California High School Speech Association State Championship
2023 — Carlsbad, CA/US
Judge Info
Dear Judges,
Thank you so much for helping us pull off the monumental task of as our first in-person State Championship in three years. Please know that, for many, in-person tournaments are a newer or less familiar experience, so it’s ok if you have questions or need some assistance. Above all, and especially after the last couple of years, I think it is important that we lead with grace, understanding, and empathy, for each other and the kids, as we all navigate this different and sometimes confusing new world. Don’t get me wrong: we can do this and that is in no small part due to your willingness to be here for these awesome kids. I appreciate you.
Here is a document that was set to all judges with more, specific info.
You have been signed up by a coach to judge at State 2023. Some important things you can do to help us have the smoothest tournament experience possible:
* Please make sure your contact information (phone and email) on your Tabroom profile is correct. Here are instructions on how to do that. While in your profile, you can also update your name and pronouns if you'd like.
* If you qualify as diversity enhancing, please update your Tabroom profile to reflect that. Diversity can include, but is not limited to, characteristics such as race/ethnicity, gender expression, ability, and identification as part of the LGBTQ+ community. Enhancing diversity suggests that a person’s identities are different from those which have traditionally been represented or valued in a given space. When judges self-elect as diversity enhancing, it helps us put together judging panels that better reflect our students and community as a whole. Please know that registering as Diversity Enhancing is totally optional, as is entering pronouns, but when those who are able do either or both, it can help us foster a more inclusive tournament space for all.
* Please know that if you are entered to judge on a specific day, the expectation is that you are available for that entire day. We very likely will NOT be using you every round, but please stay near your phone or computer, that way you can get an alert if we do need to tag you in. If we need to swap you in and aren’t able to get ahold of you, the school you are judging for may incur a fine.
If you would like some additional judge training, the NSDA and NFHS partnered to create an online course that is totally free and which you can access here. This program takes a little over an hour, but will help you get a great handle on the basics of judging.
I am also requesting that all judges at minimum complete the NSDA and NFHS cultural competency training. Once this training is complete, you'll receive a badge on your Tabroom profile. This cultural competency training is part of the previously listed adjudicator training from NSDA and NFHS, but can be taken as a stand alone offering. So, if you are an experienced judge who doesn't need to do the longer course above, please at least complete the cultural competency training if you haven't before. If you'd like to learn more about how implicit bias impacts students in speech and debate, click here. If you would like to learn more about culturally competent judging, click here.
If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your school coach or me; my email is if you need me.
Thank you again,
Angelique Ronald
pronouns: she/ her
State Tournament Director
If you would like information on how to judge, the NSDA provides tremendous options which you can find here.
We ask that ALL JUDGES, regardless of experience level, please complete the NFHS free cultural competency training for judges. This only takes about 20 minutes and can be found here.
This goes without saying for the overwhelming majority of our wonderful judges, but for those that do need to hear this: it is NEVER appropriate for an adult judge to attempt to privately communicate with a minor student. This is true via email, over social media, or through any other channels. This is for the safety of all involved (and that includes you, the adult).
Please remember that CHSSA does not allow judges to receive and review evidence directly from students, so there is no reason for any adult to be giving an minor child their email address.
Any judge found to be trying to privately communicate with students will be removed from the tournament immediately and the school supplying the judge will face a fine if they cannot provide an alternate.