Union Forensic Society Invitational
2019 — Tulsa, OK/US
Important Information
Entries are due by 4:00 PM Monday, January 28, 2019.
Judges are due by 4:00 PM Tuesday, January 29, 2019.
Changes to your entry after 4:00 PM Thursday, January 31, 2019 must be done by email.
Event Rules
OSSAA: http://www.ossaa.net/docs/2018-19/SpeechDebate/SPD_2018-19_Manual.pdf
NSDA: https://www.speechanddebate.org/wp-content/uploads/High-School-Unified-Manual-2018-2019.pdf
For Out of State Schools
Please email the tournament director as soon as you plan to attend. There is paperwork I need to file with the OSSAA.
Out of state schools may only enter Championship Division and/or Novice Division.
For All Schools
The 2019 Union Forensic Society Invitational is a qualifying bid tournament for the NIETOC and TOC Extemp. Top 3 in Championship US and International Extemp will receive a bid for TOC Extemp. Top finishers in Championship HI, DI, DUO, Duet, OO, INF, and POI will receive a bid to the NIETOC (number of bids varies).
Championship and Novice divisions will use NSDA rules (unless there is no NSDA rule set for that event, then use OSSAA event rules).
All qualifying divisions will use OSSAA rules.
Championship speech events start on Friday.
We have reserved the 9th Grade Center as a backup location. If entry numbers demand, we may move Championship Debate events to this site. Please be prepared for this eventuality.
Entry caps are in effect. Please do not be alarmed if an entry gets waitlisted. These limits help ensure we do not hit an overall cap for our facilities. After the entry deadline, waitlist entries will be added.
Any school with an outstanding balance from last year must pay that balance before entries from that school will be accepted.
All adds after the entry deadline are accepted at tournament director's discretion.