National Parliamentary Debate League NPDL TOC

2024 — New York, US


If a debater feels there has been a violation of the NPDL Round Rules that is eligible for protest, they should do the following immediately after the round is completed:

1. Contact their Coach or Chaperone (“Coach”) and discuss the issue.
2. If their Coach agrees, the Coach should use the Protest Google Form to provide details of the alleged offense for the Protest Committee to review. Only a Coach (or tournament staff) may file a protest (see Article XIII, Section 1.A of the Legislative Code)
3. The Protest Committee will meet expeditiously to review the protest and resolve the issue as per the NPDL Legislative Code.

Debaters, Coaches and Judges should familiarize themselves with the applicable sections of the NPDL Round Rules (see Article XII of the Legislative Code)

They should do so prior to the tournament and before filing a protest, as only subsections marked with an asterisk are grounds for a protest. An issue that is not covered by an asterisked subsection is not protestable, but may be referred to the Equity Committee. Issues that do not affect the outcome of the round are not handled by the Protest Committee, but may be referred to the Equity Committee.