Viking Clash High School

2023 — Bountiful, UT/US

Princeton Extemp

Abbreviation PX
Format Speech
Entry Fee $4.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Princeton Extemp runs like normal extemporaneous speaking, with a 30 minute preparation period for a 7 minute speech. Unlike traditional Extemp, topics are generally humorous or nonsensical in nature, and generally do not require sources. Students may approach these to give serious or comical speeches.


  1. If you are traveling at light speed and turn on the headlights, what happens?
  2. How much wood would a woodchuck eat in the spring if a woodchuck would eat wood?
  3. Why is it 1 goose and 2 geese but 1 moose and 2 moose not meese?