South Oregon District Tournament
2022 — OR/US
South Oregon District Qualifier
for the 2022 National Tournament
World Schools
South Oregon World Schools Debate
Definition: World Schools Debate features a dynamic form of debate combining the concepts of ‘prepared’ topics with ‘impromptu’ topics, encouraging debaters to focus on specific issues rather than debate theory or procedural arguments. This highly interactive style of debate allows debaters to engage each other, even during speeches. This challenging format requires good teamwork and in-depth quality argumentation (NSDA).
South Oregon has the opportunity to send two teams this year. The hybrid teams are made up of five students with varying debate and speech backgrounds who are nominated and then selected by coaches. The teams are coached by two South Oregon coaches who will travel with the team and fulfill the judging obligations at the national tournament.
Nomination Process:
Coaches and/or students fill out the google form titled “World Schools Nomination Form” by 2/26/2022 (nominations will not be accepted at the meeting). One form for each student nominated is needed. No nominations will be accepted after this date.
Selection Process:
Coaches meet at Congress National Qualifier to finalize nominations.
Coaches collaborate to rank students based on NSDA points in debate and speech, grade level, experience, ability to meet deadlines, and willingness to work with others.
The rankings will be broken down into three categories: Teams, Alternates (in order), and Nominated (unranked)
Coaches meet at Speech and Debate National Qualifier before awards to finalize the teams based on qualification for other events and single entry choices. No new nominations will be accepted at the second meeting.
In the event that fewer than ten nominated students remain in the pool of candidates, South Oregon may choose to send fewer teams, or none at all.
Note: Students MUST compete in an NSDA District event in order to be eligible for World Schools.
World Team Responsibilities:
Students selected for the team are responsible for a $50.00 registration fee paid to NSDA and a $200 nonrefundable participation fee paid to the South Oregon District by April 30, 2022. The fee will help to cover the costs (hotel, flight, vehicle, etc) for the World Debate coaches to travel to nationals. In the past, coaches either paid out of pocket or their teams paid for the cost. These are not sustainable solutions.
Communication: Students must have a Google account (Google hangout, docs, etc.) to access materials and to work together.
Practice: Students must be committed to work days before nationals, plus additional research and preparation/online work on their own prior to the National Tournament.
Students unable to fulfill the responsibilities must contact the district chair to decline their nomination as soon as possible. The alternates list will be used to fill any openings.