Peninsula Invitational
2021 — Rolling Hills Estates, CA/US
Novice Policy Paradigm List
All Paradigms: Show HideI want to be on the email chain, my email is If you have any questions, feel free to email me.
I debated high school policy debate for 4 years with Goldstein HS, I've judged and taught parli and I've judged PF.
I don't like:
Existential impacts, don't give me a million ways nuclear war will happen, high magnitude impacts are almost always unconvincing and non-unique, if you're gonna run that kinda arg, make sure the impact story makes sense
Generic t arguments, I'll vote on it if it's carried well but if you can run off case and on case, then t really has no place in your 1nc. Time skews are just boring for everyone involved, throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks isn't an effective strategy
Spreading tags and analytics, as that's the stuff I'll need to flow. If I don't get down something important because your spreading through it, don't be surprised if I have to make my own conclusions to write an rfd
That aside, I'm fine with anything so long as it's thoroughly explained. I also like if you're funny, snarky, or bring up the mood somehow... it makes for good debate, brightens everyone's day, and usually gets you higher speaks
Anyway, have a good time, have fun, and good luck
Freshman at lmu
did debate for Damien hs
email for chain ->
you can read whatever you want just be clear
make me laugh and ur speaks will be nice
Please refer to everyone involved in the round gender-neutrally unless otherwise stated by a participant or judge.
CX Teams: Aff starts the email chain ASAP.
Yes, include me. My email is:
high school debate: crenshaw high school ( policy )
college debate: st. john's university ( BP )
currently: i'm usually running tournaments, as such, i'm not really keeping up with current arguments, authors, strats etc. anymore. assume i'm used to your evidence at your own risk.
hi i'm amber (they/them) and i want you to have fun and learn new things. debates are for learning, not for whoever gets to nuclear war fastest. tech issues aren't considered prep,
I HAVE TINNITUS AND CANNOT UNDERSTAND MONOTONE READERS.if you're spreading you need to enunciate the tags at least. please ask for clarification on this.
general stuff:
- you as the debater have 1 job: tell me, the judge, how to vote. i value impact calcs, world comparisons, and depth over breadth on all flows. if you're running framework, keep it alive till the end of the debate because i love an easy vote. keep your args and flows organized so that by the 2AR/2NR you have a clear flight path for your future ballot.
- if you're non-black and running black args as gotchas, i'm going to break tabroom giving you extremely low speaks.
- nearly all spreading speeds are fine, but i will always value clarity over reading a bunch of stuff, especially if you're unable to speak clearly, or get quieter as you spread.
- on that, neg teams that read 17 half assed args (CP with no plan text, K with no alt, DA with no impacts etc) are wasting their time, the other team's time, and most importantly, my time. don't do it, you will not get my ballot.
- i dock speaks for being rude to your partner or opponents. the competition is never serious enough to warrant actual malice or bad vibes in or out of a round.
- i'm not a very technical judge. the last thing i want to do at the end of a round is pull evidence and spend 10 minutes going back and forth with myself. to coaches: if you have novice or jv debaters who are on the cusp of transition into a higher division, i'm the judge for them.
add me to your email
Pronouns: She/hers They/Theirs
Experience: I did policy debate at Downtown Magnets High School for 4 years. I was captain of my team, broke to octos in the 2019 Urban Debate National Championship. I went to college on a debate scholarship, did parli and judged policy, parli and ld. I now work as a community organizer
What to run?: Literally anything. I ran kaffs my sophomore and senior year of high school and policy affs my entire junior year and now. I've run and gone for DAs, CPs, theory, T, and Ks.
What not to do?: Don't be racist, sexist, homophobic, or any of the other isms.
What I'm not the biggest fan of: I also have a bias against inaccess. running like 6+ off, running an unnecessary amount of theory, leveraging your own identity in a way that pushes your opponents to bring their own identity into the round, spreading to the point of incoherency past the 1ac/1nc
this is unfinished if you have more specific questions ask before round but the TL;DR is I’ve debated a lot so run whatever and don’t be a jerk
Newbie Coach for ADL
I flow.
I give pretty high speaks if you're nice.
Email Chain:
I'm likely more moderate compared to most judges you'll encounter. Running kritiks beyond the Capitalism Kritik would require more thorough explanation and warranting for me to be swayed. I strongly prefer to see a clear and well-defined alternative.
Hello, my name is Lesly De Anda She/Her - Add me to the email chain:
Some things about me: I Graduated from Steam Legacy High School class of 2019’ debated for 4 years for the Los Angeles Urban Debate League (LAMDL for short) as a Policy Debater! I attended Fullerton College where I debated for 2 years in JV-Open Policy Debate transferring to UC Riverside. I no longer debate competitively, but I am active in judging and coaching if you ever need any help please go ahead and email me any questions after round I would love to help! I am aPolicy Coach - @ STEAM LEGACY HS and an affiliate/alumni for LAMDL. I judge Policy Debate, LD Debate, and Public Forum.
Receiving High Speaks: I love strong speakers and debaters who asks great CX questions, I love to feel the clash in the room. I tend not to pay attention to CX but when it leads to clash I will take it into consideration. Please address me by my name and talk to me before round, I hate going into round feeling like I don't know anyone or being snubbed. Debate is a show, do your BEST and be CHARISMATIC this is your show and we are all just watching.
Receiving Low Speaks: if u create a hostile environment for the other debaters in the room or people in the room I will end the round and vote up the other team immediately.
- If say something racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, any ism's etc. I WILL DROP YOUR SPEAKER POINTS. I get it, debate is a competitive sport that can get very heated, but to me, this is an educational space and should also make you feel safe. Be a good person to the people you share this space with and contribute to the great things that this activity contributes in the best way you can do such.
- If you have spectators in your round, please be respectful I will LOWER your speaks and and VOTE YOU DOWN if you are TEXTING and even INTERACTING with them IRKS me and is super DISRESPECTFUL.
Spreading - Is okay with me as long as everyone in the room can fully understand you - remember you can read 8 off but if I didn’t understand you who does it benefit in round ? If you ask me if I can understand spreading then I will tell you no ._. Read my paradigm.
CX - I will NOT vote on anything during CX UNLESS brought up in the constructive or debater asks me too, if you are going to create a strategy ask me to flow, if not I will not pay attention to CX.
Prep - take the time you need before a round, the internet sometimes sucks and computers act up it happens, do not steal prep time while flashing or emailing files. I am very understanding so please do not take advantage or else I will be force to stop the round. If you need to cut a card while you are reading pls send a revise version before the next speech, I find it unjust and unfair.
Flowing - I do flow everything ( not CX unless stated to), but I will not flow if your spreading is illegible, if you know your spreading is not as good as it needs to be do not make me work harder to understand. After every RFD I pretty much tell everyone that they need to flow, you can drop so many args if you don't flow.
Policy/K’ Affs - I ran both myself, but have no biasness towards either both are awesome to run! Just make sure you know how to defend yourself against Topicality. Love the uniqueness of K aff's show me what you created !!!!
Topicality - T is work and you have to put in the work in order to win my vote on T, if you are going for topicality or any theory argument in the 2ar/2nr you need to extend interpretations, violations, and standards. Standards must have impacts fairness and education is not super persuasive and will probably lean to reasonability. Good interps of what a "topical" plan should be --- that being said i will default to the better interp/definition and vote accordingly.
K’s - I LOVE A GOOD K debate and usually do vote on the K if the links/impacts are made clear. Link contextualization is key no matter the kritik. Alternative contextualization is key too if at the end of the round I do not understand what your alternative then I will drop the K and vote on the AFF on this one. PLEASE do your research, and explain what the alternative does, and how the aff links into such.
(Policy debates)Tag team CX- Once you are in Varsity , I don't believe you should be tag teaming.
Peninsula Debate 2019-2021
Damien Debate 2021-2022
Top Level Stuff
Tech>Truth but truth doesn't hurt.
Offense/defense - zero risk only exists for theory.
An argument without warrants isn't an argument.
Dropped warrants are true - you still need some explanation to extend them though.
Neg on theory - infinite condo's good, judge kick, etc. Sole exception here is that while perf con obviously isn't a voter, I become very skeptical of certain "epistemology first/reps first" K framework arguments.
Inserts are fine.
Fairness is an impact.
Bias/Ideological Leanings
I'm a lot better for Ks v policy affs than I was a year ago, as they have become my most common 2NR. I especially have a soft spot for psychoanalysis as a security K. I don't have a predisposed opinion on framework (on the aff or neg) that can't be reversed with good debating (if you win that I shouldn't weigh the aff then I shouldn't weigh the aff, and vice versa).
Nevertheless, I always love and am familiar with classic policy arguments.
I'm probably not great for you if you read a K Aff, even simply on a level of familiarity, although I will do my best to adjudicate without bias.
Novice Notes
Try to only use word documents.
Don't say a count down before speeches.
Give an order of what FLOWS you'll be going to (ie "Case in the order of advantage one, then two. The X CP. The X DA").
Peninsula '22 | UCLA '26
Add me to the chain:
I haven't been active in the debate community for a little bit so clarity and a clean flow would be appreciated. If you're exploding down your block I will not be able to follow most of your args.
Arguments must include a claim, warrant, and impact.
T/CP/DA: I find that evidence quality is quintessential - I slightly lean towards a legally precise definition that reflects consensus rather than a debateability push. But, can be easily swayed for either side. If you're aff and its soft left with a framing advantage, actually debate the DA. Riders are probably not legitimate. Neg on CP theory, unless it's an instance of extreme abuse. I will default to kicking the CP for the neg if there's nothing said. Solvency advocates aren't necessary, but coherent explanations of solvency are.
K: Good if they disprove why I should vote affirmative, but if they're something like the fiat makes me sad K, I will almost certainly vote against you. Will usually let the aff weigh the material consequences of the aff if framework is debated out equally by both teams.
Non-traditional affs: Fairness is an impact, you can also go for others. Probably not the best judge for the aff teams. A lot of the time, I find it difficult to see how the ballot resolves aff impacts.
Theory: Condo is generally good.
For Lay Debate --
I will try to evaluate arguments as if I had never done debate. Please treat me as a parent judge.
Jackson Frankwick
Email chain ---
Please be nice.
Don’t pref me if you don’t read a plan and care about winning.
If I judge a fairness bad arguement I will immediately vote for the opponents in the spirit of unfairness.
If I can't flow you I will stop paying attention.
I try to make my speaks normally distributed(u = 28.4, sd = 0.5).
Prep ends when email is sent.
Topicality is primarily a question of truth.
Everything is probablistic unless dropped (existential inherency is true).
Hello my name is Axel Garcia
I'm currently attending GCU (Phoenix, Arizona) and Majoring in Forensic Psychology and Minoring in Sports and Performance Psychology. I debated in high school for 3 1/2 years as a debater/competitor. I am a debate Coach/Judge (3 years now) for Damien High School if they need help. I debated in public forums and policy debates in high school. I mostly Judge Policy.
-- I am a policy judge but also a lay judge kind of, and haven't judged in a while
- I have not judge in a while so a little rusty, try to persuade me, i will do my best to keep up, but again haven't done research in the debate world for a while
- Tech ^ Truth
- I prefer Policy
- I allow tag team CX
-I like any type of argument you run!
- Don't like K's, I will try my best to flow it.
- Everything else I'm good with.
- I rarely do LD debate, Spend a lot of time contextualizing your card/s if you're relying on it to win the round. Even if it was already constructive, it's a good habit to cover it thoroughly a 2nd time just in case I missed something.
- Sometimes I would do PF but not always. I prefer PF
- Remember to Spread as long as you articulate and are clear.
- I rebuttal speeches show me the most important issues and why they favor your side, we already had rebuttal speeches and 2 crossfires (PF).
- I appreciate puns in rounds.
- Tag team cx is allowed
Big Question
Big questions once during high school don't know much about it. Except to do your best and I value one overarching argument that's successfully upheld throughout the round over winning on the flow. Big picture analysis
Random bonuses like things that would boost your points
- Using your time wisely. ( not just sit there and do nothing. Think about what you are going to do next )
- Try to act confident, even if you're not, by making eye contact with your opponent and standing up straight, which can make your argument appear more believable.
- Remain calm at all times, and never shout or get angry since it will only make your argument seem weak.
- Extras points if you refereence some kind of EDM (Electronic Dance Music) in you speech #EDM4Life
- Always have your camera on when speaking and stand up when speaking
What not to do:
- If you intentionally make any racist, sexist, or otherwise discriminatory comments, I will give you extremely low-speak and notify your coach.
- Try not to clip, if you do and other teams catch it. you lost the ballot, if you are wrong another team loses. But the debate will keep on going.
- Don't play games when you are done speaking or when your opponent is speaking
- Don't go on your phone, to call, chat, or play games, ( you can use your phone to be in call your partner and or if you are using prep time ) <--- on only zoom
-Have Fun!!! Other Profile can see my record and past judging if needed
email (yes, include both):;
LD: policy pls (below should still be applicable)
If you have any questions feel free to ask me before the round starts.
TL;DR Go for what you're most prepared for and can execute the best because that's what really makes debate fun and productive. I'm not very familiar with the topic.
My Beliefs:
Debate is good
Tech > Truth
Clarity above all else
Clipping is bad
My leanings:
Util good
I, as the judge, am a policymaker
Fiat is a good thing
A couple Great cards + explanation always beats 10 pieces of mediocre ev
There's not an excuse to avoid line by line
I don't think fairness isn't an intrinsic impact, same as education. It can be an internal link to other things but simply ending your impact calculus with "They KILLED FAIRNESS" won't do it for me. Just treat your extensions and impact work like you would any DA. (I WON'T EVALUATE T AS A DA. TOPICALITY IS A YES OR NO QUESTION. RISK ANALYSIS FOR T IS ABSURD). I also lean heavily towards competing interpretations; the quality of your ev does matter.
If your entire strategy solely centers around the K, I'm not a great judge for you. I can certainly understand your generic Cap and Security K but any high theory requires a whole lot of explanation for me. Just because I might understand what you're saying doesn't mean you can weasel your way around with generic links if it's even somewhat contested. If you're aff I'd down to see an impact turn (obvious exceptions, of course, are: racism good, sexism good, homophobia good, etc.) I really do not want to hear Death Good, please do not do that in front of me.
K-Affs (Includes Framework)
I have written my disdain for K-Affs before. I am not going to just dismiss it; even as I maintain a reluctance to vote on them, I am not one you should just breeze through your blocks and force me to do work for you. I will be the first to admit that I need a lot of explanation as noted above in "Kritiks". Given all this said, framework is an uphill battle for the aff. I am not very sympathetic to generic "fairness bad/your education bad" impact turns; I think policy education is generally a good thing.
The only theory I feel even remotely comfortable voting aff (TO REJECT THE ARGUMENT) on are utopian fiat bad, object fiat bad, riders DA bad, delay cps bad, and floating piks bad. Condo is generally a good thing and I personally think you're better off not reading that 30 second shell if the neg is running just a single conditional advocacy but I understand time skew. Also, in principle, I judge-kick. I think that as I default to Condo being a good thing, and the status quo always being a logical option, it would be illogical for me to choose a plan of action when doing nothing would be better.
Also, I doubt I'll ever vote for Word Piks. This certainly doesn't excuse excessively disrespectful behavior.
I like politics a lot and I like engagement and clash at the link level even more so. Turns case analysis (vice versa for the aff) is always a good thing and should be a must have. Straight turns are fun.
I love impact turns and my personal favorites are: Heg Good, Warming Good, Cap Good, Dedev, and CWG. It will take a lot for me to evaluate 0 risk of an impact. It can happen but your cards need to be far better.
guno/sean/judge. do with that as you will
+0.5 speaks given if you add me without asking. do with that as you will
be nice. don't do with that as you will. be nice.
don't be racist/sexist/homophobic/etc. don't do with that as you will. don't be racist/sexist/homophobic/etc.
don't read death good. don't do with that as you will. don't read death good
i've been equally a 2A and 2N, but i prefer being a 2A. do with that as you will
Topicality: I've had two T debates in my life. do with that as you will
Kritiks: order of understandability
--security---queer theory -------setcol---------------------other identity-----------------------------------------------high theory
don't drop fw
do with that as you will
K Affs: k affs have value but i don't think u shud read it as a novice. do with that as you will
fw/t-usfg are my bread and butter. went for it in every 1nr. do with that as you will
Disads: bread and butter. went for it in every 1nr. do with that as you will
Counterplans: literally never took it in the 1nr. don't drop perms. do with that as you will
Theory: don't drop it. go for it if they do. do with that as you will
30 speaks if you have a methane impact. do with that as you will
jokes abt ppl at gbn, gbs, nt, oprf, minn south, or uc lab +0.5 speaks. do with that as you will
u can read anyone from gbn's paradigm and i'll agree for the most part. sohan bellam's paradigm details thoughts about k affs that i agree wtih
2016-2018 Los Angeles Metropolitan Debate League
2018- present CSU Fullerton
email chain-
Frame the ballot by the 2AR/2NR and don't leave me shooting darts please.
Overviews really help me/you out unless they're longer than the debate proper-be concise.
Prep- Prep ends when doc is sent out or the equivalent of that. Let me know if there are any technical difficulties.
Spreading- speed is fine-go at it if thats ur thing. this shouldn't be exchanged for clarity/emphasis, and ultimately, persuasion. My face tends to be pretty expressive so use that to ur advantage.
Cross Ex- Humor is much appreciated so long as it doesn't offend ur opponent. Attack the argument not the debater.
I generally err on the side of tech over truth. However, too many buzzwords are kinda annoying and don't mean anything if you dont impact/flesh them out. I won't evaluate concessions for you unless you do it first.
Policy Affs- Spent most of hs reading these- read them at will. Internal link work and framing is crucial.
Performance/K Affs- Have a clear explanation of what the advocacy does and why it should precede a traditional endorsement of the resolution (vs framework). Presumption arguments are some of my favorite arguments. Being untopical for the sake of being untopical is sooooo not the move. Even if i think that ur aff is the most interesting/entertaining thing in the world, I can resolve that with speaker points. Offense. Offense. Offense.
Framework- Go for it. Slow down just a tad. Procedural fairness and education are impacts, I'm usually more persuaded by education but fairness is fine too.While I'm usually more persuaded by fairness as an internal link to something else, enough impact comparison can resolve that if ur not down with the former.
Theory/Procedurals- Go for it. I'm not one to love hearing theory debates but will vote on it if you do the work. These can get really petty. Usually not in a good way. Condo is probably good PICs probably aren't. Don't let that dissuade you from saying otherwise because I also love hearing pics and multiple advocacies. I'm a 2N if that is relevant for you.
DAs- Make sure to flesh out the internal links. Winning uniqueness wins direction of link debate. I prefer hearing isolated impact scenario(s) rather than a generic nuclear war/extinction claim although u can totally claim that as ur terminal one. The more specific the link the less spinning the aff can do, the less intervention I have to do, the higher ur chances of winning are. I find it hard to believe that there can ever be 100% risk probability but if the CP solves 100% of the aff you're in a much better spot.
CPs-Resolve questions like how does this solve the case and is this theoretically legitimate if it becomes about that. If you wanna be noncompetitive, you do you but be ready to justify that.
Ks- Tbh I would much rather judge a robust debate about the intricacies/consequences of a traditionally political action vs a less-than fleshed out k debate. Links to the status quo and not the aff are awkward. Generally speaking, im probably down for ur thing. Regardless of me being familiar with ur authors or not-do the work. Framing is super important. Does the alt solve the aff? let me know. You don't need to go for the alt to win
-a claim with no warrant is a pen with no ink
-know where u are losing but make it fashion
-dont be a jerk
Debate Experience:
2011-2014: Policy Debater at Notre Dame High School
2014-2015: Policy Debater at the University of Michigan
2015-2018: Executive Director of Detroit Urban Debate Education (which included judging and coaching for Detroit Urban Debate League schools in Policy)
I currently work at the University of Chicago Crime and Education Lab — an urban social science research organization — evaluating youth-based violence prevention and academic programs. I also studied criminology intensively as a Sociology student on a Law, Justice, and Social Change sub-track at the University of Michigan. This experience often involved going into local correctional facilities firsthand to discuss incarceration, state violence, and policing with individuals who were incarcerated. Based on what I learned there and my current work at the Crime Lab, you can assume I have a baseline understanding of the major policy issues and social theory in the criminal justice field. Still, while I have probably judged over a hundred debate rounds, I am not currently active in the debate community. Do not assume I am caught up on all topic-specific arguments. Please be clear.
Please use Speech Drop instead of emailing me speeches.
A note on virtual Debate:
Virtual debate, as is the case for all remote activities during the COVID-19 pandemic, is inherently biased towards certain people. Access to and knowledge of technology is a privilege. Unfortunately, even for those who have the technology, having a safe space to join Zoom rounds is also a privilege. I hope to recognize technological disparities and the collective trauma caused by the pandemic in my judging by being reasonable, empathetic, and flexible. If there is anything that I can do to make the virtual round more accessible to you please do not hesitate to let me know.
Generally, I will incorporate these norms during virtual debates:
- If possible, I would appreciate it if you had your video on, but I know this is not possible for everyone. My RFD and speaker point assignment will not change based on your video being off.
- Unless otherwise mandated by the tournament, I will incorporate 10 minutes of "tech time" for troubleshooting issues. Please do not abuse this time. It is NOT the same as prep time.
- Please try and show up to your round as early as possible. In the virtual world, it is harder to ensure everyone is accounted for and that the 1AC starts on time, so this is one way to help.
- If there is a tech issue that occurs during your speech for longer than 3-5 seconds, I will interrupt and try to troubleshoot with you in the moment. This time will not be taken out of your speech.
- Everyone should be on mute at all times except for the people currently speaking.
I try as much as possible to evaluate based on the arguments in the round. While I obviously hold implicit biases for or against certain arguments, I try as hard as possible to not let that impact my decisions. I have experience debating, coaching, and judging critical- and policy-oriented rounds. I wouldn't call myself swayed toward one side or the other.
That being said a couple of notes:
- Bad arguments are bad. If your argument is illogical — for example, reading a disadvantage without a link in the 1NC or your evidence not making the warrants needed to uphold your argument — then I will likely not want to vote for it. It will not be hard for the other team to convince me otherwise. While I do not want to vote for a bad argument, that does not mean the opposing team can just ignore it.
- I am willing to vote against my own beliefs and the burden to persuade me is on both teams. However, I don't tolerate obvious hateful/rude arguments or behavior. Everyone deserves to feel safe in this activity.
- I tend to end up using a cost-benefit analysis to help me make decisions: Quantifying the risk of all impacts, seeing if the logic or warrants behind the impact uphold or minimize that risk, incorporating how much the other team's defense minimizes that risk (or thumps the impact all-together), and comparing this analysis for each impact. It is not uncommon for me to literally graph out how probable I find each impact to be (plus or minus the defense from each team) before an RFD as a decision making tool. I can't begin to tell you how many debates I have judged where one team won simply because the other team forgot to extend defense. All of this being said, I will incorporate any role of the ballot arguments accordingly, even if it means not using this decision making framework. This is simply my norm, but certainly not the overarching rule.
For novice debaters, the following acts will result in an increase of speaker points: flowing every speech, communicating with your partner, not talking over your partner, not talking into your computer, using up all of your time in cross-ex asking questions, giving the evidence you read to the other team efficiently, and keeping track of your own time (I will keep track too, but it's a good behavior to start).
Feel free to ask me questions before/after the round.
Debated at Peninsula in Policy 2017-2021
I'm not super familiar with this year's topic so make sure not to take topic-specific terms and warrants in camp arguments for granted.
Be nice.
I prefer that you read a plan.
Infinite condo is better than no condo.
If it's not condo, you have to do a good job explaining why X theory argument justifies voting against the other team rather than just rejecting the argument.
I will default to judge kick the counterplan unless told otherwise.
I'm not great for high theory.
Impact turn the K.
darin, not judge please.
i do not keep up with or frequently think about debate. please slow down 20%+, especially on theory, competition, etc.
i really don't care what you do. mostly everything is grounds for debate barring blatantly problematic positions. the more you demonstrate comprehensive understanding of a topic, the better.
probably worse for planless affs than average and slightly better for topicality against affs with a plan than average.
conditionality is nearly always good.
you can't insert re-highlights.
do not talk about things that happened outside the round.
Senior at Peninsula
Pronouns: they/any
put me on the email chain thanks:
Usually I decide rounds by
1) evaluating questions of the theoretical justifications for having the debate round/debates in general
2) within the lens of 1, evaluating questions of how I see debate generally/contribute towards a good model for debate in general
3) within the lens of 1 and 2, weighing the substantive/theoretical pieces of offense which each team has made and deciding who accesses the most/most important offense.
-Tech > truth
-Condo good
-Fiat is immediate
-Fairness is an I/L to truth testing, truth is tautologically a good thing to pursue
-Winning abuse means i reject the argument
General Stuff
- I read policy and french stuff, less well-versed in identity/cap stuff
- Affs should have a solvency advocate – I'll vote on death good or anti-debate, you just have to explain what voting aff implicates and why that’s preferable to what voting neg does
- (obviously) the less generic the disad link the better
- I see T as a disad vs. policy affs and a counterplan vs. K affs
-“Rebuttal speeches should be closing doors not opening more” -Dylan Barsoumian
For your speaker points
Auditory ethos is infinitely more important than visual ethos (I wrote this before online debate but its more true now), so please be clear, don’t hum-spread, and emphasize when saying important stuff
you don’t need to call me judge
Justin Peng (he/him)
Rowland Hall ‘20 -- Columbia '24
Add me to the email chain please:
I haven't judged any rounds on the NATO topic yet so please explain any topic-specific terminology or acronyms you use
What I say here isn't set in stone and can be subject to change depending on what happens in round.
Do whatever you do best. I’ll do my best to evaluate any arguments unless they’re racist/homophobic/sexist etc.
Tech > Truth
Clarity > Speed (although both at the same time is always a plus)
CX is binding
K affs/Framework:
I definitely think that K affs hold some strategical and pedagogical value in debate, but I think that debating the topic is probably a better model. That being said, if you do end up reading one it should be related to the topic somehow. Be prepared to defend your model of debate.
Framework should be well articulated and nuanced - I'm not a fan of teams who speed through blocks and dump 20 shallow DAs on framework or just impact turn everything
K v K:
I probably have the least experience with these types of debates.
I'm not a big fan of these debates in general, as a lot of the time, they get really messy. I think that there are definitely some strategic Ks to run against K affs like cap, but reading Baudrillard against Bataille gets you nowhere with me.
Condo is good and it’s also the only reason to reject the team. (Dropped theory is too and for me to vote on condo there has to be an egregiously unfair abuse of it)
You can go for a 2-second ASPEC blip you hid on T and didn’t flash in the 1NC, but I won't be a big fan I’ll be more lenient with new answers.
Affs that are untopical should lose.
Affs that meet the neg’s interp should not lose. I think that just going for a we meet is cool.
Competing interps/reasonability - I’m 60/40 on the side of competing interps but that doesn’t mean don’t go for reasonability. Just convince me why it’s better.
No solvency advocate < generic solvency advocate < specific solvency advocate < solvency advocate from 1ac ev/author
Counterplans should be able to cheat at least a little, but the context of the round and literature determine how much they get.
I’ll judge kick a CP for you if you tell me to. The neg should start the debate in the 2nc/1nr and the aff should start it in the 1ar.
Zero risk possible but you have to prove it
I love case turns analysis when it’s nuanced and specific but don’t know what you mean when you tell me “the DA turns case because it causes nuclear war”
Impact calc/comparison is essential.
Good Ks have links that are specifically contextualized to the aff.
Don’t rely on buzzwords. I probably don’t know what they mean and usually, you don’t either.
If you kick the alt you must definitively win framework and that the K turns case
Framework – I think that the aff probably should be able to weigh their impacts against the K and the neg should probably be able to read their K - this is what most framework debates resolve to - but you can convince me otherwise
I think impact turns are fantastic
FIAT double bind isn’t an argument
Coach for Head-Royce HS, undergrad at UChicago
Did flex stuff in HS, tend to get preffed into clash or KvK debates but have voted pretty close to even in FW debates, good for T vs policy affs, fine for sketch impact turns, not great for CP competition debates
Email chain:
Peninsula 22, UCLA 25. I mostly read policy arguments.
I decide rounds based on arguments I flow. I assign weight based on the completeness of an argument. I will not evaluate new arguments in the 2AR, so justify anything that may seem new. I will not evaluate anything that occurs outside of the round.
I will not look at the document during your speech. I will only evaluate what you highlight. I will not clear you, but it will be clear that I cannot understand you. Differentiating tags and content in constructive speeches will greatly improve your chance of winning. I will not reconstruct your speech from analytics.
I flow cross examination.
I will not intervene to create new arguments. I will decide framework by choosing between interpretations provided by the debaters.
The above are non-negotiables, but everything else is decided through arguments on a round-by-round basis. For example, I will vote on presumption if you explain why I should.
Default: kick the counterplan.
Be nice!
gbn 2022
** I'm not super familiar with the CJR topic so please do a thorough job explaining your arguments 1) define your acronyms 2) spend more time explaining your t interp and 3) give me a dummy proof explanation of whatever you're going for.
** I do NOT tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, etc., and will intervene and stop the debate if necessary
** add me to the email chain please! --
** please reach out with any questions!!
-- be nice!!
-- yes, tag team cx is ok, but don't take over your partner's cx
-- clarity > speed (ALWAYS)
-- flow
-- tech over truth
literally all I ever went for novice year, so PLEASE impact out well and I will vote on it. I do not have any preconceived notions of what is topical this year so please make sure to explain your arguments.
disads good! make sure to extend into rebuttals and give specific links, lots of impact calc, and turns case analysis.
cps need to be competitive (preferably, textually and functionally)
Hi! I’m an assistant coach at Southern Nazarene University and have been since 2021. Previously, I coached at Crossings Christian from 2020-2023. I started debating in the sixth grade and debated at Crossings from 2013-2020. I competed at the high school national level since the eighth grade, broke at a couple TOCQs, and won two 5A state titles in Oklahoma.
I was a flex debater, which means I debated both policy and the K and am comfortable with either. I ran many different Ks during my seven years of debate, such as Agamben, Cap, Setcol, Afropess (with a black partner), Baudrillard, and Psychoanalysis. I don’t have anything against nontopical or performance affs, and I’m generally tech over truth.
There are a few things I’ll vote a team down for, no matter what’s happening in the rest of the round:
- Being rude, laughing at, or mocking the other team.
- Death good, suicide good, or advocating for killing people, especially if these arguments are contextualized to someone in the room.
Things I like:
- A nice joke in your speech, even if it’s corny. Have fun in the round!
- Being respectful to your opponents and your partner.
- Telling me what I should write for my RFD.
Things I dislike:
- Disclosure theory, perf con good theory, and multiple worlds good theory. I especially dislike multiple worlds good theory being used as a reason why your 2AC block doesn’t contradict itself.
- The phrase “This card/argument is trash” or similar phrases. Tell me why the argument’s bad instead of just insulting it.
- Ks without alts.
- Wipeout
- Eugenics good
Peninsula '22 | USC '26
Add me to the chain:
Did policy for three years LD for one year. Clarity > speed - if I can’t hear your argument I’m not going to flow it. Be nice!
Ran almost exclusively policy in high school so very comfortable with these debates. Especially love counterplan competition debates and in-depth DA turns case/case turns DA.
I don't like it unless there is in-round abuse. Reasonability and DTA are powerful, especially if explained thoroughly. My view of reasonability is that I should weigh the impact of the abuse versus the benefits a debate over the topic. Don't run ridiculous theory arguments.
Condo is good.
Your critique should directly disagree with the plan or implicate the solvency of the case in someway. I do not like links of omission. Links should be clearly explained and turn/ow case. Case is critical in the debates, if you do not touch it I probably won't vote for the K.
Read a plan!
Not comfortable with evaluating these debates.
Don't run any calc indicts, frivolous theory, and random independent voting issues.
-Peninsula' 21 - USC' 25
Have fun. Be nice.
Outside of the occasional tournament I judge at, I think very little about the topic. Slow down and don’t take for granted I understand any topic specific jargon
tech>truth generally, although some arguments, of course, require more tech to win than others
I’ll try to find the simplest way to the ballot which requires the least work
Very hard pressed to vote on presumption type arguments. Absent any offense, even the smallest chance that the aff does something positive for the world is enough reason to vote affirmative
Other than that, any opinion I have about arguments can be overcome by better debating.
The first 30 seconds of the final rebuttal should write my RFD.
K Affs:
Probably read a plan tbh, but I will enjoy K affs with a strong explanation of what the aff actually does clear articulation of how debate operates under their framework.
I often find defensive arguments weaker and think the counter interpretation solves little of the actual neg offense. impact turn framework standards and the neg's model of debate. Have better answers to fairness. I think most 2ac’s lack here
Fairness >>>>>>> Education/Skills > whatever else. Please go for some combination of fairness and strong defense (SSD, TVA, no subjectivity shift, etc, especially if the aff is designed to impact turn education. My voting record in these debates is pretty aff favored despite argumentative preferences, and it’s because 2n’s fail to recognize how K affs are designed to beat certain strategies. Go for a framework impact which is better insulated from case.
However, if going for an education type impact, at least go for an impact related to the intrinsic critical thinking skills we gain from debate versus anything that requires you to win the state is good. Again, you can do whatever you want, but policy education good strategies require you to decisively and substantively engage with case which is often very difficult.
I really enjoy and prefer judging substantive offense against the K itself. Don't be afraid to go for the heg da or cap good or whatever.
If your K is able to disprove thesis of the aff and the assumptions it relies upon, I will love your K.
I will default to weighing the aff versus the K.
I have an aversion to strategies that solely rely upon winning framework and arbitrarily disregarding huge swaths of the debate. I will assign less weight to these arguments unless they are dropped. K debate is case debate. The kritik should engage with the affirmative and disprove its thesis.
Your links should reference a specific line/assumption which the affirmative's scenario relies upon, explain why that line/assumption is flawed, impact out why I should care/the material implications of that flawed assumption, and how the alternative resolves the link. The more specific the better.
Ideally, you should be leveraging your answers on case to bolster your argument otherwise I'm willing to grant the aff the truth of their scenario which makes it difficult to win that their assumptions are flawed.
CP: I dislike cp's that compete off immediacy and certainty. Tbh the more time I spend out of debate, the less I understand functional vs textual competition and the other issues that come up during these debates. Given that please err towards over explanation and clarity
DA's: Enjoy most flavors of disads, but generally dislike ones whose links are predicated on silly interpretations of fiat.
T: Slow down and clearly explain what debate looks like under each interpretation and the implications of your impacts, as well as how your interpretation solves your impacts. I generally feel predictability and precision often guides the way I adjudicate these debates on a top level. What I should prioritize is certainly debatable
Case: I find well-researched, dissections of the affirmative case to be the coolest things to judge and will reward the effort.
Theory: Condo is good, and I don't see value in interps that numerically limit the number of conditional advocacies. Either all condo or no condo
Most theory arguments are reject the argument unless you specifically explain otherwise
LD: Will judge this like a policy round. Same predispositions as before. Won’t vote on presumption. Bad for frivolous theory. Might be better for phil than I think I am?
Anything Else: will judge like a policy round including biases towards a consequentialist (Risk*Magnitude) unless otherwise stated. Definitely may make me more likely to give the extinction outweighs even assuming a low risk of a smaller impact type decision. To avoid me giving a decision which is too policy pilled, do comparative impact calc and proper weighing! Not sure what the norms are for new arguments so justify if it’s unclear.
don’t use debate jargon incorrectly lol. If you’re not fully sure what a debate word means, just use the plain English replacement.
Berkeley '26
Peninsula Graduate
Please add me to the email chain:
If it's more than 2 short cards or if the card is long, put it in a doc.
You can insert rehighlightings, but explain the argument you're making.
I'm tech>truth, but complete arguments need claim(s), warrants, and impact(s). "They dropped the impact" is not an argument or something I can vote on alone.
Speed is okay but you need to be clear. For theory arguments, framework, K overviews, and T you need to be at least as slow as the speed you read tags. If you are reading anything, including your blocks, at the speed you read the body of a card, I will not flow the words you are saying.
I will probably protect the 2NR from new 2AR arguments; there should be a version of the argument you are extending in the 1AR unless it is a new 2NR argument.
Cross-ex is important.
Please do impact calc/argument comparison.
Theory: I will vote on dropped theory, if explained, and I think condo is good but can be persuaded otherwise.
CPs: I will judgekick counterplans if there are no arguments about it, and the 2AR can have new judgekick bad args.
T: Fairness is a impact and fairness>skills/education. Reasonability is a question of how I evaluate the interpretation debate, not the we meet.
Disads: I don't think a disad can have zero risk (including when the aff makes framing arguments) (unless it's already happened) so you should debate as though the disad has a sizeable risk. Specific cards and arguments are best -- use evidence quality, if you have it, to your advantage.
Ks: I think the advantages of the hypothetical implementation of the plan should be weighed against the impacts to the links. I can be persuaded by framework arguments, but as with T, I think fairness>skills/education. Please do impact calc and make the links specific to the aff/case. I am very unlikely to vote for fiat is illusory type arguments or similar tricks.
K Affs: On framework, fairness>skills/education. I generally think that the aff should defend a hypothetical action of the United States federal government, but can be persuaded otherwise. Assume I do not know your theory, so you should make sure to explain your arguments clearly--I won't vote for you if I don't know what I'm voting for. For K v K, I am probably not the best, but if this debate happens, both sides should make the distinctions between the two Ks clear. I think the aff gets perms.
Definitely ask any questions you have before the round.
Be nice and good luck!
I have probably put off this long enough. I am a former debater at Iowa City West High School, I debated from 2012-2016. I have been judging since 2016 and have judged a varying extent on each topic since I stopped competing.
My argumentation style was flexible but my roots are in more policy based argumentation and that is what I keep up to date with as a result of following the news. That being said, I am versed in many styles of kritikal argumentation and have read or defended against most. With that noted, if you believe that I am not familiar or just to be safe, make sure to always explain your argumentation on a deeper level than just tag lines. Often historical examples are the best way to break down a kritik that explains to me an objective event to look at.
I am fine with whatever type of affirmative you would like to read. I am not familiar with the 2020-21 topic as I am not actively coaching so make sure to explain to me any acronyms or more specific topic information that I may be lacking. If you are reading a K aff again I believe historical examples are a compelling way to communicate your defense against framework.
I dislike voting on theory but I am willing to do so if it is impacted out to me correctly. I'd say among all types of argumentation this is the one I would like to vote on the least.
Topicality: If you choose to go for this in your 2NR I would like a well impacted and explained narrative for why the affirmative is 1. not topical 2. what this means in terms of the round/ground lost 3. why this is bad for debate. Just make sure you aren't just extending a ton of cards instead of making argumentation, those should be your groundwork in T arguments. Your 2NR should not consist of you rereading your blocks from the 1nc or from the neg block.
I feel as though I have covered the most important things relating to me as a judge. If you have any further questions feel free to reach out to me at colin-waldron at
Peninsula '21, Cal '25
Email chain:
Little to no IP knowledge, moderate understanding of bio-related IP.
Tech > truth, although frivolously untrue statements are probably hard to win (e.g. the sky is green).
Do whatever you need to win. I will do the least intervention needed to make a decision.
Even so, these preferences are a set of ideologies that I've loosely maintained as I've judged:
Actually debate the DA if you read a soft left aff. Riders are probably not legitimate. Solvency advocates aren't necessary, but coherent explanations of solvency are. K's are good if they disprove why I should vote affirmative. Slightly worse for planless affs. Condo is generally good. Most CP theory is probably a reason to reject the argument.
Other things:
My ideologies have been influenced significantly by these people: Dhruv Sudesh, Kevin Sun, etc.
Card quality matters.
If I can't understand you, I won't flow.
Don't egregiously re-highlight then "re-insert" an entire card, read it.
I don't care about things that happened outside the round.
Oak Hall'20
I feel like in most debates I'm judging coaches blocks regurgitated by kids off a laptop. If you give your rebuttals entirely off paper without a laptop in your face the whole time, and give a good speech, I will be giving an egregious, ungodly, criminal boost to speaks.
Things to Keep Top of Mind
1] Strategy is King --- My ideological predispositions have become more viscous over time as I’ve gained familiarity with a variety of different styles of debate, literature, and argumentation. From high school through my short stint in college debate, I've read and researched arguments on all sides of the kritikal/policy spectrum. At this point, I have much more appreciation for strategy over style of argumentation. What this means is that you should read whatever argument you think will give you the highest chance of winning the debate. This is perhaps the most important takeaway from my paradigm. In some debates, that option might be T-FW vs a K aff, in another it could be process counterplan, psychoanalysis, Moten, a floating PIK, China heg good, or theory. The point is, I don’t particularly care what flavor of argument you read. What I care about is execution and strategic choice. I cannot stress this enough, it frustrates me more than anything when debaters try to "adapt" based on (often flawed) assumptions about how you think I feel about arguments. Do what you're good at, debate is a game for debaters.
2] Speaker Points --- Debate is a game of rhetoricians. Winning the room is how you get decisive wins, high speaker points, and perform like a top debater.(Tasteful) Pettiness gets you speaker points. But being a bum certainly won't.
3] "Instead of focusing only on extending and answering arguments, it would behoove debaters to begin their final rebuttals by clarifying what the comparative RFD for the Aff/Neg should be,identifying the key questions to be resolved in the debate, and then going through the process of resolving them. You can think of this asproviding me a roadmap for how I should approach adjudicating the debate once it ends."
4] Folks have been incredibly unclear over the past few years. I strongly believe that debate is an oral/rhetorical game as much as it is technical. If your strategy relies on reading a slew of analytics while simultaneously slurring every other word in an attempt to make up for a grave lack of speaking drills, I will be displeased and you will be too after the decision.
5] Dropped argument is a true argument. HOWEVER, an argument consists of a claim, a warrant, and an impact. You must also explain the implications of an argument/how it relates to the rest of the pieces in the debate. New implications to extended arguments are fair game for new responses.
K Aff vs Fwk
I've thought far too much about both sides of this debate and don't have a proclivity one way or another. I genuinely enjoy both sides of the debate and especially love new spins on arguments rather than a regurgitation of blocks.
K affs: I'm fine for anything, whether that be impact turns, counter-models, re-defining words etc. Please just think through the strategy beforehand its shocking how many 2ACs to framework are lazily slapped together these days. There's so much room for creativity in terms of what topical affirmation/negation looks like which is underutilized these days. If you put the requisite amount of thought into the construction of your K aff, I'm probably good for you. If your approach to framework relies on an impact turn, I would like to see some work definitively closing the door on why it is good/beneficial to abandon ANY notion of stasis etc in debate. Or at least have some mechanism of resolving your offense.
Framework: Go for whatever flavor of framework/impact scenario you want. Articulating a clear impact scenario is critical. A lot of debaters tend to spend sooo much time explaining why fairness/clash/competition etc matter, but remarkably little time explaining WHY the affs model/orientation to debate is unfair/bad. Framework teams very let the aff get away with murder in terms of shallow impact turns or nonsensical counterinterps, and I think a lot of that could be resolved rather easily. A lot of my recent thought's on what good framework debating looks like has been influenced by many conversations (and arguments) with Tyler Thur and BK, so do refer to those paradigms for additional insights.
Stealing this line from BK's paradigm as I think it's instructive: "I find "fairness" unpersuasive as a terminal impact. However, this is primarily a function of Negatives explaining it poorly, because I am extremely compelled by the argument that an axiomatic precondition for debate to operate is that the Affirmative must meet their burden of proof arising from the resolution, and that until they do so there is no logical basis for the Negative having any burden of rejoinder. All of which is to say: definitely feel free to go for fairness, BUT please take care to explain why it logically precedes everything else, AND to explicitly no-link the Aff's various lines of offense, rather than just making assertions about "procedural fairness."
For K teams --- the flipside of this is that I am extremely compelled by hyper-specific impact turns to the negs articulation of concepts like fairness in a world where they have not done the proper explanatory work for the fairness impact.
Misc Other Thoughts
1] Impact turns in general are heavily underutilized in case debating. Extinction good, heg good, Interventions good, AI development bad, take your pick. High quality evidence is essential.
2] Fine for CP competition debates
3] Heavily persuaded by reasonability style arguments on frivolous theory (LD).
4] Fine for Phil - I find myself quite enjoying phil vs policy/K debates.