Mardi Gras
2016 — MA/US
Novice Extemp
Event Description:
This event is limited to first year extemporaneous speaking competitors ONLY. The students will draw three topics of current interest from the material prepared by the tournament director. Usually topics are based on articles taken from recent issues of publications from major media outlets. The student must pick one of the three topics to prepare for a presentation. The students will have a 30 minute preparation period during which personal information files of books, magazines, and/or newspapers may be used to put together the presentation. After the preparation period, the student should deliver a speech to be evaluated for content and delivery. A single note-card with no more than 50 written words is permitted. If a note-card is to be used, the judge must review it prior to the presentation. Any note-card violation should be brought to the attention of the prep room coordinator prior to the speech; or, the student may choose to proceed without the use of the note-card. The topic slip must be presented to the judge in the round. No visual aids are allowed.
Time: 7 minute maximum (30 second grace); no minimum
Students may only enter Novice Extemp if they meet the MFL criteria for novice status, with the exception that such status shall be calculated in extemporaneous speaking specifically, not forensics as a whole.