Viking Clash High School

2023 — Bountiful, UT/US

Extemporaneous Debate

Abbreviation XDB
Format Debate
Entry Fee $4.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

In extemp debate, topics are handed out at least 30 minutes before the debate with sides chosen by the computer, with second flight speakers getting slightly more time. The format follows the rules as listed by the NSDA:

2 - Proposition Constructive
1 - Cross Examination of the Proposition
2 - Opposition Constructive
1 - Cross Examination of the Opposition
1 - Mandatory Prep Time
2 - Proposition Rebuttal
2 - Opposition Rebuttal
1 - Mandatory Prep Time
2 - Proposition Rebuttal
2 - Opposition Rebuttal

Practice Topics:

Resolved: Zoos do more harm than good.
Resolved: On balance, in college sports, monetizing Name, Image and Likeness (NIL) does more harm than good.
Resolved: The United States should claim territory in Antarctica.
Resolved: On balance, publicly televising criminal trials does more harm than good.