Berkeley High School Parli Invitational
2022 — NSDA Campus, CA/US
We have added some notes on the East Coast Blizzard in the sidebar. We hope that all participants stay safe and minimally affected by the storm.
The Judge Room, Speaker Awards Ceremony, and all elimination rounds will be on Zoom. Prelims will be in NSDA Campus. Check the schedule for more detail.
We have moved judge orientation up to 7:30 am on Saturday. All judges should be there.
The livedoc is here. (This is the published version, which can accommodate unlimited simultaneous views. Please discard the link in early emails.) The upside is that an unlimited number of people can view the doc at a time. The downside is that it takes a few minutes to refresh. If you tried to access the livedoc and received a message saying it was restricted, please try this link.
The tentative schedule, topic strike procedure, equity policy and procedures, and NSDA Campus training videos are all posted in the sidebar on Tabroom.
Each team may (but need not) strike up to two judges by 5 pm Pacific on Friday. There is a “strikes” tab in Tabroom when you click on your username, then click on “Entries” next to this tournament.
See you Saturday morning!
Schedule updated. We are breaking to octofinals in the open division.
There will be topic strikes for all rounds. See sidebar for details.
In light of the tournament size, we are adding more elimination rounds in Novice and JV. Please see updated schedule in the sidebar.
Berkeley High Speech and Debate is delighted to invite you to our Sixth Annual High School Parliamentary Debate Invitational on Saturday, January 29, and Sunday, January 30, 2022. Our invitational is usually one of the largest of the year, and we look forward to hosting teams from every part of the parli community. Last year, teams from six states and Canada competed in the tournament. For 2022, we already have teams from four US states, Canada and China registered!
We will be hosting the tournament primarily through NSDA campus, with larger elements (judge room, some elimination rounds) on Zoom.
We will offer five single-flighted prelims, breaking to finals in the Novice and JV divisions, and quarterfinals in Open. quarterfinals in Novice, semifinals in JV, and Octofinals in open.
This will be a one-day tournament for novice and JV, with late Open elimination rounds on Sunday morning.
Both members of a novice team must be in their first year competing in any debate event. A coach may, in their discretion, enter a middle school student in novice if the student is in the second year of competition and has not broken to elimination rounds at a tournament. Entry of more experienced debaters in JV or Open is up to coach discretion.
Unless specifically noted, we will follow National Parliamentary Debate League Online Round Rules. Partner prep only will be allowed.
This tournament has been autoapproved for NPDL points.
Register on Tabroom. No school fee. The entry fee is $50/team for Novice and JV, and $65/team for Open. Adds and drops should be made by January 24, 2022 at 5 pm; after that, drops are non-refundable. There will be a nuisance fee of $25 for changes (other than names) after that date, and for any changes within 24 hours of the tournament. Payment must be received by January 25.
Paypal to or mail to
Berkeley High Speech and Debate c/o Rich Simon 2111 Grant St Berkeley, CA 94703
Do not mail checks to Berkeley High School: they will lose your money. Please follow payment procedures on the invoice.
Fee waivers are available based on need.
All competitors and judges must have linked accounts.
One judge covers two teams. The fee is $75 per uncovered entry.
All judges must have Tabroom accounts including mobile phone numbers.
Independent and Hybrid Entries
All entries should be registered under the name of the school they attend, if possible. Hybrids should be registered under both schools. Exceptions will require written permission from the head coach of any affected school. No independent entries are permitted from a school that is entering teams under the school’s name, absent unusual circumstances, which should be discussed with the tournament director beforehand.
For independent entries, clubs, and hybrid teams, the burden of avoiding judging conflicts will be on the judges and competitors involved. Judges must note all conflicts in Tabroom. A common club affiliation (e.g., the judge is a coach, or parent of a student, in the same club program as one or more debaters in a round) is a conflict. The burden is on the judge and affiliated team to notify the tournament of any conflict before and during the tournament. Failure to do so will result in a forfeit for the affiliated team.
There will be an equity officer at the tournament. Procedures for reporting discrimination or harassment will be announced beforehand.
Any concerns about any aspect of the tournament can also be directed to the tournament director, before, during, or after the tournament.
Misc. Information
Topics, schedule updates, and other announcements during the tournament will be made through this Google Doc.
Please check regularly, as the schedule may be adjusted as the day progresses.
Feel free to email us at with questions and comments.
Thank you,
Berkeley High Speech and Debate