Damus Hollywood Invitational and USC Round Robin
2018 — Los Angeles, CA, CA/US
Damus Hollywood Invitational
David P. Damus Esquire Hollywood Invitational
Welcome to the Fifth Annual Damus Hollywood Invitational! We are excited to host the tournament on November 3-5, 2018. On Saturday and Sunday, novice and varsity policy debate and the WSDC format competition will be hosted at Notre Dame High School; novice and varsity Lincoln-Douglas will be hosted at Harvard-Westlake Upper School. All Monday rounds for policy and LD will be hosted at the tournament hotel, the Marriott Courtyard Sherman Oaks/Los Angeles. We strongly urge teams to stay at the tournament hotel to help make hosting the tournament more affordable.
We are a quarterfinals bid to the Tournament of Champions in varsity policy and a semifinals bid to the Tournament of Champions in varsity LD. We also hope to have a diverse national pool of competitors in both varsity policy and LD that will ensure a better points standing for the NDCA Championships.
Entry limits are as follows: four (4) varsity policy teams, two (2) novice policy teams, six (6) varsity LDers, four (4) novice LDers, and two (2) WSDC teams. All competitors must represent the school for which they are currently enrolled (i.e., compete under the school's name), have principal approval to travel and compete as part of the school’s official debate team and have an adult chaperone present at the tournament who has the principal's permission to officially represent the school.
Registration will open on August 20th (8am PT) at http://damushollywoodinvitational.tabroom.com. Due to limited space, we urge teams to register ASAP. Once the tournament space fills, we will start a waitlist for each event.
Some tournament highlights/changes:
(1) iPad Mini’s will be given to the top speakers in the policy and LD divisions.
(2)Novice Policy will be limited to reading NDCA Novice Policy Packet evidence as well as “full source shared” UDL/MDL packets or state-sanctioned evidence packets. UDL/MDL and state-sanctioned packets must be balanced (meaning there are adequate answers to each position included) and must be emailed in full source by 10/1/18 to Phillips@ndhs.org to be allowed in the novice division. This evidence will be reviewed and then provided on the ND Tournament website for everyone by October 5th. If no alternate packets are submitted, then the field will be restricted to using the NDCA packet evidence. Please email questions if you are unclear on what this policy means.
(3)Coaches will be asked to acknowledge tournament policies and audio recording procedures. This acknowledgement will replace individual audio recording forms.
(4)We pride ourselves on our hospitality so several meals are included with your entry fees. On Saturday, we will have the In-N-Out truck at ND only (since there is no lunch at Harvard-Westlake due to late start) and on Sunday, we will have taco catering at both ND and H-W. We will also have “To go” breakfasts for students still competing on Monday morning.
(5)We will be using paperless balloting on Tabroom and mutual preference judging in varsity policy and LD.
(6)3rd and 4th year varsity debaters can judge the novice divisions of policy and LD.
(7)Any teams that are paid in full will be able to do online registration on Friday night; hopefully, making it as convenient as possible for coaches who have paid tournament fees on time.
(8)No maverick, hybrid, or independent entries are permitted.
Please read the rest of the invitation for fee and tournament policies. If you have any questions, please contact Christina Phillips at Phillips@ndhs.org.
Best wishes,
Christina Phillips Mike Bietz
Director of Debate, Notre Dame Director of Debate, Harvard-Westlake
Policy Debate
Varsity and novice policy debate will be switch-side, cross-examination style, with an 8-3-5 format and 8 minutes of prep time. Varsity debaters should include your finest competitors.
In the novice division, only debaters in their first year of competition may enter, meaning students in the novice division should NOT have prior debate competition experience in any event. Please email Christina Phillips (Phillips@ndhs.org) if you need clarification when entering teams.
A school may enter a maximum of four (4) teams in the varsity division. A school may enter two (2) teams in the novice division. We have space for approximately 80 varsity and 30 novice teams.
The policy topic for the 2018 Damus Hollywood Invitational is as follows:
Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially reduce its restrictions on legal immigration to the United States.
There will be six preliminary rounds in varsity policy and five preliminary rounds in novice policy. Varsity policy will break to double-octafinals and novice policy will break to quarterfinals (assuming entries warrant these elimination levels). All Saturday and Sunday competition in these events will occur at the Notre Dame High School campus. All Monday rounds will occur at the tournament hotel, the Marriott Courtyard Sherman Oaks.
Varsity Judging Requirements for Policy Debate
There will be mutual preference judging in varsity policy. Only experienced policy judges may judge in the varsity division. "Experienced" is defined as at least a high school graduate who has competitive or coaching policy debate experience. Competitive college debate experience or a long history of coaching policy debate is most preferred. Inability to provide experienced judges may limit a team's entry and/or require a team to hire judges to fulfill their obligation. All varsity judges are required to post their judge philosophies on tabroom by October 22nd at 5pm (PT). We would like every school that wants to participate to do so; however, we require the best possible judging to ensure students have a positive competitive experience. If a school does not have experienced judges to fulfill their commitments, please contact Christina Phillips at Phillips@ndhs.org.
- Each team = 3 rounds (e.g., 2 VCX teams = 6 rounds and requires at least 1 judge to cover; 3 VCX teams = 9 rounds and requires at least 2 judges to cover)
In regards to elimination rounds, all judges are obligated to judge the first elimination round and/or one round beyond their last school's best competitive finish. Whichever requirement is later will apply. For example, if your school has a competitor in the octafinals, then your school's judges are all obligated through the quarterfinals. This rule is necessary to ensure the best possible judging for the tournament. Please make appropriate travel arrangements that honor these requirements.
Novice Judging Requirements for Policy Debate
Adults as well as students who are 3rd or 4th year varsity debaters are eligible to judge in the novice divisions. Coaches/Directors are responsible for ensuring that any varsity debaters are knowledgeable and responsible enough to fairly assess a novice debate round.
- Each team = 3 rounds (e.g., 2 NCX teams = 6 rounds and requires at least 1 judge to cover; 3 NCX teams = 9 rounds and requires at least 2 judges to cover)
In regards to elimination rounds, all judges are obligated to judge the first elimination round and/or one round beyond their last school's best competitive finish. Whichever requirement is later will apply. For example, if your school has a competitor in the octafinals, then your school's judges are all obligated through the quarterfinals. This rule is necessary to ensure the best possible judging for the tournament. Please make appropriate travel arrangements that honor these requirements.
Novice Evidence Restrictions for Policy Debate
Novice Policy will be limited to reading NDCA Novice Policy Packet evidence as well as full source and shared UDL/MDL packets or state-sanctioned evidence packets. UDL/MDL and state-sanctioned packets must be balanced (meaning there are adequate answers to each position included) and emailed in full source by 10/1/18 at 5pm (PT) to Phillips@ndhs.org to be allowed in the novice division. This evidence will be reviewed and then provided on the tournament tabroom website for everyone by October 5th. If no alternate packets are submitted, then the field will be restricted to using the NDCA packet evidence. Please email questions if you are unclear on this policy.
Penalty for Missing Rounds
Please note there is a $40 per round penalty for any judges that miss their rounds. Please advise your judging staff that the team will be charged if they do not attend their debate rounds. We prefer not to charge any teams for missing debate rounds and this nuisance fee is only assessed to discourage judges from missing debates to ensure a high quality experience for all competitors.
Hired Judging for Policy Debate
There will be a limited number of LD and policy judges available for hire. Note that once you hire a judge, you are liable to pay for that request EVEN IF you find you do not need it as the tournament approaches. This rule applies even in the event your school decides not to attend the tournament at all; your school will still be responsible for any judge hire and relevant drop fees. You must email Christina Phillips at Phillips@ndhs.org by October 1, 2018, at 5pm (PT) to hire judging.
Lincoln-Douglas will include varsity and novice divisions, with NFL rules and time limits. Varsity LD debaters should include only your finest competitors.
In the novice division, only debaters in their first year of competition may enter, meaning students in the novice division should NOT have prior debate competition experience in any event. Please email Christina Phillips (Phillips@ndhs.org) if you need clarification when entering teams.
A school may enter a maximum of six (6) debaters in the varsity divisions and four (4) debaters in the novice division. We have space for approximately 120 varsity and 40 novice debaters in LD.
The November/December NSDA Lincoln-Douglas topic will be used; check the October Rostrum.
There will be six preliminary rounds in varsity and novice Lincoln-Douglas. Varsity LD will break to double octafinals; novice LD will break to quarterfinals (if numbers warrant). All Saturday and Sunday competition for these events will take place at the Harvard-Westlake Upper School campus. All Monday competition will occur at the tournament hotel, the Marriott Courtyard Sherman Oaks.
Varsity Judging Requirements for Lincoln-Douglas Debate
There will be mutual preference judging in varsity Lincoln-Douglas. Only experienced LD judges may judge in the varsity division. "Experienced" is defined as at least a high school graduate who has competitive or coaching LD debate experience. Inability to provide experienced judges may limit a team's entry and/or require a team to hire judges to fulfill their obligation. All varsity judges are required to post their judge philosophies on tabroom by October 22nd at 5pm (PT). We would like every school that wants to participate to do so; however, we require the best possible judging to ensure students have a positive competitive experience. If a school does not have experienced judges to fulfill their commitments, please contact Christina Phillips at Phillips@ndhs.org.
- Each LD Debater = 2 rounds commitment (e.g., 3 LDers = 6 rounds and requires at least 1 judge to cover; 4 LDers = 8 rounds and requires at least 2 judges to cover)
In regards to elimination rounds, all judges are obligated to judge the first elimination round and/or one round beyond their last school's best competitive finish. Whichever requirement is later will apply. For example, if your school has a competitor in the octafinals, then your school's judges are all obligated through the quarterfinals. This rule is necessary to ensure the best possible judging for the tournament. Please make appropriate travel arrangements that honor these requirements.
Novice Judging Requirements for Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Adults as well as students who are 3rd or 4th year varsity debaters are eligible to judge in the novice divisions. Coaches/Directors are responsible for ensuring that any varsity debaters are knowledgeable and responsible enough to fairly assess a novice debate round.
- Each LD Debater = 2 rounds commitment (e.g., 3 LDers = 6 rounds and requires at least 1 judge to cover; 4 LDers = 8 rounds and requires at least 2 judges to cover)
In regards to elimination rounds, all judges are obligated to judge the first elimination round and/or one round beyond their last school's best competitive finish. Whichever requirement is later will apply. For example, if your school has a competitor in the octafinals, then your school's judges are all obligated through the quarterfinals. This rule is necessary to ensure the best possible judging for the tournament. Please make appropriate travel arrangements that honor these requirements.
Penalty for Missing Rounds
Please note there is a $40 per round penalty for any judges that miss their rounds. Please advise your judging staff that the team will be charged if they do not attend their debate rounds. We prefer not to charge any teams for missing debate rounds and this nuisance fee is only assessed to discourage judges from missing debates to ensure a high quality experience for all competitors.
Hired Judging for Lincoln-Douglas Debate
There will be a limited number of LD and policy judges available for hire. Note that once you hire a judge, you are liable to pay for that request EVEN IF you find you do not need it as the tournament approaches. You must email Christina Phillips at Phillips@ndhs.org by October 1, 2018, at 5pm (PT) to hire judging.
The WSDC format is comprised of 3-person teams. During each round, each team will compete against another 3-person team from a different school. If the team is from the United States, they must represent the school for which they are currently enrolled, have principal approval to travel and compete as part of the school’s official debate team and have an adult chaperone present at the tournament. If the team is international, then all competitors for a team must be enrolled in high school (or an equivalent institution in their country of origin) and must have an adult chaperone/coach (at least 18 years of age and graduated from high/secondary school). We anticipate the division will be small this year and may use a round robin format. Schools may enter 1-2 teams and must provide one judge for their team. There is room for approximately 16 teams.
There will be a diversity of prepared and impromptu motions. These motions will be released by October 1st so that participants have ample time to prepare for the competition.
Points and wins will be calculated using the WSDC Championship process. See Rules and guidelines for the WSDC format at www.schoolsdebate.com/guides.asp. Note that some details in this document are specific to the WSDC Championships and will not apply to the Damus Hollywood Invitational. If you have questions about a specific practice, please email Christina Phillips at Phillips@ndhs.org.
Also, instructional videos that you might find helpful in preparation can be found at http://debate.uvm.edu/wsdcvideo.html.
The following awards will be given in this year’s competition: Top Three Individual Speakers, Champion, and 2nd Place.
Judging Requirements for WSDC Debate
Each team should also enter a qualified judge (an experienced adult). We would like every school that wants to participate to do so; however, we require the best possible judging to ensure students have a positive competitive experience. If a school does not have experienced judges to fulfill their commitments, please contact Christina Phillips at Phillips@ndhs.org.
- 1 team = full commitment (at least 1 judge)
- 2 teams = 2 full commitments (at least 2 judges)
In regards to elimination rounds, all judges are obligated to judge the first elimination round and/or one round beyond their last school's best competitive finish. Whichever requirement is later will apply. For example, if your school has a competitor in the semifinals, then your school's judges are all obligated through the finals. This rule is necessary to ensure the best possible judging for the tournament. Please make appropriate travel arrangements that honor these requirements.
Penalty for Missing Rounds
Please note there is a $40 per round penalty for any judges that miss their rounds. Please advise your judging staff that the team will be charged if they do not attend their debate rounds. We prefer not to charge any teams for missing debate rounds and this nuisance fee is only assessed to discourage judges from missing debates to ensure a high quality experience for all competitors.
Hired Judging for WSDC Debate
There will be a limited number of WSDC judges available for hire. Note that once you hire a judge, you are liable to pay for the judge hire EVEN IF you find you do not need the hire as the tournament approaches. You must email Christina Phillips at Phillips@ndhs.org by October 1, 2018, at 5pm (PT) to hire judging.
Fees/Entry Process
First, complete online registration at http://damushollywoodinvitational.tabroom.com.
Second, send in necessary entry fees to confirm your entries. Teams will be accepted on a “first come, first served” basis. Send checks to:
Notre Dame High School
Attn: Christina Phillips/Debate
13645 Riverside Drive
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
Please make all checks or money orders payable to “Notre Dame High School.” We will not accept purchase orders in lieu of a check or a money order for fees.
If you wish to enter more competitors above the school limit, please enter them on the website and email Christina Phillips at Phillips@ndhs.org.
Entries will not be confirmed without payment in advance. Except for the penalties or the fees for extra entries, we will not collect fees at registration on Friday night. If you have illness or change in entries for any reason, fees can be refunded until October 16th at 5pm (PT); no refunds are available after this date/time.
Refundable Fees (Until October 16th at 5pm PT):
WSDC - $50/Each Team
Novice LD - $75/Each Competitor
Varsity LD - $85/Each Competitor
Novice CX - $100/Each Team
Varsity CX - $125/Each Team
Non-refundable Fees:
Hired Judge Fee - $200/Per uncovered policy team
$150/ Per uncovered LD debater
$100/Per uncovered WSD team
Missing Judge Fee - $40/Per judge per missed round
Nuisance Penalty - $50 (any changes to entry after 10/30/18 at 12noon PT)