National Speech and Debate Season Opener
2017 — Lexington, KY/US
Fee, Payment & Penalty Information
Entry Fees
School/Administrative fee $50 per school
Per Varsity Policy entry $125
Per Novice Policy entry $90
Per Varsity Lincoln-Douglas $90
Per Novice Lincoln-Douglas entry $70
Per Congressional Debate entry $50
Per Varsity Public Forum entry $110
Per Junior Varsity/Novice/Middle School PF entry $90
Per Duo Speech entry $80
Per Speech entry $40
Payment Information
Two methods of payment:
1. Credit card online. The link to pay by credit card is here: UK Debate Tournament Entry Fees
2. Mail a check. The check should be made payable to “UK Debate Tournaments,” and mailed to:
Season Opener
c/o Linda Barker
225 Funkhouser Bldg.
Lexington, KY 40506-0054
The penalty for a judge failing to report to a preliminary debate is $50 a round missed. For an elimination round this penalty is a $100. This includes when a judge is obligated to the tournament for judging and fails to report a scheduled round even if a replacement judge is secured.
These penalties have to be paid before a team is allowed to advance to the next stage of elimination debates (i.e. if a preliminary fine is incurred, the team will not be able to clear unless the fine is paid).