John Edie Holiday Debates Hosted by The Blake School
2022 — Minneapolis, MN/US
Maverick and Missed Round Policies
Teams may debate one round as a maverick (1 debater or 2 debaters in worlds) and still win the round. In that round the second speaker in Policy and PF will get a score of 20. In Worlds the debaters must do the 1/3 and 2/4 speech rotation and receive normal points based upon the judge evaluation. Upon a second maverick round then the team can continue to debate and be awarded wins but they will not be eligible to break. A team cannot debate an elimination round as a maverick.
Missed Rounds Policy for Judges:
If a judge fails to pick up their ballot at the tournament. There will be a$50 per judge per prelim round missed and $100 for elim rounds.