EV Novite

2016 — CA/US


Judge Requirement

1 judge covers 2 debate entries.

1 judge covers 6 speech entries.

Each judge can only cover entries in one event.


Judge Qualifications

We ask that schools enter the most qualified judges they can bring. Coaches are encouraged to judge. At the minimum, the judge should be either:

1) an adult who has a high school diploma/equivalent and understands English, or

2) a junior/senior varsity competitor.

At least half of the judges a school brings should be adults.


Entering Judges on Tabroom

When you enter a judge, Tabroom will ask you for "Qualification History." Please indicate if your judge is a (1) coach, (2) parent, (3) varsity student - indicate event, or (4) other - explain.

Under "Other Details," Tabroom will also ask you for "Judge Cell Phone Number." Please enter the number of the phone your judge will have with them at the tournament. 


Uncovered Entries

$20/uncovered entry.

We do not quarantee that we will be able to accept all uncovered enrties, but we will try to find as many judges as we can.

If you do enter a judge, and they do not show up, there will be a $40 nuisance fee for every missing ballot.



All judge names and information should be entered by 3/21.

Your judging obligation is frozen on 3/20 - if you drop an entry after that time, you must still cover it with a judge.