Thomas S Foley TOC NITOC Bid Memorial Tournament
2024 — Spokane Valley, WA/US
Questions Re: JV Policy
Dear Debate Friends,
May I clear up some questions I have had regarding the JV Policy event at this year’s Foley. I am excited that there is interest being shown in this new to some of us and old to some of us approach that we are using in an attempt to bring CX back to Eastern Washington. I hope your kids try it and have fun with it. When my kids tried it at the Shadle Tournament they had a blast. They wrote their own cases and actually understood their own cases. :)
1. The event is NOT limited to novices even though we are using the novice case list.
2. Here is the novice case list:
a. The 2023-24 High School Policy Debate Resolution:
Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase fiscal
redistribution in the United States by adopting a federal jobs guarantee, expanding Social
Security, and/or providing a basic income.
Novices in policy debate may use affirmative cases in these areas:
Universal Basic Income (generic)
Means-Tested Universal Basic Income
Green New Deal Federal Jobs Guarantee
Social Security 2100 Act
Social Security in Puerto Rico
Negative Advocacies:
A critique of capitalism may be run.
No other kritiks or counterplans are permitted.
Inclusion on this list in no way guarantees a plan is topical.
3. The JV Rules as stated in the tournament invite state:
NOTE: Junior Varsity Debate will follow rules which are being tried at this and other GSL tournaments in an effort to bring back CX/Policy Debate in our area. The following rules apply in Junior Varsity CX:
4. No spreading. No fast speed. We are trying to get kids who are just starting this type of event to be able to learn the basics.
5. No email chains will be allowed with judges. Sharing of cases shall be no different than in any other type of debate.
6. Computers and internet are allowed to the extent they are used in other styles of debate.
7. Competitors are limited to the 2023 Fall Washington State Novice case list. Copies of the applicable case list will be provided to anyone who needs a copy of the same.
8. If open and junior varsity divisions end up having to be collapsed, open students when hitting a team which had registered as junior varsity would be limited to the junior varsity rules in that round. In any round in which registered open teams are hitting other registered open teams, the junior varsity rules would not apply
4. If students enter this event, they would not be eligible for the Foley Speaker's Award UNLESS the OPEN and JV events were collapsed. If that happened, I would allow coaches to add affected students to the Foley Speaker's Award event.
Thank you for your questions. Please let me know of any other questions you may have.
David Smith