2022 Blacksnake NIETOC
2022 — Pocatello, ID/US
BlackSnake Debate Tournament
January 7-8, 2022 @ Idaho State University
Opening Meeting: https://meet.google.com/rcj-
Awards Presentation: Slideshow
You are all invited to attend the BlackSnake Tournament.
We offer Policy Debate, Lincoln-Douglas Debate,
Public Forum Debate, Student Congress, World Schools Debate,
Extemp, Informative, Program of Oral Interpretation, Retold Story, Humorous Interp, Dramatic Interp, Duo Interp, After Dinner Speaking, Communication Analysis, Original Oratory, Salesmanship and Impromptu
This year we will be awarding NIETOC Speech bids.
Hosted by Blackfoot HS
and Pocatello HS
Sponsored by Idaho State University
Communication Department
Questions? Contact:
Marcy Curr at currma@sd25.us or call/text 208-317-6143.
A Special Thanks to Cheri Clawson, Amy Walker, Wendy Shelman,
Peggy Oliver and Leora Hansen
for dedicating their lives to excellence in forensics.
Schedule for 2022 Black Snake
Subject to Change
8:30 a.m. Registration
9:00 a.m. Judge Meeting – Opening Ceremony SUB Ballroom
9:30 a.m. Round 1 Speech
11:45 a.m. Round 2 Speech
1:30 p.m. Round 3 Speech
3:30 p.m. Round 1 Debate
3:30 p.m. Congress Session 1 (Ends 5:45)
6:00 p.m. Round 2 Debate
6:00 pm Congress Session 2 (Ends 8:45)
8:00 p.m. Round 3 Debate
7:45 a.m. Judges and Coaches sign-in
8:00 a.m. Semi-Finals Speech
10:00 a.m. Finals Speech
12:00 p.m. Round 4 Debate
12 p.m. Congress Session 3 (Ends 1:15 p.m.)
2:30 p.m. Round 5 Debate & Congress (Hidden Quarters for Policy Hidden Octos for LD/PF events with more than 32 competitors)
3:45 p.m. Congress Super Session (Ends 4:45 p.m)
4:30 p.m. Quarter Finals Debate LD/PF
Semi Finals Policy
5:30 p.m Semi Finals LD/PF
7:00 p.m. Awards in SUB Ballroom
8:00 p.m. All Debate Final Rounds