FGCCFL Grand Finals
2023 — St. Peterbsurg, FL/US
NCFL Information
FGCCFL qualifies SIX students/teams in each event to compete at NCFL Grand Nationals in Louisville, KY in May. We also announce two alternates in each event. Coaches are responsible for meeting FGCCFL registration information deadlines. Forms will be provided to coaches with qualifiers with a deadline for student Competitor confirmations. The sooner competitors are confirmed or dropped the sooner schools with alternates can be notified. Coaches will also receive a form requiring all judge names, emails, cell numbers, judge pools, level of experience, confirmed hotels, and additional information required from us for the tournament.
Reminders for returning and new coaches: Coaches are EXPECTED to attend nationals with your teams. Please do not put parents in charge of your team in Kentucky. We hold a Friday evening district meeting for coaches so we can share all of the necessary information for the weekend. Plan in advance. Confirmation dates also will include receipt of NCFL national entry fees which get paid to FGCCFL. FGCCFL submits registration and fees to NCFL. Schools do NOT register their own teams.
NCFL charges extra fees per person if schools do not use the block hotels. Once that information is available you will be notified. Schools are responsible to make their own hotel reservations using the block and their own travel information. Please do not contact NCFL regarding the tournament. You can email Terri at <tessspeak@aol.com> with all of your questions. Terri registers the district, coaches do not register for NCFL Grand Nationals.