normal, reasonable pace and to not read theory as I am unlikely to vote off of these arguments. The strength of your arguments is more important than the quantity of your arguments, make sure to extend your arguments especially arguments dropped by the other team.
Please add me to the chain, my email is rosasyardley.a at gmail
Policy from 2014-2021 for Downtown Magnets High School/LAMDL and Cal State Fullerton.
I think I am best for k v k and k v fw/policy rounds. I lean towards truthy styles of debate but I view tech and truth as equally important. Go for less in the rebuttals. Write my ballot. Isolate key points of clash in the debate and compare warrants. You should be able to break down the debate for me to minimize the amount of thinking and work that I have to do pls.
I am a parent judge (my son tells me I am a flay judge - experienced lay judge), and I'm in my fourth year of judging. I appreciate clear sign posts and logical arguments: tell me what you're going to say (roadmaps are nice), then say it, and finally remind me what you've said. I also appreciate debaters who do not speak so quickly that I cannot absorb their arguments or understand their individual words. I believe that clear, well-paced speaking communicates the debater's confidence in their argument.
I can tolerate theory but not unless you use it judiciously. If I feel like you're using trivial theory shells for strategic purposes, rather than to do what theory is meant for (encourage a fair and educational debate), I will count it against you. If you do run theory, explain it well so I understand.
POOs are allowed and I will discern whether it's reasonable. I expect POIs to be used fairly, and not just to disrupt the flow of your opponent.
No K's, be civil, good luck!
parent judge for 3+ years with a focus on parliamentary debate.
no theory or kritikal arguments, big advocate for fairness and i will hear arguments against abuse and violating fairness
evidence + reasoning > evidence > reasoning
i prefer when debates stay respectful, and most importantly, have fun :)
I don't really judge anymore. If you are a debater and want to see my paradigm for some reason, email me firstname dot lastname at gmail.
Debate is an educational activity. Do not gamify it.
Public Forum should be accessible to the public.
Lincoln-Douglas should engage with relevant philosophies and their practical consequences.
Parliamentary should be creative, off-the-cuff argumentation.
Policy should explore policy-making and its impacts on society.
Focus on the basics of persuasion that carry over to real life.
a. Speaking extremely fast is rarely persuasive.
b. Exaggerating impacts is never persuasive.
c. Speak clearly. Stay calm.
TLDR: Generic Flay (idk if i want to call myself flow anymore) judge w little to no K experience. Case and T are cool. My email is:
tech>truth. tabula rasa. ill try not to intervene, but if there is no comparative weighing I might have to. I default SOL > other weighing.
I have noticed as I have become less involved in debate I am less willing to buy completely unwarranted blips of evidence. Please provide warrants with evidence (pls dont just evidence dump with no analysis of your own) and please make sure the evidence says what you are saying it does.
Theory cool. Just don't say something problematic. Please don't run t on people not familiar with it. ill vote up but tank your speaks. Default reasonability, RVIs Good, and default theory not a priori. Extend the underview every speech
Ks used to be ok but then I didn't hear a K for like 6 years lmao. I'm prob not the judge to run a K v T or K v Case debate. I legit forgot all the framework/weighing stuff/comparative. (Actually pls dont run K i dont know what im doing)
Pls No tricks. i just can't.
On evidence, call it out if its fake. Tell me to look at it and i will. If its fake then ill delete it off my flow. If its really badly misconstrued -> lowest speaks. I decide how fake it is. Paraphrasing ok, but if its cap then -> lowest speaks.
If you send speech docs ill give you 2 extra speaker points
Don't say problematic stuff. ill give lowest speaker points.
PF specific
I default to Net Benefits unless you tell me to use something else. Pls Weigh. Comparative weighing too. Don't bring up new args in FF. New weighing is ok in 1st FF, just no new big framing/weighing ovs/mechs. Extend links/weighing/framing in sum and FF. Defense from 1st reb is sticky. Don't expect me to vote off a turn unless you implicate it. DAs are ok but pls don't be abusive with them; ill let you do it but ill tank your speaks. Please explain nuances if its a big point in the debate. Spreading cool but you need to send a doc. Warrant everything; if they call you out on it, im not evaluating it. I don't care about cross but i listen, if there is a concession or smt, say in speech. Abolish grand cross. For PF, don't do too much of the T/K debate, keep it on case pls; its supposed to be for the layman. ill tell you if i don't know specific jargon on the topic.
I am second year judging parliamentary type debates. I judge the debate outcome purely based on what is presented to me. I value debating with solid arguments and impact analysis instead of just buzzwords and technicality/process. The most important for me is that debaters bring their passion, persuasiveness and confidence to the table. To get my full attention and to help me judge the debate with clarity, please layout your plan, clearly articulate your points and speak with reasonable speed. For me a great speech has great organization and clarity of thoughts.
Although I have never competed on a debate team, watching debates/debate tournaments has been a hobby of mine for some time now. I have judged approximately six tournaments over the course of one year. The debate formats I have experience in are Parliamentary, Public Forum, Congress, and World.
1) Clear Speech - This is the foremost important thing to me in a speech. I value articulation, enunciation, and a digestible speaking pace above all.
2) Spreading - While I am not a fan of spreading - in the least bit - I do recognize the strategic value of the technique and I've encountered debaters who have been able to effectively execute this skill because of their great use of my point number one (clear speech) and the point to follow.
3) Verbal/Non-Verbal Fillers - This is a grave pet peeve of mine. The excessive use of "uh's, uhm's," and "like..." will earn you a lower score with me. I find them distracting to the arguments and it makes for an extremely incoherent and unconfident sounding speech. If collecting your thoughts or gathering your words is necessary during a speech, then taking a brief moment of pause is preferable to uttering a ton of distracting fillers. Avoid them at all costs.
3) Passion/Conviction - A great sales person could sell milk to a cow". Keep in mind that you are salespersons. You are selling me on an idea that you feel strongly about or in opposition of. Therefore, you must convince me not only with facts but your presentation of those facts. I, greatly, value a passionate speech. If you are not able to sell me on the facts at least be able make me buy your argument. I've judged debates where the conviction of the speaker, alone, was almost sufficient enough for me to vote in their favor. Just don't try to sell me foolishness.
4) Facts - It goes without saying that facts should be supported.
5) Respect - I can appreciate whit, confidence, and a good amount of entertainment but please, be respectful.
I am a parent judge with 3 years of judging experience in parliamentary debate.
Case Debate:
Please clearly articulate your arguments so I can understand them. I love impact analysis in 3rd speeches, especially if you've extended them through all 3 speeches. Please do PMT analysis (probability, magnitude, timeframe). Call POOs if you spot them, but do not be excessive since it is disruptive to the speaker. I protect the flow. If there are any topics with necessary background information or context, please provide it for me at the beginning.
K or T:
If you are running any technical arguments, please explain them so I can understand. I do not like kritiks since they are very difficult for me to understand. I understand theory on a very basic level, so please only run it if you really must (I do not like frivolous theory), and even then, explain every aspect clearly and slowly. I appreciate strong reasoning and analysis to make it clear for me to decide who wins the round. Good luck, and I look forward to a great debate!
I am a fairly new judge to parliamentary debate. Please go slow and clearly. Thanks
MINI (shortened) PARADIGM
I am not a lay judge, I will keep a flow
self-timing is encouraged
signpost clearly, please!
terminalize your impacts
try to take cross-examination
spreading is fine, but if your opponent or I say "clear", or ask you to slow down, I expect and suggest you fix your spreading or it will negatively affect your round.
*be respectful*
Debate is an educational opportunity for growth, to practice, and gain life skills in public speaking, impact analysis, and persuasion. Being diplomatic, respectful, and have good sportsmanship is important to fostering a more welcoming community in such an inherently competitive and cutthroat activity. Good clash, signposting, and evidence make for great debate rounds, so be sure to employ these to your fullest extent in the round. Do not be abusive or disrespectful to your opponents, partner, or me.
Be concise and clear, emphasize your evidence and explain to me why you should win the round. While diplomacy and speaking ability are important factors in results, I will judge first and foremost on the actual debate and flow itself.
Background in debate:
In high school, I did two years of parliamentary debate so that is the style I am most familiar with, however, I have judged LD rounds before and understand the basic principles of policy.
My judging:
Although I am not a lay judge, I will remain tabla rasa while judging, so it is best to pretend I have zero knowledge of the subject matter. I judge rounds focused solely on the information brought up during the debate will not be applying my own personal knowledge or bias as a factor of any sort when judging. Therefore, it would be unwise of you to assume I know something and breeze over the statistics, analysis, or evidence, as I will not judge on what is not explicitly cited or stated within the round. If your opponents tell me that apples are purple and you fail to contest this point, I will vote as if apples are in fact purple.
Random Preferences:
Conditionality- Unless you have legitimate grounds for running this, I tend to find it abusive.
Courtesy- be respectful of your opponents. Do not heckle, tag team, or be cruel.
Cross-Examination- answer to the best of your ability all of the questions asked. Weak responses to get out of questions such as "that is not relevant", with no further explanation will hurt your speaker points.
Impacts- terminalize them, and explain them... impact weighing can shift a whole debate if done correctly, so keep this in mind!!
K- Generally, I am not super familiar with kritiks and do not enjoy kritiks unless you believe it is absolutely necessary to the round. Avoid running them unless you have very clear evidence and explanation as to why the K is necessary and proper and be sure you have strong links to the Aff.
Protected time- keep questions short, clear, and be respectful of protected time. If your opponent asks a question, please accept and respond to the question within reason. Respect and honor your opponent’s speaking time and do not ask an excessive number of questions.
Signpost- please clearly signpost. It allows me to better track and flow your arguments meaning I can better judge your round.
Speaking- please try to fill all of your speaking time.
Speed- While I do prefer slower debate rounds, you may spread. I can keep up with quick-paced rounds but prioritize the quality of speech over quantity, so do note that your spreading must be clear. If I cannot understand what you are saying then I cannot flow it. If I or your opponent says clear, I expect and suggest you fix your spreading or it will negatively affect your round.
Topicality- go for it but offer a counter interp.
Value- clearly express and define your value for me.
Voting issues- use them to your advantage in your last speech to remind me why you believe you have won the round.
-off-time roadmaps are encouraged
-Avoid dropping arguments, as drops mean truth.
-Feel free to use comparative advantage but only if you have responded to all DAs.
-Go ahead and self-time!
-Speaking ability is something that I am acutely aware of.
-Being disrespectful will also reflect negatively on your speaker points.
-A failure on your behalf to prepare does not constitute an emergency on my behalf. Please come to the round with everything you need to debate.
Parent judge. I am not fond of disrespectful debating styles. I also am not very fond of Ks, and if the other team points one out, it will attenuate when your score considerably. Other than that, have fun!
Nationals 2021 Paradigm:
Congratulations on competing at Nationals!
I've never judged extemp debate before, but see below for my LD paradigm, which should give you a good feel for my preferences.
Please be sure to tell me why you win (especially in your last speeches) and weigh the debate.
Have fun and good luck!
LD Paradigm:
I am a parent judge. I have judged many tournaments over the past several years. I am a lawyer, so I'm used to evidence and quick speakers. Here are some preferences:
- Do not spread, please. Above normal speed is fine, but if you spread, I may not be able to follow.
- Please don't use K, T, or Theory, I am a traditional judge. If you have to read this stuff for any reason, please over explain it.
- Please don't be rude in Cross X.
- Tell me why I should vote for you (especially in last speeches)
- I will be flowing, but please let me know when you believe your opponent's arguments were dropped and when to extend your arguments; don't assume I will extend things for you.
- Focus on why things matter in the context of the debate.
- If you refer to previous evidence, please summarize it rather than just saying the author's last name.
- Be smart- make thoughtful arguments with good evidence. I like evidence and will be more likely to be persuaded by your position if your evidence is good.
- I love clash; where applicable, please focus on responding directly to your opponent's arguments.
- Please time yourselves.
Hello. I am a fairly new judge. Please do not speak too quickly.
Please write the resolution right away in the chat box. Please state all definitions clearly and slowly.
I am proud of all you are doing, what an amazing experience this is. I look forward to hearing your debates. Have fun!
I am a parent judge with some experience judging parlimentary debates in the last couple of years. Starting with a road map is helpful for me to follow your round. I value clarify over speed. It is also important for me to see you are respectful to your opponents.
I am a new parent judge and I see myself as an absolute lay judge.Therefore, I will ask that you speak slowly and enunciate your words to aim for better understanding.
I will try my best to judge based on how well you organize and present the information and argue logically.
I am a parent with some experience judging debate in the past couple years. I base my decisions on how well each debater speaks, so please use eye contact, project your voice, speak clearly, and do not speak too fast. I also value the organization of each speech and strong reasoning skills.
I'm Sarah, I did CX for 3.5 years in high school, 2 years in college at JMU doing NDT/CEDA, and then just under 2 years of NPDA at Western Washington University ending as a semifinalist with my partner in 2020. I've been coaching middle school and high school parli for the last 4ish years.
Now that we're back to in-person tournaments, please feel free to ask me any specific questions before the round starts if there's anything I can clarify.
this is still a work in progress
On the K-
I'm most familiar with MLM, however I can keep up with and evaluate most everything. I know the framework tricks, if you know how to use them. I have a high threshold for links of omission. I default aff doesn't get to weigh the aff against the K, unless told otherwise. I see role of the ballot arguments as an independent framing claim to frame out offense. I default to perms as tests of competitions, and not as independent advocacies. For K affs-you don't need to have topic harms if your framework has sufficient reasons to reject the res, but from my experience running nontopical affs I find it more strategic if you do have specific justifications to reject the res (I guess that distinction is more relevant for parli).
On theory-
I default to competing interps over reasonability, unless told otherwise. I have kind of a high threshold for reasonability, especially when neg teams have racist/incorrect interpretations of how debate history has occurred in order to justify reactionary positions. If you have me judging parli-I default to drop the debater; and if you have me judging policy/LD-I default to drop the argument. I default to text of the interp. Parli specific: (if no weighing, do I default to LOC or MG theory? I'll come back and answer this). I don't default to fairness and education as voters, if you just read standards, then I don't have a way to externally weigh the work you're doing on that flow. I default theory apriori, but I have a relatively low threshold for arguments to evaluate other layers of the flow first. I default to "we meet" arguments working similarly to link arguments, the negative can still theoretically win risk of a violation, especially under competing interps. For disclosure arguments-I have a very high threshold for voting on this argument in parli, given that it's nearly non-verifiable. For other formats, I think disclosure and the wiki are good norms. In general, admittedly I have a high threshold for voting on t-framework.
General/case stuff-
Case-CPs don't get to kick out of particular planks of their CP in the block, if there are multiple. I default to no judge-kick. Given no work done in the round, uniqueness matters more than impacts. Fiat is durable.
I default to impact weighing in this order if no work is done in the round: probability, magnitude, timeframe.
If I am judging you in an event that you read evidence in the round-if there's card-clipping, it's likely to be an auto-drop. If you misconstrue evidence, I won't intervene but I'll have a low threshold for voting on it if the other team brings it up.
My name is Connor (he/him) and I have four years of high school parli debate experience. During that time I considered myself to be a "flay" debater, meaning that while I did use theory and other technical arguments I almost always structured my debates around case. As a judge, I will evaluate any arguments that you can prove are important.
I love good case debate with warranted uniqueness, a strong link chain, clearly terminalized impacts, and organized clash on the line-by-line
Organization will boost your speaks
I generally like when people collapse on a few impacts in their voters
I assume probability>magnitude>time frame>reversibility if not told otherwise
Please do impact calculus
Please have a specific counterplan text. It would also be ideal if you could give a hardcopy to me and the other team if it's a particularly complex one
Try to be mutually exclusive, run perms as a test of competition
Run theory against CPs you think are abusive
Love theory with a clear interp, standards, and voter issues
I probably have a higher threshold for friv theory than most, but will still vote on it
My default is competing interpretations, if you argue for reasonability give me a brightline
Assume I know nothing about your lit base, Ks were never my area of expertise
Please try not to run something super generic, tell me how the aff or the res applies to your argument
Signpost as clearly as possible
Ok with some speed, but probably can’t keep up with spreading
I would encourage you to call “slow” or “clear” on the other team if needed
I flow answers to POIs
Call POOs if the new argument is borderline
Answer a POI or two in your constructive speeches
Tag teaming is fine, just make sure the speaker ultimately says everything
Feel free to approach me before the round with any questions or concerns and I'll be happy to answer.
This is my first high school tournament, so I am new to everything. Please don't speak fast, I will be unable to write down all you say, and what I do not write down will probably not help you. Speak with clarity and do not use any jargon; if you do, explain what those words mean. Please explain EVERYTHING, so I understand what you are saying. Please provide well-developed arguments. I would be more impressed with two or three well-developed deep arguments over several superficial arguments. Make sure to be respectful. Thanks and have fun!