EV Novite

2016 — CA/US



School Fee



Entry Fee

OO, Impromptu, HI, DI: $20 per entry

Duo, LD: $30/entry

Parli, PF, Policy: $40/entry

Some of this money will go toward providing free food at the tournament to all coaches, judges, and competitors.



Entries are eligible for a full refund if they are dropped by 3/16. No refunds after 3/16.


Nuisance Fees

$10 late fee for every entry registered between 3/17 and 3/20

$10/entry late fee for name changes after 3/17

$10/entry additional drop fee for dropping after 3/20

$10/entry no-show fee for missing two or more rounds


Judge-Related Fees/Deadlines

see the judging tab



Please make all checks payable to EVHS ASB.

In the 'Memo' section, please write "Novite - [Your School Name]."

Mail the checks to P.O. Box 731053, San Jose, CA 95173.


All entry/judge fees should be received (NOT postmarked) by 3/21.

Nuisance fees can be paid during on-campus registration.