FosterFulshear Swing
2021 — Richmond, TX/US
August 2, 2021
Dear TFA Community,
Welcome back! We are so thrilled to be hosting the first face to face tourney back in the Houston area. The past sixteen months have been hard on so many levels but we are proud of the work that was done virtually over the past months. That being said, traditionally, the Renaissance after the plague has been amazing. We have no doubt that we will see the same thing in our forensics and theater programs over the next year.
Some important details:
The tourney will be hosted at Foster High School.
We will swing all Speech and interp events and Congress.
We will host one World Schools and Debate Tourney.
Safety Protocols (as of now) are up to Districts. Masks are not required. You are welcome to enforce your schools safety protocols.
Please remind your students before arriving at Foster about courtesy. Our students have not traveled to each others spaces in A LONG time and may need to be reminded of how to treat others spaces.
We plan to use electronic ballots. Coaches and Judges will need to be a device to use to judge. If this is a challenge, we will have laptops available for use.
Those interested in judging should see the info on the Judge page.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Kendra Willeby at or Kasey Willeby at
We are thrilled to host the 2021 TFA Family Reunion!
Kendra and Kasey Willeby, Foster High School
Troy Menn and Nick Farco, Fulshear High School