Damus Hollywood Invitational and USC Round Robin
2018 — Los Angeles, CA, CA/US
Harvard-Westlake Upper School (Studio City, CA)
Host: Christina Tallungan
Address: Harvard-Westlake Upper School, 3700 Coldwater Canyon Studio City, CA 91604
Parking Instructions:
Directions from Tournament Hotel:
Via freeway - Turn left onto Ventura Blvd, Turn left onto Sepulveda Blvd, Turn right onto on-ramp to 101 Freeway South, Exit Coldwater Canyon, Turn right onto Coldwater Canyon, Turn left onto Harvard-Westlake Upper School campus.
Google Maps - http://goo.gl/maps/OZ9MY
Via side streets - Turn left onto Ventura Blvd, Turn right onto Coldwater Canyon, Turn left onto Harvard-Westlake Upper School campus.
Google Maps - http://goo.gl/maps/5gPTt
Directions from Notre Dame High School:
Turn left out onto Woodman from parking lot, Turn left onto Riverside Drive, Turn right onto Coldwater Canyon, After passing Ventura Blvd, Harvard-Westlake will be on your left hand side.
Google Maps from ND - http://goo.gl/maps/4wZ8E