South Oregon District Tournament

2022 — OR/US

South Oregon District Qualifier

for the 2022 National Tournament
Congress & BQ
SoOr Nat Quals Congress
Online Campus, OR
Sat 3/5 Sat 3/5 HSE SEN
Individual Events/Debate
South Medford High School
South Medford High School, OR


Schedules: Subject to change based on entries

WORLD SCHOOLS: Saturday, March 5 (Link will be sent out prior to the meeting.)


10:00: WSD coach discussion online Worlds Nomination Form


CONGRESS: Saturday, March 5 ONLINE (We will use Zoom for Congress. Please let us know ASAP if your school blocks Zoom.)


Note: We must have 8 schools to seat the Senate and 16 entries to seat the House

8:45 Oath of Office and chambering

9:00 – 12:00 Congress Session 1 (multiple House chambers of 18 or fewer)

12:00 – 1:15 Lunch

1:30 – 4:30 Congress Session 2

5:30  Awards (WSD team will be announced at the Speech and Debate Qualifier)


BIG QUESTION: Saturday, March 5 TBA(Please put in your entries ASAP)

9:00-10:00 BQ Round 1

10:00-11:00 BQ Round 2

11:00-12:00 BQ Round 3

1:30-2:30 BQ Round 4

2:30-3:30 BQ Round 5

3:30-4:30 BQ Round 6

4:30-5:30 BQ Round 7 (if needed)


SPEECH & DEBATE: Saturday, March 12, South Medford High School


9:30-10:00 Registration

10:00-11:30 Round 1: Debate

11:30-1:00 Round 2: Debate

1:00-2:30 Round 1: All Speech Events + Extemp Prep starting at 1:00

2:30-4:00 Round 2: All Speech Events + Extemp Prep starting at 2:30

4:00-5:30 Round 3: Debate

5:30-7:00 Round 3: All Speech Events + Extemp Prep starting at 5:30

SPEECH & DEBATE: Sunday, March 13, South Medford High School

8:30 – 10:00 Round 4: Debate

10:00 – 11:30 Speech Finals: TBA

11:30 – 1:00 Round 5: Debate

1:00 – 2:30 Speech Finals: TBA

2:30 – 4:00 Round 6: Debate

4:00 – 5:30 Round 7: Debate as needed

6:00 Speech and Debate Awards



$40 school fee (owed only once for the tournament series)

$15.00 per speech or debate event

$10.00 per congress entry

$5 per Big Question debate

Judging fees:  $15 per uncovered speech, debate (including BQ and Worlds) entry 


Please make checks payable to: 

South Oregon NSDA

c/o Kayla Crook

1809 Grant St

North Bend, OR 97459

If you owe fees to NSDA National, please be sure you bring proof of payment to me. You will not be able to participate if you owe the NSDA money!!