FGCCFL Grand Finals
2023 — St. Peterbsurg, FL/US
FGCCFL Grand Finals Championship Tournament
St. Petersburg High School
2501 Fifth Avenue North
St. Petersburg, FL 33713
Saturday, 25 February 2023
Registration 7:15 – 7:45 AM
Host Coach: Kiya Broughton, 1-727-831-7122
NOT a LOCAL tournament invite. Please read it all!
Events: All NCFL Events. No double entries. No more than FOUR entries per event.
We will use NSDA FEBRUARY debate topics:
PFD: Resolved: In the United States, right-to-work laws do more harm than good.
LD: Resolved: Justice requires open borders for human migration.
Policy topic remains the same.
We will use the following Extemp topic areas:
US Politics & Policy (domestic and foreign)
Foreign Affairs (including US foreign policy)
US and Global Economy
Media, Culture, Science & Technology
Finals: Societal Values & Ethical Issues
Cost: $25.00 per competitor including host/lunch fee PLUS an additional $10.00 lunch fee for each judge. Fees can be paid via Pay Pal on the league website, checks (made out to FGCCFL) for the full amount, or cash. All fees must be paid in full by the fourth round of the tournament. Late payments are no longer accepted.
Food: Closed campus (FGCCFL rule). No one may leave campus for lunch and no one may have lunch delivered during tournaments. Lunches are automatically ordered for students and judges as part of registration; ONE complimentary lunch will be provided to each school for the head coach. Coaches must order all vegetarian lunches on Tabroom.
Judging requirements: One (1) judge for every FOUR IE and Congress entries combined; schools with Congress entries must designate at least one “Prefer Congress” judge who has NO entry conflicts with Congress. One (1) judge for every two LD entries. One (1) judge for every two PFD team entries. LD and PFD Judges will be placed in one debate pool and must be cross-trained. One (1) judge for each TD team entry. COACHES: Do not count yourself in your judge quota as we must be able to use you where needed! All coaches should be prepared to serve as Parliamentarians, supervise Extemp Prep, or judge as needed in elimination rounds which require panels. Judges should be cross-trained. Remember to list conflicts (by STUDENT FULL NAME) in the “Judge Notes” space on Tabroom.
This is the qualifying tournament for NCFL Grand Nationals in May. Please register your best students and most qualified judges.
[UPDATED 2023.02.13] Balloting: All events at this tournament will use paper ballots. Specimen ballots are available for review at <https://fgccfl.net/home/events-rules/> Judges should bring pens (preferably black or dark blue). Judges may use their electronic devices to take notes, but all decisions are to be submitted on paper within the usual time frame (15 minutes after the final speech of the round).
Be sure to register for the correct tournament. Registration must be submitted online by the school’s coach only. Registration will not be accepted once registration is closed or by any other means other than Tabroom unless directed to do so. Pay attention to your school registration for students, judges in correct pools, and total lunch orders. Tabroom registration will close at 9 PM on the Thursday prior to the tournament week. Please have registration confirmed before
registering the team on Tabroom. Registration deadline for this tournament is Thursday, 16 February at 9 PM. This includes uploading legislation.
Please remember that your school must have competed in at least TWO full FGCCFL tournaments and each student must have competed in at least one full tournament.
Coaches must have set up team and judge rosters on Tabroom prior to attempting to register. All students and judges must set up their own individual Tabroom accounts.
TITLE REQUIREMENT FOR IE: Selection titles, authors, and publication information (where applicable) must be specified for all entries in OO, DEC, DP, OI, and DUO. For OI, please list the two program titles (separated by a slash) in the Title field, then list all included works in the Bibliography field.
Please note: The Executive Committee will levy additional tournament fees of $25.00 for any dropped entry on the tournament day including drops after start of first round, and for each registered, but missing judge. All changes made after the close of registration, but before tournament day must be reported to Jym Froelich at <James.Froelich@sarasotacountyschools.net> and Josh Schneider at <joshschneider@me.com>. Schools will forfeit registration fees for all drops made after the close of online registration on the Thursday before tournament week.
Tournament Day Registration: 7:15 – 7:45.
Only the team Head Coach or Assistant Coach should proceed through the registration line. Coaches should have confirmed presence of all students and judges prior to registration and must be completed no later than 7:45 AM.
Head Coaches or Assistant Coaches should register in the Media Center. Students will report to the Cafeteria. Judges will report to the Media Center. Please bring a copy of registration from Tabroom, check made out to FGCCFL or cash, or PayPal receipt from the league website.
Schools MUST be registered no later than 7:45 AM. Announcements for students and judges will begin at 8:00 AM. Rounds should begin by 8:30 AM.
Every school entering Student Congress MUST provide at least one (1) piece of satisfactory legislation. Schools may submit up to four (4) items, but no student may sponsor more than one (1) item.
All legislation must be written using the templates on the FGCCFL website and uploaded to Tabroom by the registration deadline (9:00 p.m. on the Thursday prior to tournament week). Late, frivolous, stale, or unsatisfactory legislation will not be considered. The legislative docket and chamber assignments will be published on Friday evening.
REPEAT WARNING: Legislation that is not written using the Template and submitted using anything other than Microsoft WORD format will be Summarily Rejected.
Coaches may email legislation to Josh Schneider <joshschneider@me.com> for review; allow 48 hours for a response. This is NOT a substitute for uploading the legislation to Tabroom.