Union Forensic Society Invitational
2019 — Tulsa, OK/US
Judge Entry Instructions
Judge Requirements
1 judge per 2 CX entries or portion thereof per day of the event.
1 judge per 4 LD/PF entries or portion thereof per day of the event.
1 judge per 12 speech/acting entries or portion thereof per day of the event.
Championship Debate Judges
Judges assigned to judge these events (Champ CX, LD, or PF) may not be assigned to judge speech events.
All judges are expected to be present for all preliminary rounds and 1 elimination round after their school has been eliminated. Missing judge fees may be assessed if this requirement is not met.
Championship debate events will use online balloting. All judges in these categories MUST have an account at tabroom.com AND bring a devise for filling out their ballots.
These events may be split from the rest of the tournament and sent to the 9th Grade Center. Please make sure judges are aware of this possibility.
All Other Judges
DO NOT enter a single person more than once. Judges may count toward the requirement for both debate and speech. The invoice generated by tabroom.com will not immediately reflect this. Invoices will be adjusted after the tournament and schools will be notified when they are accurate.
If a judge is for debate, then enter that person in the most appropriate category (CX or LD/PF).
If a judge counts toward both debate and speech, then enter that person as a debate judge in the most appropriate category (CX or LD/PF).
All non-debate judges should be entered in the speech judge group.
Every judge is assumed to be available for all time slots unless otherwise specified. You may specify “No Friday” or “No Saturday” on tabroom.com to indicate when is judge is unavailable (click on the green button next to the judge’s name).
Please use judge notes to convey the following information, if a judge:
can only judge novice;
is conflicted with another school or entry;
has partial availability on one or both days;
would prefer only debate;
would prefer or not prefer one form of debate;
would prefer or not prefer to judge extemp, oratory, and/or acting;
High school students with at least 150 NSDA points are welcome to judge in the novice division. Please indicate this in the judge notes.