John Edie Holiday Debates Hosted by The Blake School
2022 — Minneapolis, MN/US
7th Annual Diversity in Debate Conference 2022
The importance of diversity and equity has never been more important. As an opportunity to further community discussions, we are pleased to host the 7th Annual Diversity in Debate Conference on Tuesday, December 20th. The focus for this conference is tournament equity practices, including training (pre-tournament) and committee practices to deal with equity and rules concerns (brought up during a tournament).
We will be online here from 9AM to 12 PM or 12:30 CT on the following zoom
Our ending will for sure be by 1PM, it just depends on how the crowd feels about it.
We be in person in the MN Room on the 6th floor of the Marriott, but we will also be on zoom so that everyone that wants to join can participate. Topics will flow around what the participants wish to talk about. We will start with two presentations, but the conversation can go in many directions.
Keynote Speaker -- Paul Porter, Director of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Student Presenter -- Sebastian Rao - Colonial Forge High School, Virginia
"Equity in the Debate Round: A Student’s Perspective"
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