TFA State

2021 — Online, TX/US

Fees and Payment Information

2021 TFA State Fees

CX Debate


PF Debate


LD Debate


World Schools Debate


Congressional Debate


Duet Acting/Duo


Individual Events


Consolation Events


Judge Bond


*Virtual Fee


Hired Debate Judge (each)

Hired Speech Judge (each)



Hired Congress Judge



 * The virtual fee will go toward payment for the online platform provided by 

Entry fees are locked as of Wednesday, February 24th, at 5:00 PM CST.  After that date until Monday, March 1st at 5:00 PM CST, drops will incur a penalty fee equal to the cost of the original entry. Drops after Monday, March 1st at 5:00 PM CST will incur a penalty of double the original entry fee.  No-shows during the tournament incur a penalty of double the original entry fee and must be paid immediately, or every entry from that school may be removed from the tournament.

All checks must be made payable to the Texas Forensic Association.

The entry deadline for all events is Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 5:00 PM CST. Full payments must be received by Wednesday, March 3 (CANNOT be a purchase order; must be a check, or schools may pay through PayPal at No exceptions to this requirement.  If you have questions or concerns regarding your school’s entry or payment, email BOTH President, Lillian Adeyemi, and Treasurer, Noah Recker. Please send payment to Noah Recker, 225 Bluebonnet Road, La Vernia, TX 78121. 

Also, ALL outstanding tournament fees from prior tournaments as well as any remaining balance from hosting with classrooms.clouds must all be paid in full by Wednesday, March 3rd.   NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE.  

The judging bond may be submitted in any of the following ways:

  1. The judge bond may be part of the entry fee check. (Not encouraged)
  2. The judge bond may be a separate check. (Preferred)
  3. The judge bond may be a personal check. (Also, not encouraged)

Schools that send a separate check for the judge bond (school or personal) will have their check held and mailed back to them uncashed after the completion of the tournament.  Schools that send a combined check for the bond and entry fee will receive a refund check after the completion of the tournament. 

The judge bond is required to participate in the tournament.

Full Payment must be received by Wednesday, March 3, 2021 to Noah Recker, TFA Treasurer.

Make checks payable to: 

Texas Forensic Association

Attn: Noah Recker

225 Bluebonnet Road

La Vernia , TX 78121